Frequently Asked Questions

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Question 1: Does this FOA include Concept papers for Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for Geopressured-geothermal areas (like in the Gulf Coast - LA and TX), or is it restricted to purely geothermal areas like in the U.S. west coast?
Answer 1: This FOA does not exclude projects that seek to explore for geopressured resources.  GTO will not comment on specific proposals except in response to concept papers that have been formally submitted per the instructions in the FOA.
Question 2: Must the applications be focused only on plays and play fairways for which the end product will be electricity generation, or would play fairways for which low-temperature, direct-use applications are likely to be the end use also be responsive?
Answer 2: This FOA does not exclude projects that seek to explore for low-temp or direct-use applications. GTO will not comment on specific proposals except in response to concept papers that have been formally submitted per the instructions in the FOA.
Question 3: Will printable webinar slides be available after the presentation?
Answer 3: Both the PowerPoint Slides and the video recording are available on the GTO website:
Question 4: How is this different from recent geothermal favorability studies by the Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy, the USGS (Williams et. al) or active industry reserarch (eg. Iovenetti at. al)?
Answer 4: As discussed in Appendix  F of the FOA, there are some examples in the literature of Play Fairway techniques being used in a geothermal context. Applicants are advised to review the literature before submitting a concept paper.  It is DOE's intent to support the development of new techniques, as well as build on previous work.
Question 5: Can the cost share be the time of a student that is paid from university department or assistant professor startup package?
Answer 5: Please see FOA Section III.B. Cost Sharing, and the Federal cost principles pertaining to educational institutions at 2 CFR 220.
Question 6: If one cannot propose work to collect new data and cannot use the old data from an existing geothermal field, where do we get data for analysis?
Answer 6: Applicants cannot propose to collect new field data in Phase 1, but existing datasets can and should be utilized.  If the applicant is not already in possesion of the data necessary for analysis for a particluar area, data may be purchased (subject to the limits in the FOA especially Sections III.B.3 and IV.I.7.).
Question 7: Purchasing data seems to be allowable; if the purchase is made by the prime contractor, does that cost contrinute to the prime contractors' total cost (and whether this exceeds 50% of total costs?)..i.e. eligible for 10% cost share?
Answer 7: The cost of purchased data can be proposed as a cost chargeable to the grant utilizing DOE funding or used as cost share.  This is subject to the limits in the FOA, particularly Sections III.B.3, "Cost Share Types and Allowability," and Section IV.I.7., "Data and Software Costs."
Question 8: Do new measurements such as poro-perm stats on core constitue analysis of existing data?
Answer 8: This FOA is not intended to fund the collection of new field data in Phase 1.  Phase 1 should be based on analysis of existing data, newly purchased datasets subject to the limits in the FOA especially Sections III.B.3 and IV.I.7, or data already in the possesion of the applicant.
Question 9: Can the results remain proprietary to the recipient?
Answer 9: See FOA Section VIII.N., "Rights in Technical Data" and Section IV.D.12., "Data Management Plan." The intent of the FOA is to make data generated under this FOA available to the public in order to spur geothermal exploration.
Question 10: Should the proposal include all phases, Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3?
Answer 10: Details for Phases 2 and 3 are not required for the concept paper and full application, and will not be considered.
Question 11: If a full app can be submitted even if the concept paper is discouraged, can we assume that the full application can be a very different proposal than described in the concept paper?
Answer 11: Applicants should consider DOE's feedback on their concept paper when preparing the full application.  If multiple distinct projects are being contemplated by the applicant, multiple concept papers may be submitted.
Question 12: Does the GTO have a standard set of geothermal play types envisioned, or are these to be defined by each proposal?
Answer 12: It is not GTO's intent to restrict projects to any set of known play types. As stated in Appendix F of the FOA: "Some play types are well documented with actual examples, while other play types may be conceptual or speculative in nature."
Question 13: During the FOA webinar on February 6, it was mentioned that "known accumulations" (i.e., developed geothermal systems) are used in conjunction with conceptual models to help determine the key attributes of geothermal plays. However, later on in the presentation, it was mentioned that the proposals should not be focused on geothermal areas with developed resources. To really figure out what the key attributes of a geothermal play consist of, shouldn't a well constrained analog (a developed geothermal system) be used to help develop a play fairway analysis for a new exploration area? Thus, part of a Phase One project might include the evaluation of one or more analog systems to identify what key attributes should be identified for developing probabilistic models for the new exploration region. Is this allowed under the FOA?
Answer 13: DOE may allow some limited analysis of data from developed fields if the proposed methodology relies on that work as a precursor to exploration in new regions.
Question 14: Are you interested in projects completely focused on using / interfacing with the NGDS?
Answer 14: The use of NGDS tools and data is encouraged, but not required.
Question 15: Should we include Phase II and III activities and costs in response to the current FOA, or only Phase I?
Answer 15: Details for Phases 2 and 3 are not required for the concept paper and full application, and will not be considered.
Question 16: Regional scale - does this mean sizes as large as multiple states? Or is this FOA only looking at similar bypes of basins of much smaller area than covered by states? Can the scale of the proposed study area be over several states, or is this FOA ( DE-FOA-0000841) restricted to areas of smaller size as implied in the FOA (“several thousand square miles”)?
Answer 16: Proposals that cover large areas, even multiple states, may be considered to be at a regional scale.
Question 17: Are fellowships for graduate students allowable cost share, since they typically cannot be invoiced on a monthly basis?
Answer 17: Fellowships for graduate students working on the project may be allowable cost share for educational institutions.  This is a case where an applicant could request that DOE waive the requirement to meet cost share on a per-invoice basis. See FOA Section III.B.6.
Question 18: Can a conceptual model be validated at a developed site to be used at an undeveloped site?
Answer 18: DOE may allow some limited analysis of developed fields if the proposed methodology relies on that work as a precursor to exploration in new regions.
Question 19: Can the cost share requirement be met by contributions for subrecipients as well as from the Prime Recipient?
Answer 19: Yes. See FOA Section III.B. "Cost Sharing."
Question 20: How do you define an already developed geothermal field? does geothermal heating for fish farming or residential use count as already developed?
Answer 20: DOE cannot comment on specific projects except in response to a formally submitted concept paper.
Question 21: Should a concept paper include an anticipated funding request amount for a full Phase I application?
Answer 21: Funding request amount is not required as part of the concept paper, but is required in the full application.  Please see FOA Sections IV.C and IV.D.
Question 22: Does DOE have funding for Phase 1 at this time?
Answer 22: Yes.  DOE anticipates making awards in the amounts described in the table in FOA Section II.A.1.
Question 23: The application process to start generating a Concept Paper requires a mandatory 4000 word (max) "Abstract", which in red type below says must match the abstract in the application. So is the abstract needed in addition to the Concept Paper, or can we bypass that requirement for the Concept Paper, or are they in fact the same thing (4000 words = 4 pages)? Thanks And where do we going looking for answers to questions?
Answer 23:

