This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support the
development of technologies that mitigate U.S. transportation and logistics
constraints affecting the deployment of taller utility-scale wind turbine
systems. Continued turbine up-scaling and design advancements are expected to
increase turbine performance and lower costs. Scaling to higher hub heights
allows wind turbines to capture less turbulent and often stronger wind
resources, thereby improving productivity
and economics. Supported projects will develop lifecycle cost-competitive
tower solutions that address the challenges of fabricating, transporting,
assembling, maintaining, and decommissioning towers for turbine hub heights of
at least 120 m. These projects will strengthen U.S. competitiveness in
manufacturing wind turbine components, reduce the cost of wind energy, and
dramatically expand the geographic range of cost-effective wind power in the
United States.
The eXCHANGE system is currently designed to
enforce hard deadlines for Concept Paper and Full Application submissions. The
APPLY and SUBMIT buttons automatically disable at the defined submission
deadlines. The intention of this design is to consistently enforce a standard
deadline for all applicants.
Applicants that experience issues with submissions PRIOR to the FOA Deadline: In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance (
An Informational Webinar was held on February 11, 2014. You may access the webinar here -