Frequently Asked Questions

Select a FOA to view questions and answers for the specific funding opportunity. Alternatively select "Non-FOA related items" to view system FAQ items.

Question 1: There is a conflict in deadlines for submitting the LOI: "Letters of Intent are required and are due 6/9/11, final proposals due 6/23/11" - "Letter of Intent Submission Deadline: 5/20/2011 11:59 PM ET" Please advise?
Answer 1:

The discrepancy has been corrected on the eXCHANGE website. Letters of Intent are required and are due 6/9/11. Full applications are due 6/23/11.

Question 2: Is “creating a concept paper” the same thing as submitting a Letter of Intent?
Answer 2:

Yes. In order to submit a Letter of Intent in the eXCHANGE system for DE-FOA0000520, you must click the action button that states "Create Concept Paper" after filling out your Letter of Intent required information.

Question 3: Regarding the Subrecipient Award Budget & Justification, contractors must provide a separate budget for work that is expected to be more than $100,000 or 50% of the total work effort. Does this mean the total work effort for the year or for the entire 3 year period?
Answer 3:

The Subrecipient Award Budget & Justification thresholds apply to the entire project period.

Question 4: Who do you envision as end-users for this application?
Answer 4:

The anticipated end-users include, but should not be limited to, project developers; local, state or federal permitting officials; and other interested stakeholders (e.g. environmental groups, local community or

ganizations, etc.).

Question 5: What is your definition of "utility-scale development"? Also, is there a minimum MW requirement to be "utility-scale"?
Answer 5:

For purposes of this FOA, utility-scale development refers to ground-mounted PV and CSP systems typically interconnected to the transmission (not distribution) system.  In order to meet those requirements, an installation should be a minimum of 1MW.

Question 6: Are you interested in utility-scale distributed generation?
Answer 6:

While the primary focus of this tool is not for wholesale distributed generation projects, if projects of that nature can be effectively included in the proposal, they will be considered.

Question 7: Do we need to submit separate proposals if the application we develop under Sub-Topic 2A includes functionality that may speak directly to the content of other Sub-Topics (for example, 2B or 2C)?
Answer 7:

No, proposals for separate topics under Topic 2 may be submitted in one consolidated application.

Question 8: In Section IV.C.4., "Project Narrative File," on page 19 of the FOA, there is no discussion in the required items of the narrative description for an evaluation component, used to either provide immediate feedback (to inform and guide project improvements) or as a summative evaluation. Is an evaluation component required, encouraged, or prohibited?
Answer 8:

Section IV.C.4. Project Narrative File comprises all required items to be included in the Project Narrative (Cover Page, Project Objectives, Merit Review Criteria Discussion, Project Timetable, and Project Partners).  Anything submitted that is not included in the list of required items will be considered as optional.

Question 9: Is the sub-recipient responsible to share fully in the Cost Share requirements of the FOA or is the Cost share percentage negotiable with the prime recipient who is ultimately responsible for the Cost Share?
Answer 9:

Cost sharing is not required for applications submitted in response to this FOA.  However, the Selection Official may consider any cost share funds provided by the applicant when making selections for awards (see Section V.A.3 of the FOA). Under these circumstances, any provided cost share contributions are negotiable between the prime recipient and any subrecipients. 

Question 10: Please further explain your expectations for the contract type that will be awarded? We see that the FOA states A Financial Assistance Award or Assistance Agreement issued by the Contracting Officer is the authorizing award document, and at the very end of the document in a section titled “Cost Share,” is the statement “Fee or profit will not be paid to the award recipients or sub-recipients of financial assistance awards.” Our firm is well qualified to develop the software requested in Topic Area 2. Please advise if the statement in the final section applies to this award or if there is some circumstance under which fee and profit are allowable.
Answer 10:

Federal Financial Assistance provided by this Funding Opportunity Announcement will issued in the form of an Assistance Agreement, not a Contract (see section II.A of the FOA). Reimbursement of actual costs will only include those costs that are allowable and allocable to the project as determined in accordance with the applicable cost principles prescribed in 10 CFR 600.127, 10 CFR 600.222 or 10 CFR 600.317. In specific regards to Fee or Profit, no increment above actual costs may be paid to a recipient or subrecipient under a DOE Financial Assistance award or subaward. However, fee or profit may be paid to a contractor providing goods or services to the recipient or subrecipient of the Assistance Agreement.

