Frequently Asked Questions

Select a FOA to view questions and answers for the specific funding opportunity. Alternatively select "Non-FOA related items" to view system FAQ items.

Question 1: I wanted to inquire if federal government, research groups (e.g., Office of Research and Development, US.EPA) are eligible to submit proposals for this grant. RFP. If so, is it possible to convert it into an interagency agreement if we were to be selected to receive the research funds for this project?
Answer 1:

Per Section III of the FOA, eligible applicants include" All types of domestic entities, except nonprofit organizations described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that engaged in lobbying activities after December 31, 1995.  Eligible applicants include but are not limited to:  (1) institutions of higher education; (2) National Laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs); (3) nonprofit and for-profit private entities; (4) State, local governments, and tribal governments; and (5) consortia of entities (1) through (4).  If applying as a consortium, an established member of the consortium must be designated as the lead applicant.

A foreign legal entity may be proposed as a team member on a domestic entity’s application. Eligible foreign legal entities include but are not limited to:  (1) institutions of higher education; (2) nonprofit and for-profit private entities; (3) foreign governments; and (4) consortia of entities (1) through (3).  If the foreign team member is a consortium, an established member of the consortium must be designated as the lead applicant."


If a National Laboratory and Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) is selected, the funding will be made available through an interagency agreement.


Question 2: We have submitted the first level application and have received a Control #. We have filled out an SF-424 for another agency and were able to download and save our work until we were ready to submit. We have not been able to locate files and templates for this FOA that we can download, enter information and save. How do we find those files for this FOA? This link leads to pdf files that will not accept data or cannot be saved on our computers once the data has been entered.
Answer 2:

On the first page of the Funding Opportunity Announcement for this FOA, (, please reference “Required Application Documents”.  While this list is not inclusive of all the required documents (See “Summary of Required Forms/Files”  in the FOA), all the template documents that are required for submission are included in a format that can be saved to the hard drive and then edited. Additionally, please ensure that you are utilizing the most current version of Adobe, ( 

Question 3: My question concerns the following funding opportunity: I just wanted to be sure that this grant opportunity is the same one referred to in the following press release concerning President Obama’s announcement of new Algae grant opportunities:
Answer 3:

Yes, the link to the press release is in reference to this Funding Opportunity Announcement:  Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production (ASAP)   Funding Opportunity Announcement Number:  DE-FOA-0000615.

Question 4: I am interested in a recent FOA, DE-FOA-0000615: Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production (ASAP), and have a question. In Topic Area 1: Reducing Water and Nutrient Use in Algae Cultivation, it is stated that “heterotrophic” growth is not eligible for funding and only “phototrophic” growth is eligible under this FOA. Does “phototrophic” also include “mixotrophic” or just “autotrophic”?
Answer 4:

For purposes of this FOA, “Heterotrophically” is defined as the growth of algae that occurs with plant-derived carbon sources (i.e. carbohydrates) without undergoing photosynthesis.

Organisms which are solely heterortrophic will not be considered. Mixotrophics will be allowed, however, applicants are advised to carefully consider the criteria which will be used in the evaluation of applications. Evaluation criteria are listed in Section V- Application Review Information.

Question 5: FOA states that “projects may not use more than 15% of the total project cost for capital expenditures to improve/expand the existing cultivation system capacity (new ponds, photobioreactors (PBR), etc.” Does this mean that any portion of the funding cannot be used to construct a new cultivation system even if it is a pilot-scale system? If we do not have an existing cultivation system, are we still eligible for this FOA? If yes, can we construct a new cultivation system as long as less than 15% of the total project cost is used?
Answer 5:

An existing cultivation facility or algae strain development is required in order to be considered under this FOA.

Per Section I of the FOA, “Applications seeking funding for the construction of new cultivation facilities or algae strain development are NOT eligible for funding and will not be considered under this FOA.”  Also, described in Section I, “Projects may not use more than 15% of the total project cost for capital expenditures to improve/expand the existing cultivation system capacity (new ponds, photobioreactors (PBR), etc.).”

Question 6: Is there a minimum or preferable size of a cultivation system under consideration for this FOA? It does not seem to be specified in the FOA
Answer 6:

Partnerships applying under Topic Area 2 must be capable of producing at least 500kg ash-free dry weight algal biomass per year. The requirement is listed in Section I-Funding Opportunity Description,  under the Background section.

“ Topic Area 2 will establish Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed (RAFT) partnerships.  For purposes of this FOA, a “Testbed Facility" is defined as a single geographical location within the United States equipped with instruments and expertise for testing a variety of algal biomass processes. The RAFT Partnerships must have a total production capacity equal to or exceeding 500 kg ash-free dry weight (afdw) algal biomass per year and have the flexibility to accommodate the testing of innovative algal process configurations.”

Question 7: Five goals are listed as bullets for Topic Area 1 on page 6 of the announcement. Does DOE wish applicants to address all of these objectives or can a submission be competitive addressing just a few?
Answer 7:

Responsiveness to the objectives of the FOA will be evaluated in the initial review and the merit review of applications as outlined on Section V - Application Review Information.

Prior to a comprehensive merit review evaluation, DOE will perform an initial review to determine that (1) the applicant is eligible for an award; (2) the information required by the announcement has been submitted; (3) all mandatory requirements are satisfied; and (4) the proposed project is responsive to the objectives of the funding opportunity announcement.”

Question 8: Again on page 6, is demonstration of an outdoor cultivation system of the essence of the FOA or would it suffice to achieve some of the bulleted items with clear interfaces to algal growth systems previously established? For example, if a proposed system were to demonstrate the ability to produce nutrients already known to be suitable for large scale algal growth, would that satisfy the FOA even without going further and operating a growth system?
Answer 8:

As stated in Section  I – Funding Opportunity Description under Topic Area I Reducing Water and Nutrient Use in Algae Cultivation, The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods”.

Question 9: Is the DOE EXCLUDING all INDOOR processes in the 0000615 FOA?
Answer 9:

While it is expected that some activities may be performed indoors, the objective of the FOA is to support outdoor phototrophic algae research and development.

For Topic Area 1 the FOA states  “The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods” and “Open, closed or novel outdoor cultivation systems are eligible for this topic.”    

For Topic Area 2 the FOA states “Partnership cultivation facilities should largely be situated outdoors, exposed to the natural elements, and simulate future production conditions.”

Question 10: In Topic Area 1 (Reducing Water and Nutrient Use in Algae Cultivation), is it acceptable to consider approaches in which the final algal-derived product is a solid biofuel, not a liquid transportation fuel?
Answer 10:

 This FOA was issued to support the Biomass Program goals to significantly increase the volume of algal biofuels as stated in the FOA Objective in  Section I- Funding Opportunity Description.

“The objective of the Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production Funding Opportunity Announcement is to support outdoor phototrophic algae research and development in two areas: 1) nutrient and water use in algal production systems and 2) the development of algal technology testbed facilities. This research will support the Biomass Program’s goals to model pathways for significant (>1 billion gallons per year) volumes of cost-competitive algal biofuels by 2022.” 

Question 11: 1. Can national labs participate in the proposal? 2. Overhead limitation apply to each individual institute or apply to total per proposal.
Answer 11:

1.       Per Section III of the FOA, eligible applicants include" All types of domestic entities, except nonprofit organizations described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that engaged in lobbying activities after December 31, 1995.  Eligible applicants include but are not limited to:  (1) institutions of higher education; (2) National Laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs); (3) nonprofit and for-profit private entities; (4) State, local governments, and tribal governments; and (5) consortia of entities (1) through (4).  If applying as a consortium, an established member of the consortium must be designated as the lead applicant.

A foreign legal entity may be proposed as a team member on a domestic entity’s application. Eligible foreign legal entities include but are not limited to:  (1) institutions of higher education; (2) nonprofit and for-profit private entities; (3) foreign governments; and (4) consortia of entities (1) through (3).  If the foreign team member is a consortium, an established member of the consortium must be designated as the lead applicant."


2.     If the question is in reference to indirect rates, each entity should follow their indirect rate policy for applying indirect rates.

Question 12: Applicants may submit applications to either or both Topic Areas under this announcement. Each application, however, must be a stand-alone application. Each application must address only one Topic Area, and all applications must, in the Project Summary/Abstract file and on the cover of the Project Narrative file, designate the specific Topic Area under which that application is being submitted (See Part IV.C., Content and Form of Application). Does this mean that {name removed}, can submit an unlimited number of applications to each Topic Area of this program, as long as each application addresses only one Topic Area and is clearly designated with the specific Topic Area?
Answer 12:

Yes.  Applicants may submit an unlimited number of applications.  However, each  application must address only one Topic Area, and all applications must, in the Project Summary/Abstract file and on the cover of the Project Narrative file, designate the specific Topic Area under which that application is being submitted (See Part IV.C., Content and Form of Application).

Question 13: The funding opportunity announcement was very clear on its focus on phototrophic algal production systems which would presumably include macroalgae? Would the funding opportunity announcement consider the broader term of aquatic biomass, which would then for example include duckweed as responsive to the announcement?
Answer 13: FOA states “The objective of the Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production Funding Opportunity Announcement is to support outdoor phototrophic algae research and development” in Section I-Funding Opportunity Description.  Macroalgae is considered algae and would be acceptable.  Duckweed is an aquatic plant with lignin and cellulose. Duckweed is not algae, therefore not responsive to the current FOA.
Question 14: My company {information removed} has developed a pump technology that is critical to the facilitation of large scale algal production. The technologies’ characteristics are as follows: {information removed}. The technology needs development funding and specifications that are market specific. I've read the FULL TEXT and saw no place where such a technology might be supported. If it is appropriate for us to apply let me know. If the overseers of this program have a strategic partner that that might support my technology let me know that as well.
Answer 14:

The applicant must  make the determination on whether to apply to this Funding Opportunity Announcement. For questions regarding whether your company or technology meets the eligibility requirements, please see Section III-Eligibility  Information.  Additionally, you may search for grant opportunities through the EERE eXCHANGE website at: or through (click on Find Grant Opportunities on the left hand side of the screen).


