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  DE-FOA-0000984 Wind Forecasting Improvement Project in Complex Terrain Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Wind Energy Technologies (WETO) 5/5/2014 05:00 PM ET 6/5/2014 05:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0000984: Wind Forecasting Improvement Project in Complex Terrain

The purposes of this modification are to:

1. update the FOA with information presented during the Informational Webinar on the support roles of DOE National Laboratories and NOAA with respect to the FOA research areas with the addition of Appendix G.

2. revise the FOA to show that applicant replies to reviewer comments is extended from two business days to three business days in Section IV.F.

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is aimed at improving the physical understanding of atmospheric processes which directly impact the wind industry forecasts and incorporate the new understanding into the foundational weather forecasting models.  The awardee, in partnership with Department of Energy (DOE), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and a Balancing Authority (BA), will conduct a field campaign in an area of complex terrain to assess how physical processes alter wind speeds at hub heights. From this research, the team will work to develop physical modeling schemes or atmospheric theories that can be incorporated in foundational weather models to improve wind forecasting.

The eXCHANGE system is currently designed to enforce hard deadlines for Concept Paper and Full Application submissions. The APPLY and SUBMIT buttons automatically disable at the defined submission deadlines. The intention of this design is to consistently enforce a standard deadline for all applicants.

Applicants that experience issues with submissions PRIOR to the FOA Deadline:
In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance ( The eXCHANGE helpdesk &/or the EERE eXCHANGE System Administrators ( will assist the Applicant in resolving all issues.

An Informational Webinar was held on April 21, 2014. You may access the recorded webinar at the following link.


  • DE-FOA-0000984 - Wind Forecasting Improvement Project in Complex Terrain Modification 0001 (Last Updated: 3/19/2014 12:41 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0000984_Informational_Webinar_Slides_4-21-14 (Last Updated: 4/23/2014 11:42 AM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424 - Application for Financial Assistance (Last Updated: 4/2/2014 12:15 PM ET)
  • EERE 159 - Budget Justification (Last Updated: 4/2/2014 12:17 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL - Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 4/2/2014 12:19 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 5/5/2014 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 6/5/2014 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 7/7/2014 6:00 PM ET – 7/11/2014 11:59 PM ET