Question 11: Specifically, based on our prior experience with EERE FOAs, the SF424A, along with the PMC123 Form, have been required; as opposed to the SF424 R&R plus the “Budget Justification” form. On page 23 of both FOAs, the statement is made that further instructions for providing justification to support SF424A can be found at exchange; we are unable to retrieve these instructions/guidance. In addition, both FOAs ask for a detailed “Budget Justification Spreadsheet”; in the EERE Exchange website there are none listed in the section “Required Application Docs.” To clarify: are the SF424R&R plus the Budget Justification form, and not the SF424A plus the PMC123, required? If the Budget Justification form is required, where do we access this document and instructions?
Answer 11:

For FOA DE-FOA0000520, the SF424R&R and PMC123 forms are not required. The SF424A and Budget Justification forms ARE required. The Budget Justification is not a form that is available in eXCHANGE, as you must create the budget justification spreadsheet yourself, following the Budget Justification File instructions outlined in the FOA in Appendix D.

Question 12: Would you please add me to your contact list to receive any future RFPs/RFQs or other relevant documents from the EERE, or in case you need objective, energy related experts?
Answer 12:

If you would like to receive EERE news updates, you can subscribe to receive notifications at, these typically include FOA releases. All Federal Grant information can be accessed at 

Question 13: For Subtopic 2A, are you interested in solar technologies other than PV?
Answer 13: Applications addressing both PV and CSP technologies will be considered.
Question 14: For Subtopic 2A, are there any exceptions to the open source requirements? For example, meeting the open source requirements suggests that the tool be developed as a client application download. If most of the tool is developed as a download and meets the open source requirement, will a proposal be penalized if incremental functionality is developed as a web-based application that may not be able to meet them? Furthermore, could a 100% web-based application that was available to the public qualify as open-source?
Answer 14: Applicants retain the flexibility to utilize the methods they deem most appropriate and are encouraged to build and make platforms available through modern mobile and web accessible platforms.  Proposals that demonstrate meeting FOA goals through the use of partially or fully web-based applications will be considered.
Question 15: Do you have a set of definitions and parameters for the TRL for DE-FOA-0000520, Reducing Market Barriers and Non-Hardware Balance of Systems Costs? I was not able to find it on the application site. It is required for the applicant to list starting and estimated end TRL for the proposed application in the LOI.
Answer 15: Technology Readiness Level (TRL) definitions and parameters are not applicable to the subject FOA. Applicants are not required to list starting and estimated end TRL parameters for the proposed application in the LOI.
Question 16: For Subtopic 2A: The tool that we will develop will have multiple functions, one of which is grid integration. To accomplish this task, we plan to couple our tool with a proprietary software. The tool itself will be open source and free but to perform a grid integration study, we will need to couple our tool with a commercial software package. Does this meet the expectations of this FOA? Can our tool be coupled with such proprietary software or must every piece be open source and free?
Answer 16: While limited elements of proprietary software additions may be allowed, the intention of this FOA is for the tools to be made open, available and accessible to the public.
Question 17: How do the multiple applications from a single company impact each other? Are they reviewed and awarded/rejected independently? Or, do they impact each other in any way?
Answer 17:

Multiple applications that are submitted from a single company do not impact each other.  DOE will review each application that is submitted independently. As stated in Section I of the FOA, "Entities may participate in multiple applications under one or more Topic Areas with the following restrictions: 1) Separate applications must be submitted for separate Topic Areas; and 2) An eligible entity may participate on only one (1) application as the primary applicant, but is not limited as a sub-recipient under other entities’ Applications."

Question 18: In the introduction section of DE-FOA-0000520 there is a discussion about non-hardware innovations including customer acquisition, financing and contracting. However in the body of the submission the topics to submit under are: Topic 1: Codes, Standards and Processes, Topic 2: Software Design Tools and Databases (•Sub-Topic 2A: Utility-Scale Project Siting Tool •Sub-Topic 2B: Plug-and-Play Tools to Facilitate Preparation and Review of Permit Applications •Sub-Topic 2C: Database of PV Permitting Processes in Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) •Sub-Topic 2D: PV System Verification Tool •Sub-Topic 2E: Utility Rates Database), Topic 3: Regulatory and Utility Solutions. Our concept can make a dramatic improvement and cost reduction to customer acquisition and financing. Is it appropriate for us to apply even thought we don't fit neatly into one of the Topic Areas? If yes, then which Topic area would you suggest we apply under?
Answer 18:

The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is comprehensive and designed to allow prospective applicants to assess their proposed projects versus the requirements and criteria of the FOA.  DOE cannot predetermine the suitability or viability of a proposal in advance of the merit review process.  It is up to prospective applicants to review the requirements of the FOA and assess the merits of their proposed project to determine whether to submit an application as well as to which Topic Area the proposal is best suited. Applicants must identify a Topic Area for their proposal.