The DOE also cannot make recommendations or suggestions for potential partners to applicants.

Question 15: According to Page 6 of FOA “Applications seeking funding for the construction of new cultivation facilities or algae strain development are NOT eligible for funding and will not be considered under this FOA”. We have a wetland system currently being used for treating agricultural runoff wastewater and we can easily convert this system into an outdoor algal culture system, we wonder if the algal culture system converted from this wetland is regarded as NEW cultivation facility as defined in the FOA OR a modification of EXISTING system?
Answer 15:

Limited modifications are allowed for existing cultivation systems as stated in Section I – Funding Opportunity Description, Topic Area 2:  Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed Partnership; “Projects may not use more than 15% of the total project cost for capital expenditures to improve/expand the existing cultivation system capacity (new ponds, photobioreactors (PBR), etc.).”


Question 16: Thank you for answering my question about the size of algae cultivation system below. Actually, I should have specified the size applied to Topic Area 1. Again, is there a minimum or preferable size of a cultivation system under consideration for Topic Area 1?
Answer 16:

The FOA does not specify a minimum size for the outdoor cultivation systems for Topic Area 1; however, applicants are encouraged to consider all the criteria which will be used to evaluate proposals, (Section V).  Also, keep in mind that “The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods,” (Section 1).

Question 17: 1. Is it permissible to use grant funds to genetically modify algae for improved performance traits? 2. Is it permissible to use GMO algae with improved performance traits that have been developed and funded from sources other than the current proposal?
Answer 17:

1.“Applications seeking funding for the construction of new cultivation facilities or algae strain development are NOT eligible for funding and will not be considered under this FOA,” (Section I)

2.  Any existing strains will be considered. Projects using GMO algae must comply with all pertinent local, state and federal regulations.

Question 18: In reference to the testbed facilities definition (Pg. 9) as a “single geographical location,” we are considering a partnership with organizations in 2 to 3 states. Does the “single geographical location” definition include regions such as the Southwest, the Northwest, the Southwest, etc.? Can the “several cultivation units at multiple sites” include facilities at the organizations across such a “single geographical location”?
Answer 18:

A “single geographical location” means one site with GPS coordinates. Partnerships formed under Topic Area 2 are expected to have more than one site in order to compare algal production in a variety of conditions. The number of sites, the geographic distribution of sites, and the strains produced are elements determined by the applicant.

Question 19: Per Section III of the FOA, eligible applicants include "All types of domestic entities, except nonprofit organizations described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that engaged in lobbying activities after December 31, 1995. Eligible applicants include but are not limited to: (1) institutions of higher education; (2) National Laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs); (3) nonprofit and for-profit private entities; (4) State, local governments, and tribal governments; and (5) consortia of entities (1) through (4). My question is, are all eligible applicants also eligible recipients? In other words, are there any restrictions or requirements on who the fund recipients are, and can nonprofit and for-profit entities be fund recipients without participating in consortia including either (1), (2) and/or (4) above?
Answer 19:

Yes, eligible applicants are also eligible recipients. Partnerships, (or consortia) may be comprised of any combination of entities that meet the eligibility requirements.  Please reference Section V of the Funding Opportunity Announcement for the Merit Review Criteria which will be used to evaluate applications.

Question 20: I have specific questions concerning the recent DOE ASAP call and in particular the Topic area 1. It states: Projects awarded as a result of this FOA will be phased. Projects proposed under Topic Area 1 will have two Phases, separated by a go/no review. Topic Area 2 projects are expected to have three Phases, each of which will be separated by a go/no go review. Applicants must present baseline data, propose specific Phase targets, and designate the go/no go decision point between Phases. Applications must include descriptions of each Phase including all necessary work and targets to accomplish objectives. A go/no go review will be used to determine project readiness to advance from initial Phase into each subsequent Phase. Funding for subsequent Phases will be released, subject to the availability of appropriations, to the project only after a successful go/no go review. This review will be performed by the awardee, DOE and/or outside reviewers to verify accomplishment of proposed Phase goals and project readiness for next Phase. DOE will make the go/no go determination of project readiness to advance based on results and recommendations of the review. I assume we can determine the full criteria of the go/no go decision process yet it is not clear how we adjust the budget for these two phases. One could imagine a quite limited lab scale result that may indicate adequate growth rates or biomass accumulation using waste water yet not have large "real-world" data. In my case I think I already have the small scale results yet would like to move outside to a larger scale facility actually on-site at the waste water plant. Our work has really four concurrent outcomes: {Information Removed}. So I would like some guidance on the following questions: 1) Can one proposal fund work at two sites? {Information Removed} 2) Does our go/no review allow us to use existing results from a lab scaled that will simply be scaled to external, large scale bioreactor? 3) Limitations of what constitutes a cost-share? Can in kind contributions be considered? 4) Budget split between year one and the out years? 5) Funding period? If you could call this would be quite helpful.
Answer 20:

1)  An individual project may have work performed at more than one site.

2)  The project design and designation of the go/no go review point are the responsibility of the applicant.

3)  Please see Appendix C for Cost Share information including what qualifies for cost sharing ,and rules that must be followed for in-kind contributions.

4)  Budget formulation, including the split between years, is the responsibility of the applicant.

5) Please see the chart, “Period of Performance per Program Area” under Section II – Award Information, which gives performance periods for both Topic areas


Regrettably, DOE does not engage in private discussions concerning specific applications of  potential applicants. All questions must be submitted to the FOA mailbox and answered in a public manner.

Question 21: With regard to the FOA, are there any considerations given to Service Disabled Veterans? ...Cost sharing? ...Award Considerations?
Answer 21: Please reference Section V - Application Review Information, for the criteria which will be used to evaluate applications.  Although Disabled American Veterans are not addressed in this Funding Opportunity Announcement, see Program Policy Factors,  also in Section V, which addresses additional cost sharing ,  “The selection official may consider the following program policy factors in the selection process…. Extent to which proposed cost share exceeds the minimum required and is appropriate for the maturity of the technology under development.”
Question 22: For Topic 1: What is the minimum scale size for the 90 day demonstrations? Is bigger=better or would multitude and replication be more preferable?
Answer 22:

Please see question 16:   The FOA does not specify a minimum size for the outdoor cultivation systems for Topic Area 1; however, applicants are encouraged to consider all the criteria which will be used to evaluate proposals, (Section V).  Also, keep in mind that “The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods,” (Section 1).

Question 23: I am proposing using my former {Information Removed} site {Information Removed} in conjunction with a similar site {Information Removed} owned by {Information Removed} to facilitate the goals of this vital FOA. Can the land,buildings,and equipment be used as cost share for the project?
Answer 23:

Please see Appendix C for Cost Share information including what qualifies for cost sharing, and rules that must be followed for in-kind contributions.

Question 24: Is it allowed for us to submit a similar proposal that we submitted (on 2/17/12) to {Information Remove}? We are proposing to utilize the resource of the {Information Removed}. I thought Topic Area 1 is perfectly matched with our goal. Any comments and suggestions are most welcome.
Answer 24:

The applicant must  make the determination on whether to apply to this Funding Opportunity Announcement. For questions regarding whether your company or technology meets the eligibility requirements, please see Section III-Eligibility  Information.  The DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants .

Question 25: {Information Removed}. We are preparing to submit a proposal for the Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production (ASAP) DE-FOA-0000615. There are several points that are not clear in the call. I will appreciate it if these points can be cleared in some sort of an FAQ or an amendment so that we are on the same page with the objectives of the call. 1. For what scale of operation/demonstration is Topic 1? Bench (~meter) or field (~acre)? 2. For what Technology Readyness Level (TRL) is Topic 1 geared towards at the beginning and at the end of the project? 3. Is there a room for early stage cultivation platform research or TRL level has to be high? 4. There is no specific targets on algal oil production in the FOA. Is there a target for oil accumulation or is the call strictly for overall "algal biomass" production?
Answer 25:

1.       As stated in the FOA:

“This FOA seeks to accelerate the development and demonstration of integrated cultivation and recycling technologies for algal biomass production that demonstrate minimal water and external nutrient inputs through the use of nutrient-laden source water and/or nutrient and water recycling systems. Projects cultivating algae heterotrophically are NOT eligible for funding under this FOA. 


The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods that:

·         Significantly reduces external nutrient input requirements (eg: Nitrogen and Phosphorus) relative to the baseline presented in the application (see suggested table below).

·         Returns carbon to the cultivation system.

·         Primarily uses a non-potable water source such as waste water from agricultural run-off, municipal or industrial waste sources, produced water, brackish water, or seawater.  Freshwater consumption should be shown to be a great deal less than applicant’s baseline and/or current practices in biofuel production[1].

·         Cultivates an algae strain(s) (appropriate for downstream conversion into biofuels) using the identified water source.

·         Has the potential to be scaled economically.”


Applicants are responsible for choosing appropriate scale to  address the stated goals of the FOA.


2.       Applicants are responsible for the selection of TRL level for their proposals.


3.       Same as answer to Question 1 above.


4.       There is not a target for oil accumulation.

Question 26: My company and a partner organization would like to inquire if the DOE would be open to potentially funding a heterotrophic algal fermentation testbed facility under Topic Area 2 of Solicitation DE-FOA-0000615. Our partner is a nonprofit fermentation research center wholly owned by a university. Please let us know if you would encourage us to submit a proposal, or if a heterotrophic fermentation facility is outside the scope of the program. Thank you.
Answer 26:

The DOE is  not seeking fermentation testbeds.