Please see FOA Section IV. "Application and Submission Information," which in Section IV.D.1.  describes the 1-page "Summary/Abstract for Public Release" required as part of the Full Application package. No other separate abstract is required at the Concept Paper stage.

Responses to questions are posted to the FOA FAQs web page at

Question 25: I tried to find the required forms for the Concept Paper submission (deadline in less than 2 weeks) but was unable to do so. Would you please direct me to them?
Answer 25: See FOA Section IV.C., "Concept and Form of the Concept Paper." Specific forms are not required for the Concept Paper, other than the Technology Description and optional Addendum together in a single .pdf file.
Question 26: Our state government organization is partnering with another state government organization to submit a concept paper and proposal on two hot sedimentary basins. Our partner will be the prime awardee, and the total budget may be at a level that would reduce the cost share amount to 10%. Does that percentage apply to the entire budget, or does our state organization's portion dictate the cost share for our part of the budget?
Answer 26:

See FOA Section III.B., "Cost Sharing." The recipient cost share requirement for applied R&D projects will be reduced from 20% to 10% where:
(1) the Prime Recipient is a domestic institution of higher education; domestic nonprofit entity; FFRDC; or U.S. State, local or tribal government; and
(2) the Prime Recipient performs more than 50% of the project work, as measured by the Total Project Cost.

Each Project Team is free to determine how best to allocate the cost share requirement among the team members. The amount contributed by individual Project Team members may vary, as long as the cost share requirement for the project as a whole is met.