Question 19: The requirement under Topic Area 2 that “applicants should estimate to the best of their abilities the cost reduction potential of the proposed activities as it relates to the use of open-source solutions” is not clear. What should be the basis of determining the cost-reduction potential – a) the current software or the lack thereof; b) comparison with a hypothetical proprietary solution?
Answer 19:

Applications to Topic Area 2 should address all Merit Review criteria in Section V.A of the FOA, which specifically addresses the degree/extent to which the Applicant demonstrates an awareness of existing technologies and efforts in these fields; the comprehensiveness of the applicant's description of existing industry and or government (federal, state, local) supported tools and agreements for leveraging and or utilizing those efforts; and the efficacy with which the Applicant identifies how its proposed project will provide improvement over, and/or continuation of these other solutions. The basis of determining the cost-reduction potential must come from the Applicant's understanding of existing processes (e.g. permitting, system design, project siting, interconnection, etc.) and the costs associated with those processes, tools and the extent to which the Applicant's proposed solutions reduce associated costs.

Question 20: When a Subrecipient receiving more than $100,000 submits its SF 424-A and Budget Justification, can it provide contract hourly rates, or must the hourly rates be actual hourly rates?
Answer 20:

Costs should be estimated based on what the subrecipient believes the actual hourly rates will be.

Question 21: Please clarify the requirements for registering with CCR and FedConnect: • I received the notice for DE-FOA-0000520 on Jun 1. It explains that CCR and FedConnect registrations are required, but is not specific about lead time for registration. Of course, this FOA has a Jun 9 deadline for letters of intent. • DE-FOA-0000549 (issued Jun 1, letter of intent due 7/18/2011) requires applicants to present a DUNS number and to register with CCR and, and to allow at least 21 days for these to process. Do the registration requirements described in FOA 549 also apply to FOA 520? And if so, should we not make similar time allowances? My concern is that in the case of FOA 520, it may be too late to begin securing the various registrations.
Answer 21: As stated in the Registration Requirements section of the FOA, beside the eXCHANGE registration system, which does not have a delay, the registration requirements listed below could take several weeks to process and are necessary in order for a potential applicant to receive an award under this announcement.

 •     Register through the EERE eXCHANGE at

     Obtain a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number at

     Register with the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) at

     Register in FedConnect at; use “Register as a Vendor” link.   To create an organization account, your organization’s CCR MPIN is required

Please note that these registrations are not required in order to submit an application through the EERE eXCHANGE site; however, they are required to receive an award under this announcement.  Therefore, all potential applicants lacking a DUNS number, or not yet registered with CCR should complete those registrations as soon as possible, but they are not required to be completed by the letter of intent due date.

Question 22: When submitting the Letter of Intent for the Reducing Market Barriers and Non-Hardware Balance of System Costs NOFA through your portal, it asks for the percent effort (1-100) that the lead applicant will have in the project. Are there any minimum or maximum limits for the percent effort (1-100) of the project that lead applicant will have?
Answer 22:

To report the percent of total work effort for each organization, the response should be based on the percent of dollars for each entity: prime recipient and subrecipient(s).  The prime recipient does not have to contribute more than 50% of the total work effort.

Please note that entities that do not meet the eligibility criterion listed under Section III, Eligibility Information, of the Funding Opportunity Announcement are not eligible to apply as the prime applicant.  However, entities not meeting this criterion are allowed as subrecipients to an eligible applicant provided that, in aggregate, not more than 20% of the total estimated DOE funding is provided to entities that do not meet the eligibility criteria.