Per the FOA. “The intent of Topic Area 2 is to fund the creation of Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed partnerships (RAFT). RAFT Partnerships are defined as collaborations among two or more organizations that have the relevant expertise, facilities, permitting, and partnership structures in place to perform the two basic functions addressed below. Applications to perform only one of the two functions will not be considered for funding. For purposes of this FOA, a “Testbed Facility” is defined as a single geographical location within the United States equipped with instruments and expertise for testing a variety of algal biomass processes. Each RAFT Partnership must have a total production capacity equal to or exceeding 500 kg afdw algal biomass per year and have the flexibility to accommodate the testing of innovative algal process configurations. RAFT Partnerships must be able to provide several cultivation units at multiple sites to provide datasets in replicates, and to compare datasets between sites. RAFT Partnership cultivation facilities should largely be situated outdoors, exposed to the natural elements, and simulate future production conditions.” 

Please see Section I, “Funding Opportunity Description”  for additional information.

Question 27: We (Department of Physics, {Information Removed}) are interested in submitting a proposal for your “Funding Opportunity Announcement” titled Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production. However, due to the unique nature of our work, we felt it best to ensure that we are meeting the intent of your call before proceeding further. {Description of project removed} As you can see, we very much intend to meet the overall goal of your call—in fact, our technique itself is a direct response to the problem you are addressing. We wish to understand if you will be able to accept a proposal based on these concepts as “responsive” to the call, understanding that we aim to improve nutrient delivery and productivity using non-potable waters with abundant excess nutrients. Please feel free to call or write us if any clarifications are needed. We hope that you can respond quickly, so that we may prepare a proposal in time for your April 18 deadline.
Answer 27:

The applicant must make the determination on whether to apply.  Please see Section I - Funding Opportunity Description and Section III – Eligibility Information.

Regrettably, DOE does not engage in private discussions concerning specific applications of potential applicants. All questions must be submitted to the FOA mailbox and answered in a public manner.
Question 28: While Topic Area 1 specifically states that projects cultivating algae heterotrophically are NOT eligible for funding, would a heterotrophic fermentation pilot plant would be eligible for funding within the scope of Topic Area 2?
Answer 28: This Funding Opportunity Announcement will not fund pilot plants.
Question 29: 1)The funding opportunity announcement is clear on its focus on phototrophic algal production systems. Would macroalgae production be considered as responsive if included as part of a package in Topic Area 2 (Regional Algal Feedstock Testbeds). Would other aquatic species, such as duckweed, be considered as responsive as part of a comprehensive scope in Topic Area 2 as well? 2)Topic Area 1, Reducing water and nutrient use, could be accomplished through the use of other aquatic species such as macroalgae or even duckweed. Would proposals that address nutrient and water/use recycle by use of other aquatic species, such as those listed above, be considered responsive to the FOA? 3)The FOA is clear that projects cultivating algae heterotrophically are not eligible for funding under the FOA. However, would binary cultures be considered as responsive? One example is the use of a binary culture in which one culture (non-phototropic) is used to break down organics in non-potable water sources freeing carbon and nutrients for the binary phototrophic algae production system. Please clarify if such concepts would be responsive.
Answer 29:

1)and 2) Please see answer #13:  The FOA states “The objective of the Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production Funding Opportunity Announcement is to support outdoor phototrophic algae research and development” in Section I-Funding Opportunity Description.  Macroalgae is considered algae and would be acceptable.  Duckweed is an aquatic plant with lignin and cellulose. Duckweed is not algae, therefore not eligible for the current FOA.


3) Applicants are urged to consider all the criteria which be used for evaluation of submitted proposals,  please see Section V - Application Review Information.  The DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants.

Question 30: When the first DOE ARPA-e announcements were sent out in 2008, we applied for one and we were in the finals but did not receive the grant. In the meantime, this new announcement is virtually exactly what we have been doing for the past 4 years. However, I would like some clarification on the requirement for ash-free dry weight measurements (afdw). We have more than 4 years worth of dry weight biomass data but not ash-free dry weight data. Would this prejudice our application? Of course, we could use the afdw in future determinations, but our present outdoor data do not include this method. {Information removed} Looking forward to your response soon as the April 18, deadline is not far off.
Answer 30:

Ash-free dry weight is one of several metrics specified in the FOA which will be used in the evaluation of submitted proposals. Applicants are encouraged to consider the entire list of criteria which will used in the application evaluations,  please see Section V - Application Review Information.

Question 31: We are considering submitting a proposal to DE-FOA-0000615 in Topic Area 1 and would greatly appreciate if the following questions can be answered: 1) Page 14 indicates that the total available funding for Topic Area 1 is $6,000,000, and that the entire amount is for year 1. Yet the table lists 5 years with NA for funding of subsequent years. Should the proposed work be for only one year (including Phase I and Phase II) or can it be for 5 years? 2) If the answer to question 1 is that the proposed work can be for 5 years, does NA mean that the funding for years 2-5 has not been determined yet or that it is 0? 3) If the total amount for a project is $500K (the floor), i.e., no further funding for subsequent years, must this be spent in year 1 or can it be spread over 5 years?
Answer 31:

 1)The chart referenced in Section II – Award Information, is specific to funding, not the period of performance of individual awards, please review all of  Section II – Award Information. Below the referenced chart, the FOA states, “Topic Area 1 projects will be fully funded for all Phases, with funding for Phase II released only after successful go/no go review. Topic Area 2 project funding for Phases II and III will be dependent on successful go/no go reviews and the appropriation and availability of funds to DOE in out years. ”  

The period of performance is separate from the funding. As stated in the “Period of Performance by Program Area”, “…..the anticipated period of performance for projects under each Program/Topic Area in this announcement is: Topic Area 1 - FY12-FY15 and  Topic Area 2 – FY 12-FY17”. The Period of Performance should be based on these time periods, not the funding dates in the referenced chart. 

2) As stated above, the period of performance for Topic Area 1 can be up to 3 years, and Topic Area 2 can be up to 4 years.  Applications should be based on the full amount of the cost of a project, and the appropriate time for the period of performance, up to the allowable amount of time referenced in the first question above.

3)Applications should include an appropriate period of performance to complete the project, up to the allowable amount of time referenced in the first question above.

Question 32: In regards to Topic Area 1: One of our companies' technology utilizes cyanobacteria to grow sucrose, and is paired with a process that can refine the sucrose into various fuels or other applications. It would return carbon to the cultivation system, increase nutrient reuse/decrease nutrient input, use significantly less freshwater water than current algae-based systems, and meet all the other performance metrics but the bacteria is obviously not an algae strain itself. Would this technology be applicable under the FOA? Thank you, and I look forward to your response.
Answer 32:

The FOA is only funding algal biomass production research as described in  Section I – Funding Opportunity Description:

 “To build upon the R&D activities already underway, the Biomass Program announces the availability of funding for two topic areas in the Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production (ASAP) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).  Topic Area 1 will support the development and demonstration of integrated cultivation and recycling technologies for algal biomass production that demonstrate minimal water and external nutrient inputs and/or the use of waste/effluent nutrients.  Topic Area 2 will establish Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed (RAFT) partnerships.  For purposes of this FOA, a “Testbed Facility" is defined as a single geographical location within the United States equipped with instruments and expertise for testing a variety of algal biomass processes. The RAFT Partnerships must have a total production capacity equal to or exceeding 500 kg ash-free dry weight (afdw) algal biomass per year and have the flexibility to accommodate the testing of innovative algal process configurations.”

Question 33: Several faculty members at our institute have expressed interest in applying to the ASAP funding opportunity. One idea people have been thinking of is to use existing climate-controlled greenhouse facilities that we have at our institute. These facilities consist of {Information Removed} containers that can be converted to algal ponds. Although these are not outdoor ponds as suggested in the solicitation they will allow us to conduct studies under controlled conditions and also allow us to directly measure CO2 fluxes form these ponds that can help in the full C accounting. We have access to waste-water from a local water treatment facility that can be brought into the chambers as required by the RFP. We believe that the scale of our facilities will be appropriate for the questions that need to be addressed but we wanted to make sure if our path would be OK before investing a lot of time in developing a proposal that may not be viable.
Answer 33:

This FOA is seeking algal biomass production data in an outdoor setting as described in Section I – Funding Opportunity Description:

The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods that:

  • Significantly reduces external nutrient input requirements (eg: Nitrogen and Phosphorus) relative to the baseline presented in the application (see suggested table below).
  • Returns carbon to the cultivation system.
  • Primarily uses a non-potable water source such as waste water from agricultural run-off, municipal or industrial waste sources, produced water, brackish water, or seawater.  Freshwater consumption should be shown to be a great deal less than applicant’s baseline and/or current practices in biofuel production[1].
  • Cultivates an algae strain(s) (appropriate for downstream conversion into biofuels) using the identified water source.
  • Has the potential to be scaled economically.

Open, closed or novel outdoor cultivation systems are eligible for this topic.

[1] Consumptive water use in fuel production is a sustainability concern.  An analysis “Consumptive Water Use in the Production of Ethanol and Petroleum Gasoline” by M. Wu, M. Mintz, M. Wang, and S. Arora (2009) at the Argonne National Laboratory discusses many issues related to water use and biofuel and petroleum production. Algae-based biofuels should demonstrate the possibility of comparable or lower water consumption relative to current biofuel practices.

Question 34: 1. On page 6, under Topic 1, it states that "Open, closed or novel outdoor cultivation systems are eligible for this topic." It does not say that indoor cultivation systems are NOT eligible. If an indoor system can be easily converted to an outdoor system, will testing the recycling of water and nutrients in an indoor system be acceptable for this FOA? 2. On page 9, it states that "Applicants must identify the intended biofuel(s) and include supporting arguments for the suitability of the selected strain(s)." If the algae strain is used to produce nutraceuticals, while the lipid fractions can be converted to biofuels, will this approach be acceptable for this FOA.
Answer 34:

1.      As stated under  Topic one  in Section I – Funding Opportunity Description, “  The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods that:

·         Significantly reduces external nutrient input requirements (eg: Nitrogen and Phosphorus) relative to the baseline presented in the application (see suggested table below).