Question 27: Do we need to be fully registered in EERE Exchange to submit the Concept Paper? That is, do we need to submit our DUNS and SAM registrations before we can submit a Concept Paper, or just before the Full Application?
Answer 27: See FOA Section VI.D.1., "Registration Requirements." Although not required in order to submit an Application through the EERE Exchange site, all potential applicants lacking a DUNS number, or not yet registered with SAM or FedConnect should complete those registrations as soon as possible.
Question 28: Cost share - Universities and FFRDC's can get 10% cost share. If University is Prime Recipient, must our share be >50% of TOTAL project costs to receive the 10% cost share rate, or just the portion of budget NOT going to the FFRDC's? That is, if we partner with 2 or 3 different FFRDC's (DOE+non-DOE), can we get the 10% cost share rate if we have the plurality of funding (say, 45% at University, with others at 20-30% each)?
Answer 28: See FOA Section III.B., "Cost Sharing." The recipient cost share requirement for applied R&D projects will be reduced from 20% to 10% where:
(1) the Prime Recipient is a domestic institution of higher education; domestic nonprofit entity; FFRDC; or U.S. State, local or tribal government; and
(2) the Prime Recipient performs more than 50% of the project work, as measured by the Total Project Cost.
Question 29: Can the location proposed for fairway analysis be located outside the U.S.?
Answer 29: See FOA Section IV.I.3 "Performance of Work in the United States." EERE requires all work under EERE financial assistance agreements to be performed in the United States.
Question 30: Are salaries covered by the USGS allowable as in-kind cost share contributions?
Answer 30: See FOA Section III.B.,3. "Cost Share Types and Allowability."  The Prime Recipient may not use Federally funded sources to meet its cost share obligations including, but not limited to: Federal funding or property (e.g., Federal grants, equipment owned by the Federal Government); or expenditures that were reimbursed under a separate Federal Technology Office.
Question 31: Would it be possible to extend the date for the concept paper submissions due to the storm?
Answer 31: There will be no extensions for the concept paper or full application deadlines.
Question 32: Do I understand correctly that the Concept Paper is a 4-page max pdf only and that no other forms etc. are necessary?
Answer 32: The Concept Paper should consist of the mandatory Technology Description (4 pages maximum) and may have an optional Addendum (3 pages maximum) as part of the Concept Paper single file upload (total 7 pages maximum if an Addendum is included). See FOA Section IV.C., "Content and Form of the Concept Paper for more information.
Question 33: Is it possible for a PI to be the lead on the concept paper and then assign a different PI to be the lead on the full proposal?
Answer 33: Yes.
Question 34: Our content paper has been organized into sections that are responsive to each of the “Technology Description” and “Addendum” bullets listed on pages 17-18 of the announcement (section C1. Concept Paper Content Requirements). Our staff members are debating whether these bullet points should be used as an organizing device (i.e., the paper would list each bullet and contain responsive text/content below) or as more general content guides with the order/structure left up to us.
Answer 34: The order and structure of the Concept Paper are up to the applicant, subject to the content requirements detailed in FOA Section IV.C., "Content and Form of the Concept Paper."
Question 35: I am submitting a concept paper to this FOA. Page 17 of the FOA sets the section and page limit. Is the “Addendum” supposed to be attached to the “Concept Paper”? There is not a place to upload two documents and each section has specific page limits (4 + 3). I could combine them, but the document size would be seven pages. Please advise.
Answer 35: Yes, Applicants should combine the required Technology Description (4 pages maximum) and optional Addendum (3 pages maximum) sections into a single Concept Paper file (total 7 pages maximum if an Addendum is included) for uploading into the EERE Exchange system.
Question 36: I don't know what is meant by submitting questions "through the established question and answer process". Can you please clarify this issue?
Answer 36: As stated in FOA Section VII. "Questions/Agency Contacts," questions regarding the content of this FOA must be submitted to: not later than 3 business days prior to the application due date. All questions and answers related to this FOA then will be posted on EERE Exchange at: Please note that you must first select this specific FOA Number in order to view the questions and answers specific to this FOA. EERE will attempt to respond to a question within 3 business days, unless a similar question and answer has already been posted on the website.
Question 37: I’m preparing a concept paper for the Play Fairway Analysis. Is it okay to submit the concept paper without scientific references?
Answer 37: See FOA Section IV.C., "Content and Form of the Concept Paper." Scientific references are not required in the Concept Paper.
Question 38: I am going to submit a concept paper and I heard that I can submit a draft today and then update it tomorrow. This sounds great to me as I could put in draft and make sure everything is working before late tomorrow night after everyone is gone. Is it possible to submit a draft concept paper and then update it later?
Answer 38: See FOA Section IV., "Application and Submission Information." Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their Concept Papers and Full Applications at least 48 hours in advance of the submission deadline. Under normal conditions (i.e., at least 48 hours in advance of the submission deadline), Applicants should allow at least 1 hour to submit a Concept Paper, Full Application, or Reply to Reviewer Comments. Once the Application is submitted in EERE Exchange, Applicants may revise or update their application until the expiration of the applicable deadline.
Question 39: Do the references count toward the four page concept paper length?
Answer 39: See FOA Section IV.C.1., "Concept Paper Requirements" for Concept Paper page limits. References are not required for the Concept Paper, but if provided, would count toward the page limits.
Question 40: I am preparing to submit a concept paper for one of my PIs for FOA – DE-FOA-0000841 and have a couple questions. 1. The FAQs indicate that the abstract is not required for the concept paper, yet the abstract has a red asterisk and you cannot submit without having text in this field. What do you suggest we enter in this section? 2. Is information on the team members, funds and costs required for the concept paper or do we leave this section of the application blank?
Answer 40:

1. The Abstract field in Exchange can be populated with a brief summary of the Technology Description from the Concept Paper. The complete Concept Paper upload is what DOE will review.
2. Team Member information may be provided in the boxes in Exchange, but is not required for the Concept Paper. The Funds and Costs "Cost Range" pull-down box marked with a red asterisk in Exchange is required to be populated; applicants can pick the cost range that most closely represents the proposed project in Phase I. A complete Budget is required as part of the Full Application, and is what DOE will review.

Question 41: Is there any way to get clarification or additional detail on the comments/decisions we received on the Concept papers submitted? We got apparently conflicting comments on two of our submissions.
Answer 41: As described in FOA Section IV.C. "Content and Form of the Concept Paper," EERE will include only general comments provided from independent reviewers on an Applicant’s Concept Paper in the encourage/discourage notification sent to Applicants at the close of that phase. Additional detail is not available.
Question 42: We recently received our letter of encouragement for submitting our Concept Paper. On page 13 of the FOA it states that the applicant must have a compliant and responsive concept paper. We received identical comments under both criteria #1 and #2 Strengths - “the proposed concept paper appears to be within the scope of the FOA” and no comments under weakness. Section IV.F indicates that we should have received reviewers comments which would require a reply. My questions are: 1) Do we have to submit anything to meet the requirement of replying to reviewers comments when none were given to us? 2) Is it possibly that there were no reviewers comments on our concept paper? 3) Could the reviewer comments somehow not got attached to our letter of encouragement?
Answer 42: FOA Section IV.F. "Content and Form of Replies to Reviewer Comments" states, "EERE will provide Applicants with reviewer comments following evaluation of all compliant and responsive Full Applications. Applicants will have approximately two business days to prepare a short Reply to Reviewer Comments responding to comments however they desire or supplementing their Full Application." Applicants do not have the opportunity to respond to Concept Paper Encourage / Discourage notification reviewer comments.
Question 43: In the event my firm is awarded a grant from your office for this work, who will administer the project? I see from your website you have a team of program managers and supervisors- can you advise which individual would be the project manager / key contact for us for this project?
Answer 43:

Project managers/key contacts currently are not assigned. The Geothermal Technologies Office has geologists and engineers experienced in managing geothermal projects.

Please remember, as stated in FOA Section VII. “Questions / Agency Contacts,” EERE personnel are prohibited from communicating (in writing or otherwise) with Applicants regarding the FOA except through the established question and answer process. Specifically, questions regarding the content of this FOA must be submitted to: not later than 3 business days prior to the application due date.