Question 23: Can a Trade Association apply for DE-FOA-0000520 projects?
Answer 23:

Please refer to Section III.A, Eligible Applicants, in the FOA.  It is referenced here for your convenience:

An eligible applicant is 1) a legal entity established pursuant to United States Federal or State laws, with operations in the United States or its Territories or; 2) a foreign legal entity having a place of business in the United States or its Territories.  An eligible entity must be able to demonstrate that its use of DOE funds will be in the economic interests of the United States, including, for example; creation of domestic manufacturing capability; use of American products, materials or labor; payment of United States taxes; or United States technological advancements.  

Eligible applicants include but are not limited to: (1) institutions of higher education; (2) National Laboratories; (3) nonprofit and for-profit private entities; (4) State and local governments; (5) consortia of entities (1) through (4). If applying as a consortium, one member of the consortium that is an established legal entity must be designated as the lead applicant.

Entities that do not meet this eligibility criterion are not eligible to apply as the prime applicant.  However, entities not meeting this criterion are allowed as subrecipients to an eligible applicant provided that, in aggregate, not more than 20% of the total estimated DOE funding is provided to entities that do not meet the eligibility criteria.  

Nonprofit organizations described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that engaged in lobbying activities after December 31, 1995 are not eligible to apply or to be a subrecipient to an eligible applicant.

Question 24: In section IV, part C it says “All applicant must identify the Topic Area to which they are applying in each file name (e.g.., Company-1-Topic1). But the naming convention of each file is requested as “Control#_Institiution_PublicSummary” for example. Please give an example of a correct file name.
Answer 24: Please use the naming convention provided for each file as shown in the Table on Pages 25-26 of the FOA.  For instance, save the SF424(PDF) using the following naming convention: Control#_Institution_App424.PDF.
Question 25: In order to send in an LOI on the DE-FOA-0000520 / CFDA Nr. 81.117, I went through the request but can’t find an address to send it to. Please advise on where it can be submitted.
Answer 25: As stated in the Funding Opportunity Announcement under Section IV B., Letters of Intent must be submitted via the EERE eXCHANGE at
Question 26: On page 30 of 32 in the Special Terms and Conditions, there is a section on Indemnification. My university would like to change indemnify to release and it won’t pay for attorney fees and legal fees. The check box says that we agree to all terms and conditions when it is submitted. Can this be changed in advance or negotiated if an award is made?
Answer 26: When you check the box that says you agree to all terms and conditions, it is referring to those found in the Funding Opportunity Announcement.  As listed in eXCHANGE: "All applicable terms and conditions to include, but not limited to, cost share, performance period, eligibility, and cost principles may be found in Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0000520: Reducing Market Barriers and Non-Hardware Balance of System Costs."  The provision you reference is not in the FOA. 
Question 27: Is an Applicant required to have a DUNS number, registration in CCR, and registration in FedConnect in order to submit an application to this FOA?
Answer 27:

These registration requirements could take several weeks to process and are necessary in order for a potential applicant to receive an award under this announcement. Therefore, all potential applicants lacking a DUNS number, or not yet registered with CCR or FedConnect should complete those registrations as soon as possible. Applicants that do not have this requirement in place prior to September 1, 2011 may not receive an award under the announcement.

Question 28: Would you grant extensions for the Letter of Intent deadline so we can examine what you need at this stage and to formulate a pre-application?
Answer 28:

 At this time DOE does not plan to extend the Letter of Intent deadline for DE-FOA0000520.

Question 29: Can a consortium for topic area 2 have co-lead applicants?
Answer 29:

As described in Section III.A. of the FOA document, If applying as a consortium, one member of the consortium that is an established legal entity must be designated as the lead applicant.

Question 30: The user guide states that the control number must be in the upper right-hand corner of the submission. That instruction is not in the RFP. Does that instruction apply, and if so to only the first page of the application or to every page of the application?
Answer 30:

The control number is required as part of the application document naming scheme as outlined in Section IV.B. and C. of the FOA document. The control number is not required within the first page or body of any application document. 

Question 31: I am ready to submit my full application for FOA DE-FOA0000520. When will eXCHANGE begin accepting full applications?
Answer 31:

For applicants who successfully submitted a Letter of Intent, FOA DE-FOA0000520 has now been enabled to accept full applications.

Question 32: For Topic 2E, would the existing database structure and coding from for the utility database be made available to the grant recipient or does everything need to be built from scratch by the grant recipient?
Answer 32:

DOE is not seeking to build a new Utility Rate Database.  Under this sub-topic area, DOE seeks an applicant to enhance the availability of the Utility Rate information in the existing Utility Rates Database hosted on DOE’s OpenEI wiki so that it may better support solar project development and evaluation efforts.  The successful applicant will propose a methodology for collecting and entering updated data at appropriate intervals, including appropriate quality control measures. 