·         Returns carbon to the cultivation system.

·         Primarily uses a non-potable water source such as waste water from agricultural run-off, municipal or industrial waste sources, produced water, brackish water, or seawater.  Freshwater consumption should be shown to be a great deal less than applicant’s baseline and/or current practices in biofuel production[1].

·         Cultivates an algae strain(s) (appropriate for downstream conversion into biofuels) using the identified water source.

·         Has the potential to be scaled economically.


2.      As referenced above, suitability for biofuel production is a consideration. Bioproduct production from algae is not the focus of this FOA. Additionally, “Applicants must identify the intended biofuel(s) including arguments for the suitability of the selected strain(s) for the production of the identified biofuel(s).”

[1] Consumptive water use in fuel production is a sustainability concern.  An analysis “Consumptive Water Use in the Production of Ethanol and Petroleum Gasoline” by M. Wu, M. Mintz, M. Wang, and S. Arora (2009) at the Argonne National Laboratory discusses many issues related to water use and biofuel and petroleum production. Algae-based biofuels should demonstrate the possibility of comparable or lower water consumption relative to current biofuel practices.

Question 35: I need some clarification on the Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production (ASAP) Funding Opportunity Announcement Number: DE-FOA-0000615. I’ve assembled a team and we are drafting a proposal and we have some questions about a few things we want to do. For instance, I want to involve some of the {Information Removed} people and facilities. They {Project Information Removed} are ideally suited for this. {Project Information Removed}. Next to this facility there is a waste water treatment plant. Lastly, the whole facility is a part of the annual field trip program for the {Information Removed} district so there is a big educational component here. The University {Information Removed} also has a functional pond system (see attached). {Project Information Removed}. Between {Information Removed} we have an expert and extremely well equipped team for monitoring water quality. {Project Information Removed}. If this is the sort of infrastructure the DOE is looking for then we want to get a full application submitted? Between {Information removed} we have the expertise to run this program for ASAP. Can the Army Core of Engineers be involved? Is this funding already earmarked for an existing Algal biofuel operation? The question I have for you is whether or not this is the sort of thing EERE is looking for in this ASAP opportunity? If so, I would appreciate the opportunity to talk with someone, my contact details are below. If this is not what you are after please let me know so that I don’t waste our precious time or yours.
Answer 35:

Regrettably, DOE does not engage in private discussions concerning specific applications of potential applicants. All questions must be submitted to the FOA mailbox and answered in a public manner. The DOE also cannot make recommendations or suggestions for potential partners to applicants.  For questions regarding whether an applicant meets the eligibility requirements, please see Section III-Eligibility  Information.  Additionally, the DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants.  Projects selected for negotiations will be based on criteria listed in Section V – Application Review Information.

Question 36: Is there a technical person that one of my faculty could talk to about this program? The faculty member has some technical questions....
Answer 36:

Regrettably, DOE does not engage in private discussions concerning specific applications of  potential applicants. All questions must be submitted to the FOA mailbox and answered in a public manner.

Question 37: My name is {Information removed} and I am a consultant here in DC for several higher education institutes. One of our clients is interested in submitting several questions related to the Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production (ASAP) program and we were hoping to establish a point of contact for them. We were unable to find a contact in the RFP. I would appreciate any direction in who to contact with program questions and the best way to reach them. Thanks so much for your help.
Answer 37:

Regrettably, DOE does not engage in private discussions concerning specific applications of  potential applicants. All questions must be submitted to the FOA mailbox and answered in a public manner.

Question 38: My question relates to page 16 of the FOA B. Cost sharing, Topic Area 2. It states that “All project recipients must provide cost share of at least 20%” for the first function. However, for the second function a waiver is granted for IHE’s, US National Labs and FFRDCs. In the table on page 16 it states “Recipients or Sub-Recipient Type”. Is it the intention of DOE that sub-recipients who are categorized as “All Other Entities”, are required to provide cost share at 20% of their respective sub award? Or is it the intention of DOE to flow-down cost share requirements relative to the prime recipient entity type?
Answer 38:

As defined in Appendix A – Definitions, “"Cost Sharing" means the respective share of Total Project Costs to be contributed by the Applicant and by DOE.  The percentage of Applicant Cost Share is to be applied to the Total Project Cost (i.e., the sum of Applicant plus DOE Cost Shares) rather than to the DOE contribution alone.”  It is not the intention of DOE to flow-down the cost share requirement to sub recipients. DOE only has a relationship with the prime recipient, not sub recipients.

Question 39: According to the FOA, FFRDCs are not required to cost share on the Second Function of Topic Area 2. If a for-profit company is a subcontractor to an FFRDC, is the for-profit company required to contribute the 20% cost share for the Second Function of Topic Area 2?
Answer 39:

It is the responsibility of the  prime recipient to ensure  the sub-recipient meets the cost share requirements of the FOA.  As stated in the FOA under Topic Ares 2, Second Function: Institutions of Higher Education, US National Laboratories, and FFRDC’s, (Recipient or Sub-Recipient) have a 0% Cost Share requirement.

Question 40: We have developed a system to {Project information removed}. The substantial fuel savings and reduction of emissions is very real. Do you know of a grant that would apply to this type of project?
Answer 40:

You may search for grant opportunities through the EERE eXCHANGE website at or through (click on Find Grant Opportunities on the left hand side of the screen).

Question 41: Can you provide a list of Companies and universities that have already signed up and asked questions about DE-FOA-0000615? Has there been any revisions or modifications to the proposal or extension of the deadline?
Answer 41:

The DOE does not generally release names of  companies and universities that sign up or ask questions for Funding Opportunity Announcements.

At this time, there have not been any revisions or modifications to DE-FOA-000615.  However, you may monitor this website for any future changes.

Question 42: We are considering applying for your grant program but had some questions. Is there a person we can contact to get our questions answered?
Answer 42:

Regrettably, DOE does not engage in private discussions concerning specific applications of  potential applicants. All questions must be submitted to the FOA mailbox and answered in a public manner.

Question 43: Let me introduce myself as {Information removed}. I have genuine interest in the scope of algal biofuel research and have extensively published on the scope of algal biofuel in US in the last two years. I have some specific questions regarding the eligibility for the grant opportunity "DE-FOA-0000615: Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production (ASAP)". I would like to apply for the grant as a for-profit LLC organization, and I am (the sole proprietor of this business entity) not yet a US resident. Could you please give little more details on the eligibility of for-profit private entities.
Answer 43:

For-Profit private entities are eligible.  However, as stated in the FOA under  Eligible Applicants, “ A foreign legal entity may be proposed as a team member on a domestic entity’s application. Eligible foreign legal entities include but are not limited to:  (1) institutions of higher education; (2) nonprofit and for-profit private entities; (3) foreign governments; and (4) consortia of entities (1) through (3).  If the foreign team member is a consortium, an established member of the consortium must be designated as the lead applicant.”

Question 44: Please let us know if there is any restriction regarding the number of institutions involved in a submission of a proposal for the Topic Area 1: Water and Nutrient Recycle of the DE-FOA0000615 grant. Currently, we are considering submission of a proposal which includes participants from two or three research institutions.
Answer 44:

There are no restrictions on the number of institutions involved in the proposed project.

Question 45: We would like to propose a process to grow algae phototrophically for biomass production, and then use the produced biomass heterotrophically (using yeast and bacteria) to produce lipids. Would this concept meet the FOA restrictions?
Answer 45:

Applicants are urged to consider all the criteria which be used for evaluation of submitted proposals,  please see Section V - Application Review Information.  The DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants.

Question 46: I would like to make sure I understand "Open, closed or novel outdoor cultivation systems" correctly. We have an algal cultivation system built in the {Information removed}. The system is highly integrative in terms of water usage, CO2 supply and nutrient removal. The LED light illuminated photobiorectors are used to grow algae in the large building (see the white tall building in the attached photo). Is our algal system eligible for the ASAP proposal?
Answer 46:

As stated in Section  I – Funding Opportunity Description under Topic Area I Reducing Water and Nutrient Use in Algae Cultivation, “The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods.”  If the system is inside a structure, it will not meet the intent of this FOA.

Question 47: What is the definition of "Target Biomass Yield % dry weight" in the baseline/target table on Page 8?
Answer 47:

Percent dry weight is one measure of biomass yield. Both the baseline and the targets proposed by the applicant will be considered in evaluating the proposed projects.

Question 48: We need to know how partner/sub institutions will receive their funding if FFRDCs lead a proposal. 1. Since the FOA is requiting FWPs from partner/sub FFRDCs we are assuming they will receive their funding directly from DOE (not through the lead FFRDC). Is this correct? 2. What about other government agencies (i.e. NASA), will they receive their funding directly or will the lead FFRDC receive NASA’s funding and need to distribute to them? 3. What about universities and companies?
Answer 48:

All FFRDC’s (Federally Funded Research and Development Centers) will receive their funding directly from DOE, even if they are a subrecipient.  Other federal agencies will be funded directly through an inter-agency agreement between the DOE.  If a university or other company is a subcontractor or vender to the FFRDC, those funds will be included in the funding from the DOE  to the FFRDC, and the FFRDC will be responsible for passing those funds to the university or company.