Question 44: Exchange is requiring us to put in an abstract. Should we upload the whole concept paper into that field, or just a short abstract? If just a short abstract, will there be a separate place to upload the whole Full Application?
Answer 44: Applicants must enter a short project abstract into the required "Abstract" field in EERE Exchange. The abstract cannot exceed 4000 characters. The Full Application submission consists of additional separate component uploads into EERE Exchange per the requirements listed in FOA Section IV.D., "Content and Form of the Full Application."
Question 45: Our Concept Paper was Encouraged. Now we'd like to change to a different prime/lead organization and different Principal Investigator (PI) in the Full Application. The new prime/lead organization was one of the partners named in the Concept Paper. The new PI was a co-PI in the Concept Paper. My questions are: (1) Are these changes are allowable for the Full Application? (2) If the changes are allowable, does the original prime organization in the Concept Paper need to be one of applicants in the Full Application? Is it allowable to submit a Full Application without the original prime/lead organization named in the Concept Paper?
Answer 45: Per FOA Section IV.A. "Application Process," only applicants (lead organizations) who have submitted a compliant Concept Paper will be eligible to submit a Full Application. Only the PI(s) and team members within the lead organization may change from the Concept Paper to the Full Application.
Question 46: We have a candidate project for which we did not submit a Concept Paper. Will Full Application submissions by April 11th for which there was no Concept Paper be eligible for consideration?
Answer 46: Per FOA Section IV.A. "Application Process," only applicants who have submitted a compliant Concept Paper will be eligible to submit a Full Application.
Question 47: Will EERE accept a data purchase as an “Other” expense in the SF424 budget (i.e. not a subcontractor or vendor)?
Answer 47: Per FOA Section IV.I.7. "Data and Software Costs," the total (combined) costs for purchase of data and/or software are capped at $100,000. Subject to this restriction, data purchases are acceptable as an "Other" expense in the project budget. Per FOA Section I. "Funding Opportunity Description," new data acquistion, defined as field-based collection of new geologic or geophysical data, will not be funded in Phase 1 under this FOA.
Question 48: I submitted two concept papers, one as PI (at leading organization) is discouraged, another as co-PI (leading organization is another, not my institute) is encouraged. My questions are: (1) Can I submit the full application as PI at leading organization with the topic of encouraged concept paper? It means I changed the topics of the discouraged concept paper to the encouraged concept paper. The one as co-PI with encouraged paper will not submit full application. (2) If yes, can I change the co-PIs, and team members? The PI and leading organization do not change.
Answer 48: When moving from the Concept Paper phase to the Full Application phase, only the PI(s) and team members, within the lead organization originally proposing the concept, may change.
Question 49: The Budget Justification form uses 3 Budget periods. Are we required to use 3 periods for budgeting in this 1 year project, or can that be changed to 4 (quarterly) periods. Also, are the budget periods equal time periods, ie 4 months each for a 1 year project.
Answer 49: Proposals only need to address Phase 1/Budget Period 1.  Details for Phase 2/Budget Period 2 are not required until awardees present Phase 1 results. See FOA Section II. "Award Information" for more information.
Question 50: I have a concept paper encouraged for full proposal. As the lead institution we will account for more than 50% of the total project cost. Can we add an additional institution that was not included in the concept paper? They would be playing a minor role?
Answer 50: Per FOA Section IV.A. "Application Process," only applicants (lead organizations) who have submitted a compliant Concept Paper will be eligible to submit a Full Application. Only the PI(s) and team members within the lead organization may change from the Concept Paper to the Full Application. Proposed subcontractors and vendors may change.
Question 51: Can the title of the concept paper change for the full application?
Answer 51: The project title may change from the concept paper to the full application.
Question 52: For the SF-424 Application form, Box 13, what is the competition identification number and title?
Answer 52: Box 13: "Competition Number/Title" is the FOA Number/Title: DE-FOA-0000841/Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis.
Question 53: For the full submission, is 12 pt font (Times Roman) required for the 1-pg resumes, or can their font be as small as 10 pt?
Answer 53: Please see FOA Section IV.A. "Application Process" for required submission format including fonts for Concept Paper, Full Application, and Reply to Reviewer Comments.
Question 54: I have a question related to the sub-recipient totals on the EERE 159 form and conflicting information stated in the funding award packet. The EERE 159 form states if a sub-recipient has a total projected cost over $100,000 we need to provide a separate budget form for this recipient. In the “Funding Opportunity Announcement” (FOA) Number DE-FOA-0000841, pg. 28, number 7, it states: "Applicants must provide a separate budget justification, EEERE 159 (i.e., budget justification for each budget year and a cumulative budget) for each subawardee that is expected to perform work estimated to be more than $250,000 or 25 percent of the total work effort (whichever is less)." I need additional clarification in order to complete the form. Is this a discrepancy and if so, which is the correct limit, or is this related to something totally different?
Answer 54: The correct threshold is $250,000 as stated in the FOA. Applicants must provide a separate budget justification, EEERE 159 (i.e., budget justification for each budget year and a cumulative budget) for each subawardee that is expected to perform work estimated to be more than $250,000 or 25 percent of the total work effort (whichever is less).
Question 55: The first Exchange screen tab "General" asks for 4000 character "abstract" and asks that this be identical to "the Abstract in the application document." I do not know what is meant by that "Abstract in the application document." The technical volume does not use the word "abstract." It asks for a Project Overview that has no character restriction. There is the "Summary/Abstract for Public Release." It is restricted to one page but has no character restriction. To which of those must I make the 4000 character "abstract" equal?
Answer 55:

The "Abstract in the application document" refers to the Abstract requirement for the Full application, as explained in FOA Section IV.D.5. "Summary/Abstract for Public Release." Applicants should make the text in the Abstract field in Exchange match the "Summary/Abstract for Public Release" as closely as possible. It may be necessary to edit the one-page "Summary/Abstract for Public Release"  when pasting it into the "Abstract" field in Exchange, in order to conform to the 4,000 character limit in the Exchange field. The full one-page "Summary/Abstract for Public Release" will be reviewed as part of the Full Application.

Question 56: We have a National Laboratory collaborator on our Proposal. Will the money allocated to them funnel directly to their lab or will our university have to create a subaward for the National Laboratory?
Answer 56: See FOA Section II.B.2., “Funding Agreements with FFRDCs, GOGOs, Federal Agencies and Federal Instrumentalities” and Section III.E.2. “Requirements for DOE/NSA and Non-DOE/NNSA Federally Funded Research and Development Centers Included as a Subrecipient ” for information on these funding arrangements.
Question 57: The EERE 159 Budget Justification asks for an Award Number. Is this the same as the Control Number, or should this be left blank?
Answer 57: The award number field should be left blank in the application. An award number will be assigned to applicants selected for award negotiations.
Question 58: In the solicitation, the top of page 27 states, that for the SF424: Note: The dates and dollar amounts on the SF424 are for the complete project period and not just the first project year, first phase or other subset of the project period. Save the SF424 in a single PDF file using the following convention for the title "ControlNumb er_LeadOrganization_App424". The FAQs specifically state in several questions/answers that budget for Phase 2 and 3 are not required and "will not be considered". This seem contradictory…can you clarify whether or not the SF424 needs to contain amounts for all three phases of the project?
Answer 58: The SF424 Application form should be completed per those FOA instructions. The EERE 159 Budget Justification should be completed only for Phase 1/Budget Period 1.
Question 59: Is the SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities form required if the applicant and project have no affiliation with, or use of, any lobbying activities?
Answer 59: No.
Question 60: I have prepared the budget justification workbook as an Excel file as the Exchange portal requires, but the solicitation states, “Save the budget justification workbook in a single PDF file…” What format should I use?
Answer 60: Please submit the EERE 159 Budget Justification form in Microsoft Excel format to EERE Exchange.
Question 61: Form EERE 159 Detailed Budget Justification instructions clearly state, “The total budget presented on this form and on the application must include both Federal(DOE) and Non-Federal (cost share) portions.” However, the "Instructions and Summary" sheet does not identify a specific alphabetical bullet point to capture that information. I advised the PI to put the cost share portion in alpha bullet “h. Other direct costs” sheet, but I would feel more comfortable hearing from you that this is acceptable for submission purposes.
Answer 61:

Both Federal(DOE) and Non-Federal (cost share) portions must be presented in the EERE 159 Budget Justification Excel worksheets a - i. A detailed presentation of the cost share proposed for the project must be provided in the Cost Share sheet at the end (far right tab) of the EERE 159 Budget Justification workbook. See the instructions at the top of the Cost Share sheet.

Please submit the Budget Justification workbook in Excel format.

Question 62: I submitted a full proposal and all supporting documentation by the deadline. However, the version of the Technical Volume that I submitted was mistakenly missing the 1 page CVs for the main participants. Can I submit those separately now?
Answer 62: Additional information submissions will not be accepted after the Full Application deadline of April 11, 2014.