Question 33: We were planning to partner with National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for this application but were told that they would be servicing all awardees on behalf of the DOE for this grant. We're not sure who else to include in this item and are wondering if we must then partner with another federal agency?
Answer 33:

NREL is not restricted from applying to this Funding Opportunity. Furthermore, forming a team with a federal agency or National Laboratory is not a requirement of this Funding Opportunity.

Question 34: Will the Final application due date for DE-FOA0000520 be extended?
Answer 34:

The Full Application Submission Deadline for this FOA is 6/23/2011 11:59 PM ET. At this time, DOE does not anticipate extending this submission date.

Question 35: We have been invited to apply for the award. We have some questions and were hoping we could schedule a 30 min call with someone to discuss before we start the full application.
Answer 35:

All questions related to this FOA must be submitted to and should be submitted not later than 3 calendar days prior to the full application due date.  Questions submitted after that date may not allow the Government sufficient time to respond.  All answers to questions will be posted on the eXCHANGE website under this FOA.  Applicants are encouraged to review the posted questions and answers daily. No individual discussions will be held with potential applicants concerning this FOA.

Question 36: We will not reveal confidential financial information to our business partners, is there a method for a proposed Subrecipient to submit confidential information directly to eXCHANGE so that it can be linked to accompany our prime’s application?
Answer 36:

Prime Applicants and Subrecipients have two options.  Applicants can sign confidentiality agreements with Subcontractors/Team Members, stating they will maintain the confidential information (i.e. salary and indirect rate information) in a confidential manner, and only share the information with the Department of Energy. 


The second option is that the subcontractors can submit this information directly to the question mailbox for each FOA, if necessary.  However, we will need a letter from the Prime Applicant to give the Subcontractor permission to submit the information separately and give the Department of Energy permission to speak to the Subcontractor directly should we have any questions.

Question 37: The Budget Justification that accompanies the SF424A generally is requested in word format. In this FOA, it is being requested in Excel format. Is that a mistake or should we copy the attachment into an Excel file? Please clarify.
Answer 37:

The preferred format for the Budget Justification that accompanies the SF424A is Excel format. This should assist in providing the associated calculations to justify the costs proposed in each Object Class Category/Cost Classification Category as specified in Section IV.C. of the FOA document.

Question 38: Who should Cost Share Letters of Commitment be addressed to? If we have already received Letters of Commitment that do not have the directed individual listed in the heading, will they still be accepted?
Answer 38:

The correct individual to address Letters of Commitment to is:


Lalida Crawford

Contracting Officer, US Department of Energy

Golden Field Office

1617 Cole Blvd. Golden, CO  80401


However, all Letters of Commitment that are directed to DOE and follow the requirements detailed in Section IV.C. of the FOA document will be accepted. 

Question 39: For the Budget Justification application requirement, would the completion of a PMC 123.1 suffice?
Answer 39:

The completion of the PMC 123.1 Budget Justification form is not a required application document. However, it will suffice for the Budget Justification application document requirement.

Question 40: Does DOE have a template spreadsheet form for which we would like us to use for the “Prime Recipient Budget Justification - detailed budget spreadsheet? Do you have an example of the level of detail you would like included in this file?
Answer 40:

DOE does not have a required or example template spreadsheet for the Budget Justification application requirement. The Budget Justification is not a form that is available in eXCHANGE, as you must create the budget justification spreadsheet yourself. Please follow the Budget Justification File instructions outlined in the FOA in Appendix D.

Question 41: While we don't see any reference in the FOA that indicates we are allowed to include additional content to the Appendix beyond Letters of Support/Commitment, we also don't see a prohibition against it. So the question is, will we be penalized in some way for including additional content, or is there just no guarantee it will be reviewed/considered?
Answer 41:

As stated in Section IV.C.4 of the FOA document, the project narrative must not exceed 20 pages for Topic areas (1), (2), or (3).  This page count includes cover page, table of contents, charts, graphs, maps, photographs, and other pictorial presentations, when printed using standard 8.5” by 11” paper with 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right), single spaced.  EVALUATORS WILL REVIEW ONLY THE NUMBER OF PAGES SPECIFIED ABOVE. Additional appendices or additional content included in the Letters of Commitment appendix will not be reviewed or evaluated.    