Question 49: We are proposing for Topic-1 using a technology that is well described in the literature. We have not generated baseline data outdoors on the topic with which we would like to propose. It is unclear paragraph 6 in the 'background' section of the text if baseline data required for Topic-1? If so, will baseline data from literature be sufficient to include in the proposal?
Answer 49:

Section I – Funding Opportunity Description, under Topic 1, the FOA states, “Projects awarded as a result of this FOA will be phased. Projects proposed under Topic Area 1 will have two Phases, separated by a go/no review.  Applicants must propose baseline measures, propose specific Phase targets and designate the go/no go decision point between Phases. Applicants are responsible for determination of the sources of data used in submitted proposals. Applications must include descriptions of each Phase, including all necessary work and targets to accomplish objectives. A go/no go review will be used to determine project readiness to advance from initial Phase into each subsequent Phase. Funding, subject to availability of funds, for subsequent Phases will be released to the project only after a successful go/no go review. This review will be performed by the awardee, DOE and/or outside reviewers to verify accomplishment of proposed Phase goals and project readiness for next Phase. DOE will make the determination of project readiness to advance based on results and recommendations of the Review.”


Question 50: Page 25 of the subject FOA provides a list of required forms/files. For proposals with multiple participants we can merge the required PDF documents into single documents to upload on the “Upload and Submit” tab. However, we cannot merge multiple Subaward Budget or Budget Justification Excel files (due to the automatic calculations). There is an “additional file” upload at the bottom of the page – but this is just for a single file. We have one proposal that has three subs. How do we proceed with including multiple subaward budgets and multiple justification files in the submission?
Answer 50:

Multiple subaward budgets  and budget justifications maybe added individually by naming each according to the subawardee’s name.  Please review the file naming structure.

Question 51: 1. Page 6 – can you pls give more details on the statement “returns carbon to the cultivation system”? Specifically, does this include a system that reduces the amount of CO2 lost to the atmosphere? 2. Are created waste streams, for the purpose of work done under the grant to simulate real world waste streams, acceptable? 3. Is the DoE interested in overall biomass production or only in overall biomass production specific to biofuel production? 4. Is it acceptable to propose the creation of a computer model under this grant (as opposed to actual lab or field efforts)? 5. Is it acceptable to use genetically mutated organisms? 6. Can we use matching funds for capital equipment purchases? If so, do these matching funds contribute to the 15% cap on capital expenditures?
Answer 51:

1.       It is the applicants responsibility to propose the protocols for carbon use and measurement. Applications will be evaluated based on the published criteria on pages 29 – 31. The DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants on specific technologies.

2.    Please see the answer above.

3.    Both are needed as stated in Section I Funding Opportunity Description, under  Background, “The ASAP FOA will accelerate efforts to increase the scalability of algae production and help the Biomass Program meet its aggressive goals for algal biofuels by: supporting the development of innovative technologies to capture and recycle water and nutrients; developing testbed facilities that serve as engines for algal technology innovation, job training, and validation; and creating long-term cultivation data necessary to understand and promote algae biomass production.

4.   As stated in the FOA, Section I – Funding Opportunity Description, under Topic Area 2, It is not the intent of this FOA to support the creation of new models and DOE will not fund the creation of new models with this FOA.”

5.   Applicants may use existing GMO strains but are cautioned that the project must be in compliance with all permitting required by state, local and other Federal agencies. Strain development will not be supported by this FOA, as stated in Section I – Funding Opportunity Description, under Topic Area 1, “Applications seeking funding for the construction of new cultivation facilities or algae strain development are NOT eligible for funding and will not be considered under this FOA.”

6.   Yes, you may use matching funds for capital equipment purchases, and these matching funds contribute to the 15% cap on capital expenditures.  Please see Appendix C in the FOA, and 10 CFR Part 600, for additional information on cost sharing and matching funds.

Question 52: The table on page 14 of the FOA indicates the following Total Available Funding schedule: up to $8.3M in Year 1; zero dollars in Year 2; up to $6.7M in Year 3; and zero dollars in Years 4 and 5. We are not sure if the table therefore indicates that this is how you want to see the budget laid out and entered into the SF-424A file(s), or whether this is simply how the funding will be distributed by DOE, if awarded. Please clarify whether you want the budget prepared according to this schedule, or whether we can budget dollars across the years, for a maximum of $15M in requested funding.
Answer 52:

 The budget should reflect the entire project period. As stated in the FOA, “Approximately $14,300,000 is expected to be available for new awards in FY 2012 and an additional $6,700,000 is expected to be available for awards made under this announcement in FY 2014. All awards under this announcement are subject to the appropriation and availability of funding.”


Also stated in the FOA, “Note that recipients in both Topic Area 1 and 2 must successfully undergo a go/no go review to become eligible to receive funds for subsequent Phases.  Topic Area 1 projects will be fully funded for all Phases, with funding for Phase II released only after successful go/no go review. Topic Area 2 project funding for Phases II and III will be dependent on successful go/no go reviews and the appropriation and availability of funds to DOE in out years.”

Question 53: A. Eligible Applicants – doesn’t refer to other federal agencies – I recommend you inquire with DOE to be sure; I’d also ask if they’d provide funding for GSFC civil servant labor B. Cost Sharing – 20% - “… must come from non-federal source” – if GSFC is eligible to apply, ask DOE if GSFC would be exempted (like US Nat’l Labs & FFRDCs) from cost share
Answer 53:

Other Federal Agencies may apply to this FOA, but are still required to meet the 20% non-federal cost share requirement.

Question 54: 1. The FOA states, “Topic Area 2 will establish Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed (RAFT) partnerships.” Please define the term “partnership” as used in this context and the requirements for proof of establishment. I cannot find this defined anywhere. Does anyone have any ideas? 2. Does a prime contractor and subcontractor relationship between two entities qualify as a partnership? If we can find a definition for #1, it will address this question. 3. Responders are required to justify a tiered facility use fee schedule. Please define “tiered” as used in the context of the FOA. I cannot find this defined either. Anyone? 4. Where are the terms and conditions of the award located? 5. Is the disposition of the biomass produced under the Second Function area of Topic Area 2 pre-determined? Are there restrictions on the use and final purpose of the biomass?
Answer 54:

1. For purposes of this FOA, a “partnership” is “a business relationship between two or more entities, each of whom has a financial interest in the successful outcome of the project.”

2. Yes, a prime recipient and subrecipient relationship between two entities is a partnership in the context of this FOA; however, a prime recipient and vendor relationship is not considered a partnership in the context of this FOA.

3. According to the FOA, the discussion of the site access plan mentions the requirement to provide equitable access to the testbed. If the applicant proposes to charge variable user fees (tiered fee schedule), an explanation of the basis for the differing rates is required.

4. As provided in Section VI – Award Administration Information, below is the link to the common DOE Special Terms and Conditions for Use in Most Grants and Cooperative Agreement:   Special Terms and Conditions for these awards are not standardized and will be negotiated and provided to awardees at the time of selection and negotiation.

5. The disposition of the biomass produced under the Second Function area of Topic Area 2 is not pre-determined and not controlled by this FOA.  As described in the FOA,  “DOE intends to use Federal funds to support the operation of existing outdoor algae cultivation systems to allow researchers access to real-world conditions for algal biomass production for biofuel.”

Question 55: I was wondering if it would be possible to speak with someone about the appropriateness of our proposal idea and if the DOE would be interested in potentially funding our proposed project. I’ve included a short synopsis and look forward to your response.
Answer 55:

 Regrettably, DOE does not engage in private discussions concerning specific applications of potential applicants. All questions must be submitted to the FOA mailbox and answered in a public manner.  Additionally, the DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants.  Projects selected for negotiations will be based on criteria listed in Section V – Application Review Information.

Question 56: Hello, please see my questions below for the ASAP FOA: 1. Page 15. Section F. Period of performance states that for Topic area 1 the period of performance is F12 – FY15. Does this mean the period of performance should take all this time or can it be shorter? 2. Will funding for each Phase be able to be carried over to the next Phase with proper justification? Thank you in advance for your response, it is greatly appreciated.
Answer 56:

1.       The period of performance should be the amount of time needed to complete the project, up to the allowable amount of time.  Less time can be requested.

2.      Section I – Funding Opportunity Description, under Topic 1, the FOA states, “Projects awarded as a result of this FOA will be phased. Projects proposed under Topic Area 1 will have two Phases, separated by a go/no review.  Applicants must propose baseline measures, propose specific Phase targets and designate the go/no go decision point between Phases. Applicants are responsible for determination of the sources of data used in submitted proposals. Applications must include descriptions of each Phase, including all necessary work and targets to accomplish objectives. A go/no go review will be used to determine project readiness to advance from initial Phase into each subsequent Phase. Funding, subject to availability of funds, for subsequent Phases will be released to the project only after a successful go/no go review. This review will be performed by the awardee, DOE and/or outside reviewers to verify accomplishment of proposed Phase goals and project readiness for next Phase. DOE will make the determination of project readiness to advance based on results and recommendations of the Review.”

Question 57: In this FOA, there is a table that shows maximum budget dollars in years 3 & 5, but none in years 2 & 4. We understand the go/no-go concept of this project, but we need to know if you actually want to see a budget that reflects no expenditures in years 2 & 4… or may we submit a budget with proposal expenditures in all years, understanding that the actual funding would only come in yrs 1 and 3?
Answer 57:

The budget for applications should propose expenditures in all years. As stated in the FOA, “Note that recipients in both Topic Area 1 and 2 must successfully undergo a go/no go review to become eligible to receive funds for subsequent Phases.  Topic Area 1 projects will be fully funded for all Phases, with funding for Phase II released only after successful go/no go review. Topic Area 2 project funding for Phases II and III will be dependent on successful go/no go reviews and the appropriation and availability of funds to DOE in out years.” 

Question 58: What is the definition of “external nutrients” or “fresh inputs?” The FOA implies that the definition is a nutrient from a stream that has zero or negative economic value (e.g. agricultural runoff, municipal wastewater). What about the use of nutrient-laden waste streams that do have economic value (e.g. sludges used as low-grade soil amendments, or waste )? Or is it something like any organic fertilizer not mined?
Answer 58:

This FOA seeks to accelerate the development and demonstration of integrated cultivation and recycling technologies for algal biomass production that demonstrate minimal water and external nutrient inputs through the use of nutrient-laden source water and/or nutrient and water recycling systems.  


