Question 23:
The application process to start generating a Concept Paper requires a mandatory 4000 word (max) "Abstract", which in red type below says must match the abstract in the application. So is the abstract needed in addition to the Concept Paper, or can we bypass that requirement for the Concept Paper, or are they in fact the same thing (4000 words = 4 pages)? Thanks
And where do we going looking for answers to questions?
Answer 23:
Please see FOA Section IV. "Application and Submission Information," which in Section IV.D.1. describes the 1-page "Summary/Abstract for Public Release" required as part of the Full Application package. No other separate abstract is required at the Concept Paper stage.
Responses to questions are posted to the FOA FAQs web page at
Question 26:
Our state government organization is partnering with another state government organization to submit a concept paper and proposal on two hot sedimentary basins. Our partner will be the prime awardee, and the total budget may be at a level that would reduce the cost share amount to 10%. Does that percentage apply to the entire budget, or does our state organization's portion dictate the cost share for our part of the budget?
Answer 26:
See FOA Section III.B., "Cost Sharing." The recipient cost share requirement for applied R&D projects will be reduced from 20% to 10% where:
(1) the Prime Recipient is a domestic institution of higher education; domestic nonprofit entity; FFRDC; or U.S. State, local or tribal government; and
(2) the Prime Recipient performs more than 50% of the project work, as measured by the Total Project Cost.
Each Project Team is free to determine how best to allocate the cost share requirement among the team members. The amount contributed by individual Project Team members may vary, as long as the cost share requirement for the project as a whole is met.
Question 40:
I am preparing to submit a concept paper for one of my PIs for FOA – DE-FOA-0000841 and have a couple questions.
1. The FAQs indicate that the abstract is not required for the concept paper, yet the abstract has a red asterisk and you cannot submit without having text in this field. What do you suggest we enter in this section?
2. Is information on the team members, funds and costs required for the concept paper or do we leave this section of the application blank?
Answer 40:
1. The Abstract field in Exchange can be populated with a brief summary of the Technology Description from the Concept Paper. The complete Concept Paper upload is what DOE will review.
2. Team Member information may be provided in the boxes in Exchange, but is not required for the Concept Paper. The Funds and Costs "Cost Range" pull-down box marked with a red asterisk in Exchange is required to be populated; applicants can pick the cost range that most closely represents the proposed project in Phase I. A complete Budget is required as part of the Full Application, and is what DOE will review.
Question 43:
In the event my firm is awarded a grant from your office for this work, who will administer the project? I see from your website you have a team of program managers and supervisors- can you advise which individual would be the project manager / key contact for us for this project?
Answer 43:
Project managers/key contacts currently are not assigned. The Geothermal Technologies Office has geologists and engineers experienced in managing geothermal projects.
Please remember, as stated in FOA Section VII. “Questions / Agency Contacts,” EERE personnel are prohibited from communicating (in writing or otherwise) with Applicants regarding the FOA except through the established question and answer process. Specifically, questions regarding the content of this FOA must be submitted to: not later than 3 business days prior to the application due date.
Question 55:
The first Exchange screen tab "General" asks for 4000 character "abstract" and asks that this be identical to "the Abstract in the application document." I do not know what is meant by that "Abstract in the application document." The technical volume does not use the word "abstract." It asks for a Project Overview that has no character restriction. There is the "Summary/Abstract for Public Release." It is restricted to one page but has no character restriction.
To which of those must I make the 4000 character "abstract" equal?
Answer 55:
The "Abstract in the application document" refers to the Abstract requirement for the Full application, as explained in FOA Section IV.D.5. "Summary/Abstract for Public Release." Applicants should make the text in the Abstract field in Exchange match the "Summary/Abstract for Public Release" as closely as possible. It may be necessary to edit the one-page "Summary/Abstract for Public Release" when pasting it into the "Abstract" field in Exchange, in order to conform to the 4,000 character limit in the Exchange field. The full one-page "Summary/Abstract for Public Release" will be reviewed as part of the Full Application.
Question 61:
Form EERE 159 Detailed Budget Justification instructions clearly state, “The total budget presented on this form and on the application must include both Federal(DOE) and Non-Federal (cost share) portions.” However, the "Instructions and Summary" sheet does not identify a specific alphabetical bullet point to capture that information.
I advised the PI to put the cost share portion in alpha bullet “h. Other direct costs” sheet, but I would feel more comfortable hearing from you that this is acceptable for submission purposes.
Answer 61:
Both Federal(DOE) and Non-Federal (cost share) portions must be presented in the EERE 159 Budget Justification Excel worksheets a - i. A detailed presentation of the cost share proposed for the project must be provided in the Cost Share sheet at the end (far right tab) of the EERE 159 Budget Justification workbook. See the instructions at the top of the Cost Share sheet.
Please submit the Budget Justification workbook in Excel format.