Question 42: We have multiple Subrecipients, how do we upload multiple Budget Justification spreadsheets into eXCHANGE?
Answer 42:

Multiple Subrecipient budget files can be uploaded as a New Additional File, under Additional Files in the Upload and Submit tab. 

Question 43: We are using the Project Narrative to address the merit review criteria throughout the descriptions of the various Sub-Topic components. Would that be acceptable? We are concerned about the emphasis in the FOA about having a section "formatted to address each of the merit review criteria and sub-criteria listed" and the emphasis on doing this separately.
Answer 43:

Please refer to Section I. Funding Opportunity Description, Section IV.C. Content and Form of Application, and Section V. Application Review Information of the FOA document for specific details on what to include in the Project Narrative File. Successful applications will intimately address the FOA Scope as outlined in these Sections. DOE will not specifically advise a potential applicant on the technical content of an application beyond what is contained in the FOA document.   

Question 44: If we are responding to multiple sub-topics under Task 2, are we still limited to only 20 pages for the Project Narrative? Or is it 20 pages per sub-topic as well?
Answer 44:

As stated in Section IV.C.4. of the FOA Document, The project narrative must not exceed 20 pages for Topic areas (1), (2), or (3). Thus the Project Narrative cannot exceed 20 pages for a single topic area.  

Question 45: The FOA states that "...the Department of Energy (DOE) must be granted the information and license necessary to share and redistribute works for others to build upon in an "open source manner." Is it acceptable under this proposal to deliver all of the solar development data – shape files, etc., for project developers in open source availability, which will ultimately help reduce the installation costs for solar energy systems but develop the web Application Programming Interface in an ESRI ArcGIS Server environment, which is proprietary and protected?
Answer 45:

For all sub-topics, applicants should estimate to the best of their abilities the cost reduction potential of the proposed activities as it relates to the use of open-source solutions. Applicants retain the flexibility to utilize the methods they deem most appropriate, including considerations for performance such as Application Programming Interface (API) rate limitations depending on the authorization method being used and whether the method itself requires authentications.

Question 46: I do not see an "Additional Files" section under the Upload and Submit tab, nor a choice for New Additional File.
Answer 46:

DOE has recently enabled additional files to be uploaded into eXCHANGE, please retry the referenced action.

Question 47: I responded to the RFI in January, 2011 with detailed input for this FOA. I did not submit a Letter of Intent by the Letter of Intent deadline on June 9. Given that we were involved in the RFI, would you be willing to waive the requirement of the LOI deadline and accept our application today?
Answer 47:

Per the Funding Opportunity Announcement (DE-FOA-0000520), Applicants must have submitted a Letter of Intent by the due date (June 9, 2011) to be eligible to submit a Full Application.  Please refer to and the EERE Exchange website for information about future financial assistance opportunities.

Question 48: What is the current status of Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0000520?
Answer 48: As of August 15th, 2011, successfully submitted applications are in merit review. 
Question 49: Will there be any more detailed information released related to the recent Sunshot Initiative grant awards? We are particularly interested in information related to projects in Category 5 - Reducing Market Barriers and Non-Hardware BoS Costs. Our firm is currently developing a cross-functional modeling tool geared toward optimizing rooftop DG portfolios, and where there may be synergies we'd like to explore collaboration with other projects.
Answer 49:

The DOE does not intend to release any public project specific information regarding awardees via the EERE eXCHANGE website. The public announcement can be read at

Question 50: Our application was not included in the announced awards. Does it mean that we didn't get the award?
Answer 50:

All successful applicants have been notified of selection for this Funding Opportunity. Unfortunately, if you have not been contacted, you did not receive an award. All unsuccessful applicants will formally notified shortly.

Question 51: My company submitted a proposal for the subject SunShot Initiative Task 2. I checked the website and last week our submittal was still shown as being active. Can you kindly provide a status of the award process?
Answer 51:

 All successful applicants have been notified of selection for this Funding Opportunity. Unfortunately, if you have not been contacted, you did not receive an award. All unsuccessful applicants will formally notified shortly.

Question 52: Where can I get a copy of the awarded proposals?
Answer 52:

The successful applications will not be made publicly viewable through any DOE controlled website. The only way to access award proposals is through a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA). To learn more about and submit a FOIA request, please visit