The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods that:

  • Significantly reduces external nutrient input requirements (eg: Nitrogen and Phosphorus) relative to the baseline presented in the application (see suggested table below) .
  • Primarily uses a non-potable water source such as waste water from agricultural run-off, municipal or industrial waste sources, produced water, brackish water, or seawater.  Freshwater consumption should be shown to be a great deal less than applicant’s baseline and/or current practices in biofuel production[1].
  • Has the potential to be scaled economically.


Applicants are responsible for determining project/proposal baselines for nutrient and fresh water consumption levels. The sources of nutrients and the methods/technologies proposed to reduce/recycle nutrient and water consumption compared to the baselines are to be determined by the applicants.

[1] Consumptive water use in fuel production is a sustainability concern.  An analysis “Consumptive Water Use in the Production of Ethanol and Petroleum Gasoline” by M. Wu, M. Mintz, M. Wang, and S. Arora (2009) at the Argonne National Laboratory discusses many issues related to water use and biofuel and petroleum production. Algae-based biofuels should demonstrate the possibility of comparable or lower water consumption relative to current biofuel practices.

Question 59: Are cyanobacteria (cyanobacteria systems) allowable within this FOA?
Answer 59:

Any proposed systems must respond to the stated goals of the FOA as discussed on pages 4 - 6 and address the criteria presented in Section V. The National Algal Biofuels Technology Roadmap (footnote on page 4) which serves as guidance for DOE algal research needs and direction, includes cyanobacteria in the definition of algae.

Question 60: The answer to question 50 states that multiple subaward budgets can be added individually according to the subawardee’s name. How? To upload a XLS file for the budget, you click on browse and select the single file you want to upload. Then you click “Upload Subawarcdee Budget File, if applicable File”. Once the single file is uploaded you do not have an option to upload a second file. Same for the Subaward Justification file. Only one file can be uploaded for the subaward budget and the subaward justification file. How do I submit the subaward budget and subaward justification file for our other two subs? For the subaward budget we could add a tab for each subaward in a single XLS file and name each tab according to the file naming structure. However, we cannot do this with the subaward justification file since there are multiple tabs and automatic calculations do not work correctly when additional tabs for additional subs are added. In the past, when there were multiple subs, DOE has had us scan the multiple budgets to PDF and upload PDFs instead of XLS. However, when I try to upload a PDF on either of these sections it states “this file extension isn’t allowed.
Answer 60:

You can add additional optional document upload fields to capture the Sub recipient budget and justification file.  The additional document upload fields will appear in the Upload and Submit tab.

Question 61: The proposal indicates that funding for all phases is done for the first year. Does that indicate that both phase 1&2 need to be completed in the first year, or can phase 2 be done over an 18-24 month time frame? Will there be additional funding available for phase 2? Is phase two triggered by a go/no go decision? What is the intent of phase 2, large scale demonstration or commercialization? Do you have an established scale factor between phase 1&2. If so what is the minimum acceptable scale for project size between the two phases?
Answer 61:

1.  The budget should reflect the entire project period. The anticipated period of performance for projects under each Program/Topic Area in this announcement is: Topic Area 1,  FY12-FY15 and Topic Area 2, FY12-FY17.

2.  As stated in the FOA, “Note that recipients in both Topic Area 1 and 2 must successfully undergo a go/no go review to become eligible to receive funds for subsequent Phases.  Topic Area 1 projects will be fully funded for all Phases, with funding for Phase II released only after successful go/no go review. Topic Area 2 project funding for Phases II and III will be dependent on successful go/no go reviews and the appropriation and availability of funds to DOE in out years.”

3.  See above.

4.  From the FOA,  for Topic Area 1:

“The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods that:

• Significantly reduces external nutrient input requirements (eg: Nitrogen and Phosphorus) relative to the baseline presented in the application (see suggested table below).

• Returns carbon to the cultivation system.

• Primarily uses a non-potable water source such as waste water from agricultural run-off, municipal or industrial waste sources, produced water, brackish water, or seawater.  Freshwater consumption should be shown to be a great deal less than applicant’s baseline and/or current practices in biofuel production[1].

• Cultivates an algae strain(s) (appropriate for downstream conversion into biofuels) using the identified water source.

• Has the potential to be scaled economically.

Projects awarded as a result of this FOA will be phased. Projects proposed under Topic Area 1 will have two Phases, separated by a go/no review.  Applicants must present baseline data, propose specific Phase targets and designate the go/no go decision point between Phases. Applications must include descriptions of each Phase, including all necessary work and targets to accomplish objectives.”

From the FOA for Topic Area 2:

“The intent of Topic Area 2 is to fund the creation of Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed partnerships (RAFT). RAFT Partnerships are defined as collaborations among two or more organizations that have the relevant expertise, facilities, permitting, and partnership structures in place to perform the two basic functions addressed below. Applications to perform only one of the two functions will not be considered for funding. For purposes of this FOA, a “Testbed Facility” is defined as a single geographical location within the United States equipped with instruments and expertise for testing a variety of algal biomass processes. Each RAFT Partnership must have a total production capacity equal to or exceeding 500 kg afdw algal biomass per year and have the flexibility to accommodate the testing of innovative algal process configurations. RAFT Partnerships must be able to provide several cultivation units at multiple sites to provide datasets in replicates, and to compare datasets between sites. RAFT Partnership cultivation facilities should largely be situated outdoors, exposed to the natural elements, and simulate future production conditions.”

Projects awarded as a result of this FOA will be phased. Topic Area 2 projects are expected to have three Phases, each of which will be separated by a go/no go review.  Applicants must present baseline data, propose specific Phase targets and designate the go/no go decision point between Phases. Applications must include descriptions of each Phase including all necessary work and targets to accomplish objectives.”

5.  It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine goals, tasks, targets and go/no go decision points of proposals as stated in the FOA.

Question 62: I'm from {Information Removed} and I wanted to know if it can be integrated into this project for realization of a thesis topic that is moving in the same line of research already cited ?
Answer 62:

We are not clear exactly what your question is in reference to the FOA, however, all applications to the FOA are from individual applicants that direct their own research. Unfortunately, we are not able to connect research students and potential applicants.

Please feel free to contact us again, if this doesn’t address your question.

Question 63: Related to Q32 and A32 above, does the Department of Energy's Biomass Program consider cyanobacteria to be included in its definition of "algae", regardless of the taxonomical definitions? The past history of selected awardees {Information removed} and the Program literature (Algae Roadmap, Mult-year Program Plan) suggests that the Program definition of algae is broadly inclusive of cyanobacteria.
Answer 63:

Please see answer to question #59.

Question 64: Dear DOE Program Officer, We have the following questions regarding the FOA. Your answers would help ensure that proposals are fully responsive. Do the techno-economic model (TEM) and life cycle analysis (LCA) need to cover the whole algae to fuel process or just the nutrient recycle portion? What type of LCA analysis is required? Full GREET model or just mass and energy balances?
Answer 64:

Applicants are responsible for determining the type and parameters of models in their applications/proposals. Applicants are encouraged to address to the criteria listed within the FOA.

Question 65: Our research found that some fungi help formation of algae-fungi pellets which can be easily removed from culture broth. This would be good a harvest technique. Does this FOA support research on co-culture of algae and fungi?
Answer 65:

Applications which addresses the areas described in the FOA will be evaluated for possible funding.

"Topic Area 1 will support the development and demonstration of integrated cultivation and recycling technologies for algal biomass production that demonstrate minimal water and external nutrient inputs and/or the use of waste/effluent nutrients.  Topic Area 2 will establish Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed (RAFT) partnerships.  For purposes of this FOA, a “Testbed Facility" is defined as a single geographical location within the United States equipped with instruments and expertise for testing a variety of algal biomass processes. The RAFT Partnerships must have a total production capacity equal to or exceeding 500 kg ash-free dry weight (afdw) algal biomass per year and have the flexibility to accommodate the testing of innovative algal process configurations.

The ASAP FOA will accelerate efforts to increase the scalability of algae production and help the Biomass Program meet its aggressive goals for algal biofuels by: supporting the development of innovative technologies to capture and recycle water and nutrients; developing testbed facilities that serve as engines for algal technology innovation, job training, and validation; and creating long-term cultivation data necessary to understand and promote algae biomass production."

Applicants are urged to consider all the criteria which be used for evaluation of submitted proposals,  please see Section V - Application Review Information.  The DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants.

Question 66: A table is included on page 8 of the FOA to organize baseline, phase I and phase II goals. In the section called "Growth and Productivity," please clarify the meaning of "Target Biomass Yield."
Answer 66:

If there is some fractionation of the overall productivity (in AFDW) with one portion being an intermediate fuel product and the other portion a residual (inorganics, etc.) that will be recycled; the target biomass yield is the fraction of the productivity that will converted into fuel.

Question 67: For Topic 1 proposals in the FOA's Phase Targets table on page 8, may PIs exclude Phase II Targets?
Answer 67:

As described in the FOA, it is the responsibility of applicants to propose targets for each phase.

Projects proposed under Topic Area 1 will have two Phases, separated by a go/no review.  Applicants must present baseline data, propose specific Phase targets and designate the go/no go decision point between Phases. Applications must include descriptions of each Phase, including all necessary work and targets to accomplish objectives.”


The table on page 8 is a suggested format. Applicants may use any format to provide the required information.

Question 68: I have a really simple (probably stupid) question. When I download the SF-424 form from the DOE website, I am unable to edit and save my changes. How am I supposed to edit SF-424 and upload into EERE Exchange?
Answer 68:

If you edit the document at this link:, it will allow you to save your changes.  However, make the changes before you download the document.

Question 69: I’m hoping to submit proposal with tentative title, {Information removed} to Topic Area 1; “Reducing Water and Nutrient Use in Algal Cultivation. I have two questions; 1) My intention is to proposal two phases, with each phase consisting of 18 months with a go/no evaluation at the end of the first 18 months? Is this acceptable? In spite of this, should I still configure the budget as three one-year budgets as opposed to two 1.5 year budgets? 2) There appears to be a redundancy in listing of project objectives in, a) Summary statement, b) Within the Narrative body (implied), as well as, c) In the (required 4-page) section entitled, “Statement of Project Objectives” I’m planning to eliminate this redundancy by listing this “statement section” up front as the only listing of objectives in the narrative. Is this acceptable o,r is this last section to serve as a “stand alone” section?
Answer 69:

1) As stating in the FOA, “Applicants must present baseline data, propose specific Phase targets and designate the go/no go decision point between Phases. Applications must include descriptions of each Phase, including all necessary work and targets to accomplish objectives. A go/no go review will be used to determine project readiness to advance from initial Phase into each subsequent Phase.” It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine goals, tasks, targets and go/no go decision points of proposals as stated in the FOA.


2)  Please see the  “Summary of Required Forms/Files” for a listing of all required documents. Responsiveness to the objectives of the FOA will be evaluated in the initial review and the merit review of applications as outlined on Section V - Application Review Information.

Question 70: Is it permissible for the full required cost share of the total project award to be provided by a subrecipient? In particular, is it acceptable for the cost share to be provided as an in-kind contribution (rent and utilites) from the owner of the facility that will be used for the proposed project?
Answer 70:

Yes, the cost share may be provided by the subrecipient.  Please see Appendix C in the FOA, and 10 CFR Part 600, for additional information on cost sharing and matching funds.

Question 71: Good morning, We are preparing to submit a proposal in response to DE-FOA-0000615, Topic Area 2. The table on page 14 of the FOA indicates the following Total Available Funding schedule: up to $8.3M in Year 1; zero dollars in Year 2; up to $6.7M in Year 3; and zero dollars in Years 4 and 5. We are not sure if the table therefore indicates that this is how you want to see the budget laid out and entered into the SF-424A file(s), or whether this is simply how the funding will be distributed by DOE, if awarded. Please clarify whether you want the budget prepared according to this schedule, or whether we can budget dollars across the years, for a maximum of $15M in requested funding. This is the third time I have emailed this question, and we are really hoping to get an answer, or see an answer posted online.
Answer 71:

Please see questions #52 and #57.

Question 72: The Content and Form of Application section does not clearly state where technological background information should be included. Aside from baseline values, should applications include any detail on the technological background of the proposed work? If so, where should that be included?
Answer 72:

Applications will be evaluated against the guidance provided in Section V.  The location of any additional information within the application is the decision/responsibility of the applicant.

Question 73: {Information removed}, is preparing a submission in response to DE-FOA-0000615 (Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production (ASAP). We have a login for eere-exchange {Information removed}, but we do not yet have a control number as we are now finalizing the Abstract required on the General Tab of the site. The site specifies that the Abstract must exactly match the Abstract contained in the body of our submission. Question- in order to expedite receipt of our control number, can we enter the current draft of our Abstract, and then revise it once it is final?
Answer 73: You may revise applications until the FOA closes. 
Question 75: An extension to question 58. If we define external nutrient/fresh inputs as commercial fertilizer, and we get all of the external nitrogen we need from an industrial wastewater source (i.e. NOT a commercial fertilizer), then our fresh inputs on the table would be 0 g N/g biomass. Is this an acceptable scenario? Is it expected that each applicant may define external nutrients/fresh inputs differently and therefore reviewers will not have an apples-to-apples comparison of baselines or targets between applicants?
Answer 75:

Applicants are responsible for determining project/proposal baselines for nutrient and fresh water consumption levels. The sources of nutrients and the methods/technologies proposed to reduce/recycle nutrient and water consumption compared to the baselines are to be determined by the applicants.


Applications will be evaluated against the criteria published in Section V of the FOA.


The DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants.
Question 76: My company is a subcontractor on a proposal being submitted in response to DE-FOA-0000615. Our rates and detailed cost information are private and can’t be submitted outside the government. Is there a way for subcontractors/subawardees to submit or upload detailed budget and budget justification files directly to you without sending it through the Prime? Please contact us if you have questions or need clarification regarding this question.
Answer 76:

Prime Applicants and Subrecipients have two options.  Applicants can sign confidentiality agreements with Subcontractors/Team Members, stating they will maintain the confidential information (i.e. salary and indirect rate information) in a confidential manner, and only share the information with the Department of Energy. 


The second option is that the subcontractors can submit this information directly to the question mailbox for each FOA, if necessary.  However, we will need a letter from the Prime Applicant to give the Subcontractor permission to submit the information separately and give the Department of Energy permission to speak to the Subcontractor directly should we have any questions.

Question 77: We have letters of participation/collaboration from two different wastewater treatment plants. One has state value as cost share and the other does not. 1. We plan on listing both as team members – though neither is requesting federal funding. a. Will eXCHANGE require that we assign a percent of the project to each? b. Do we need to attach a budget file for each if they are not requesting funding but (one) providing cost share? 2. One is a municipality… there is not selection for this under “organization type” – what should we select? Thank you.
Answer 77:

1 a. Yes, eXCHANGE does require a percent of effort for team members.


1 b. Please review the PMC 123.1, Budget Justification.  As outlined in the PMC 123.1, Budget Justification, under the Contractual Tab,  “Sub-recipients (partners, sub-awardees):  For each sub-recipient with total project costs of $100,000 or more, a separate budget form and justification must be submitted.  These sub-recipient forms may be completed by either the sub-recipients themselves or by the preparer of this form.  The budget totals on the sub-recipient's forms must match the sub-recipient entries below.

The preparer of this form need only provide further support of the completed sub-recipient budget forms as they deem necessary.  The support to justify the budgets of sub-recipients with estimated costs less than $100,000 may be in any format, and at a minimum should provide what Statement of Project Objectives task(s) are being performed, the purpose/need for the effort, and a basis of the estimated costs that is considered sufficient for DOE evaluation.”


Under the Cost Share tab of the PMC 123.1 Budget Justification, it states, “A detailed presentation of the cash or cash value of all cost share proposed for the project must be provided in the table below.  Identify the source & amount of each item of cost share proposed by the award recipient and each sub-recipient or vendor.  Letters of commitment must be submitted for all third party cost share (other than award recipient).”


Keep in mind that all work involved in this project, regardless of who performs the work, (prime recipient, sub-recipient, team member, etc.),  must be included in the total project cost, and budget justification, whether or not the prime recipient intends to provide Federal funding to the sub recipient or team member.  These costs may be used as recipient cost share.


2. eXCHANGE has now been updated.  State and/or Local Governments is now  listed as an option. 
Question 78: My institution is leading an application to the ASAP program (DE-FOA-0000615 ), Topic Area 2. Q1: Can budget line items pertaining to a) the installation of data sensors, b) the installation and testing of data management schema, and c) data provision and management all be considered to fall under the second function? Per pg. 16 of the FOA, “Projects awarded to Institutions of Higher Education, National Laboratories and FFRDCs funded under this announcement are eligible for a waiver of the cost share requirement otherwise applicable to the second function only under Topic Area 2 (regional, long-term cultivation and data collection.) Installation, configuration and testing will be required to add data collection capacity to the testing facilities. Q2: Please confirm that the 20% cost-share requirement of for-profit sub-recipients in Topic Area 2, Second Function is waived if the prime institution is an Institution of Higher Education. In Question 39 above, your response states, As defined in Appendix A – Definitions, “"Cost Sharing" means the respective share of Total Project Costs to be contributed by the Applicant and by DOE. The percentage of Applicant Cost Share is to be applied to the Total Project Cost (i.e., the sum of Applicant plus DOE Cost Shares) rather than to the DOE contribution alone.” DOE only has a relationship with the prime recipient, not sub recipients, so the cost share requirement is based the recipient type, not sub recipient or subcontractor type.”
Answer 78:

 1.       It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine the work/tasks necessary to fulfill each of the functions under Topic Area 2


 2.       The answer to #39 has been amended to reflect the following:  It is the responsibility of the  prime recipient to ensure  the sub-recipient meets the cost share requirements of the FOA.  As stated in the FOA under Topic Ares 2, Second Function: Institutions of Higher Education, US National Laboratories, FFRDC’s, (Recipient or Sub-Recipient) have a 0% Cost Share requirement.

Question 79: I have a few questions regarding the Merit Review Criteria section of the DE-FOA-0000615 ASAP grant, particularly, the Technical Merit & Feasibility for Topic 1. The wording is a bit confusing and I wanted to make sure we're laying out this section correctly. Is there someone that I can contact regarding this concern? My contact information is below.
Answer 79:

Applicants are responsible for determining the content and arrangement of information within their respective applications.   The FOA provides guidance for application submissions including the paragraph regarding the merit review criteria:


·         Merit Review Criteria

This section should be formatted to address each of the merit review criterion and sub-criterion listed in Part V. A. Provide sufficient information so that reviewers will be able to evaluate the application in accordance with these merit review criteria. DOE WILL EVALUATE AND CONSIDER ONLY THOSE APPLICATIONS THAT ADDRESS SEPARATELY EACH OF THE MERIT REVIEW CRITERION AND SUB-CRITERION.


Regrettably, DOE does not engage in private discussions concerning specific applications of potential applicants. All questions must be submitted to the FOA mailbox and answered in a public manner.  Additionally, the DOE cannot make recommendations or suggestions to applicants.
Question 80: The FOA states that, for the second function of Topic Area 2, Institutions of Higher Education are not required to contribute cost share. Is a for-profit company that subcontracts to an Institution of Higher Education responsible to contribute cost share for the Second Function of Topic Area 2? I want to understand the responsibilities of the for-profit agency with regards to cost-share on the Second Function of Topic Area 2 when the for-profit agency is subcontracting to an Institute of Higher Education.
Answer 80:

As stated in the FOA under Topic Area 2, Second Function: Institutions of Higher Education, US National Laboratories, and FFRDC’s, (Recipient or Sub-Recipient) have a 0% Cost Share requirement. All other entities  have a 20% cost share requirement.  It is the responsibility of the  prime recipient to ensure  the sub-recipient meets the cost share requirements of the FOA. 

Question 81: In the PMC 123.1 Budget Justification spreadsheet are the columns titled “budget period” referring to the budget years or the phases?
Answer 81:

The term ‘budget period” and phases are used interchangeably in this FOA.  Applications must include descriptions of each Phase, including all necessary work and targets to accomplish objectives. A go/no go review will be used to determine project readiness to advance from initial Phase into each subsequent Phase. Funding, subject to availability of funds, for subsequent Phases will be released to the project only after a successful go/no go review.

Question 82: To properly prepare out budget using the PMS123 form, should cost sharing items also be listed in their respective categories so that they end up being included in the summary at as well? If this is not done, the percentage calculation in the 'cost share' tab won't properly reflect the cost sharing the way it is calculated in the announcement.
Answer 82:

Yes.  The budget documents should reflect the entire project cost:  federal and non-federal.  As stated in the PMC 123.1, “The total budget presented on this form and on the application  must include both Federal (DOE), and Non-Federal (cost share) portions, thereby reflecting TOTAL PROJECT COSTS proposed.”  In order to do this, all costs must be entered by the appropriate object class category.

Question 83: Does the award size ceiling and floor amounts listed in the FOA on page 15, section C refer to the federal share (only the portion of funds requested from OBP) or for the total project cost (including cost share)? Please confirm that this for the entire period of performance, not for each year. Is the 15% cap on capital expenditures calculated on the basis of the federal share, or the total project cost? Does this cap apply to the entire period of performance, or for each year calculated separately? Does it apply to the entire project, or calculated separately for each partner or subcontract in a project?
Answer 83: The award limits only refer to the amount of Federal dollars per award. The 15% cap limit is calculated on the total project cost not just the Federal portion. Additionally, it applies to the entire period of performance.
Question 84: The FOA contains a table in which applicants are to list their baseline, Phase 1 and Phase 2 target metrics. Is there a particular section of the Project Narrative where this table should be included (e.g. "Project Objectives, "Relevance and Outcomes/Impacts", etc)?
Answer 84:

Applications will be evaluated against the guidance provided in Section V.  The location of any additional information within the application is the decision/responsibility of the applicant.

Question 85: In regards to Topic Area 2/Second Function, how do I calculate cost share for a sub-recipient,(Institution of higher education with a 0% cost share requirement), that has a different cost share requirement that I do as a for-profit organization (with a 20% cost share requirement)?
Answer 85:

Example: Total Requested Federal Share = $1,000,000


Entity                                    Proposed DOE                   DOE Share           Required Cost   Required Cost

                                                Share                                    (%)                         Share (%)            Share ($)

Prime Recipient                $800,000                              80%                        20%                        $200,000

(For Profit)

Subrecipient 1                   $100,000                              100%                     0%                          $0

(Institution of Higher Education)

Subrecipient 2                   $100,000                              80%                        20%                        $25,000

(For Profit)


Total DOE Share                $1,000,000

Total Recipient Share     $225,000

Total Project Cost            $1,225,000


DOE share in $ divided by DOE share % = Prime or Subrecipient Cost


These totals should be reflected in the prime recipient’s budget justification.


Question 86: I am writing in regard to further clarifications of the requirements for Topic Area 2, establishment of Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed (RAFT) partnerships. I would like to to inquire whether 3 outdoor test bed facilities are an absolute requirement, ie could 1 or 2 outdoor facilities be shared amongst 3 or more partnership members of the RAFT partnership? Also, the RFA states that Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed (RAFT) partnerships cultivation facilities should largely be situated outdoors, exposed to the natural elements, and simulate future production conditions. Therefore, II would also like to inquire whether this is a strict requirement, or whether one (or more) of the algal cultivation testbed facilities or cultivation vessels could be situated in an indoor facility. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I will look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Answer 86:

As stated in Section I, under  Topic Area 2,  “RAFT Partnerships must be able to provide several cultivation units at multiple sites to provide datasets in replicates, and to compare datasets between sites. RAFT Partnership cultivation facilities should largely be situated outdoors, exposed to the natural elements, and simulate future production conditions.”

 The number and arrangement of facilities is to be determined by the applicant.


Additionally, in Section  I – Funding Opportunity Description under Topic Area I Reducing Water and Nutrient Use in Algae Cultivation, “The goal of Topic Area 1 is to demonstrate an outdoor cultivation system for extended (i.e. 90 plus days) cultivation periods.”  If the system is inside a structure, it will not meet the intent of this FOA.

Question 87: We are the Lead Proposing University, however we have a DOE Laboratory on this project. In the past, the Office of Sponsored Programs have not included DOE Lab funds our SF424 or on the SF424A Budget. Our requested funds on the SF424 and SF424A Budget only represent the monies that will come directly from DOE to us (the applicant/recipient). The problem is that our PI and his department wishes to include the DOE Lab requested funds in our Budget as a Subcontract even though they are NOT. I have recommended to our PI and his department administrator that the DOE Lab requested funds must be removed from our Primary Budget and that they should simply include the DOE Lab requested funds on the Budget Justification. In addition, I have recommended that the PI include the Total Project Costs requested from all participants on the Proposal Cover Page. Please confirm if you agree with these recommendations and if not, please provide further guidance. Thank you. PS: The DOE Lab has provided all required documents including the “Field Work Proposal”. All documents will be inserted and uploaded appropriately into the EERE eXCHANGE website.
Answer 87:

The PMC 123.1 Budget Justification, states, “All costs incurred by the preparer's sub-recipients, vendors, contractors, consultants and Federal Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), should be entered only in section f. Contractual.”  Although these costs are included in the Budget Justification, (and should also be included in the SF-424),  since the DOE directly funds the FFRDC’s, the FFRDC costs should NOT be included in the 424A.

Question 88: I am assisting a PI in applying to the above referenced notice. We will be a subcontract to a private entity and we are fulfilling the second function in Topic Area 2 as our subcontract. Since we are a university of higher education and we our scope of work is for the second function only, does that exempt our portion from the 20% cost share rule (as per pg 15/16 of the guidelines)? Please let me know at your earliest convenience, thanks so much.
Answer 88:

Yes, in regards to Topic 2, Second Function, Institutions of Higher Education  and US National Laboratories, (FFRDC’s) have a 0% cost share.  All other entities have a 20% cost share.

Question 89: Will mixotrophic culture techniques be allowed in the ASAP call? We are aggressively working on this technique in addition to heterotrophic and autotrophic mixed and pure cultures at Clemson University. I realize heterotrophic can not be included, but I believe we can make a substantial contribution through techniques we've developed using primarily autotrophic culture, but with the addition of waste streams that feed carbon to the system coupled with photosynthesis and CO2 uptake.
Answer 89:

As stated in the FOA,  "Projects cultivating algae heterotrophically are NOT eligible for funding under this FOA."  The determination of which techniques to include in an application is the sole responsibility of the applicant.

Question 90: When will applicants be notified as to the funding decisions? When will awardees begin to receive funds?
Answer 90:

As stated in the FOA, "DOE anticipates notifying applicants selected for award by end of June 2012 and making awards by end of August 2012."  However, depending on negotiations,  not all the funds may be released by August 2012.

Question 91: I am applying to the ASAP opportunity, and I'm a bit confused about what the funding can be put towards. It seems that the goal of the project is to improve an existing facility to make it consume less nutrients and make more biomass and biofuel. However, the application manual says that we many not use more than 15% of the total project costs to improve the facility. So, what can the other 85% be used for? Sorry if this is a silly question, but it seems like the manual is saying that the money cannot be used for exactly what the project is supposed to be achieving. One more question regarding the growth and productivity chart on page 10. We are using another funding source to build a wastewater treatment system on a nearby farm using algae. We would like to use the ASAP funding to add functionality to this that would use the algae to clean the biogas from an on-site digester that would produce transportation quality natural gas as the end product. So, I am wondering what we consider the "baseline" system. As we are treating wastewater, there is no addition of nutrients already, so there is no room for improvement on this front. However, clearly this is already a huge improvement over existing biofuel systems that use water that requires additives. So, do we consider that standard state-of-the-art to be the baseline? Will we lose points for not "improving" upon our current system, if there is no possible way to improve it (i.e. it is already ideal)?
Answer 91:

Topic Area 1 will support technologies as outlined in the FOA. Projects are expected to be primarily  research/development and demonstration with limited capital expenditures as outlined in the FOA.

Additionally, Topic Area 1 will support the development and demonstration of integrated cultivation and recycling technologies for algal biomass production that demonstrate minimal water and external nutrient inputs and/or the use of waste/effluent nutrients. 

Projects may not use more than 15% of the total project cost for capital expenditures to improve/expand the existing cultivation system capacity (new ponds, photobioreactors (PBR), etc.).  pg9


The DOE  cannot provide advice or suggestions to potential applicants.

Question 92: Trying to submit application for ASAP DE-FOA-0000615: Under Funds and Costs tab, it will not let us put non-federal share in on #2. What do we do?
Answer 92:

The system has now been revised to accept Non-Federal cost share for Topic #2.  You may now update your information.