Frequently Asked Questions

Select a FOA to view questions and answers for the specific funding opportunity. Alternatively select "Non-FOA related items" to view system FAQ items.

Question 1: I have reviewed the information and cannot find the time or how to register for the webinar on 1/27/15.
Answer 1:

There will be two webinars on 1/27/14. The first one at 3pm-4:30pm EST or the second one at 6 - 7:30pm EST.  The information will be identical at both webinars. 

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:


Question 1: In looking over the Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 on item 10. It indicates Name of Federal Agency. On a prior submission we indicated Golden Field Office. Would that still be correct or should it be something else Like the “Department of Energy”?
Answer 1: Item 10 of the SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance Form should state "Department of Energy - Golden Field Office".
Question 2: May a state submit one application under Interest Area 1 AND one application under Interest Area 2?
Answer 2: Yes, a state may submit one application for Area 1 and up to two apps in area 2 under different topic areas.
Question 3: Can we submit one application that addresses 2 transformative categories but has the same topic (e.g. EM&V of both utility AND Non-utility programs?
Answer 3:

States may only submit one application per Transformative Category.

Question 4: Is it acceptable to submit a proposal under Area of Interest #2 that includes a topic under both Transformative Category #2 and #3 (e.g., serving local government, and 3) Building Energy Performance Benchmarking and Disclosure. Or does these have to be addressed in separate proposals?
Answer 4: States may only submit one application per Transformative Category.  This would have to be addressed in two separate proposals.
Question 5: Will you be reviewing the areas included under "Applications Specifically Not of Interest?" We're specifically looking for a clarification of what qualifies as "construction" and "making new construction energy efficient." Given these limitations, it seems like the construction of an energy efficient low-income housing community would be ineligible for this FOA. Can you please confirm?
Answer 5:

Federal funds cannot be used to pay for retrofits, so construction of energy efficiency homes is an ineligible activity.  However, using federal funds to design or establish a program for increasing the energy efficiency of low income housing would be an eligible activity.

Question 6: If you join a multi-state app as a subordinate (not lead) state, can you also submit an app as a lead state. Is there a limit on the number of apps you can be a subordinate state on?
Answer 6:

Applicants may submit a total of two applications in area of interest 2.  The possible combinations are as follows:  Two single State Applications that include no other State or regional partners and cover only the applying State; OR

Two multi-State Applications that that include multiple State or regional partners; OR

One single State Application that includes no other State or regional partners and covers only the applying State AND one multi-State Application that includes multiple State or regional partners.

Question 7: Can a state use PVE money (specifically, Stripper Well funds) for purposes of its cost match requirement under this year's SEP Competitive Grant FOA?
Answer 7:


Yes, a state may use Stripper Well and Diamond Shamrock funds to meet the 20% cost match requirement.  Chevron, Warner Amendment and Exxon funds cannot be used to meet the 20% cost match requirement. 

Question 8: I have been trying to find a list of eligible costs associated with the grant and have been unsuccessful. I can't find the 2CFR200 that is referred to in the document. Can you please assist?
Answer 8:

The new 2 CFR 200 regulations can be found at the following link: . Once there you can scroll down to Subpart E - Cost Principles.

Additional information (specific to DOE) is under 2 CRF Part 910 which can be found at the following link:

Question 9: Can you help me access the webinar materials.
Answer 9:

The webinar slides are available in Exchange on the FOA0001222 site and also on the SEP website at: 

Question 10: Can you please clarify your statement on page 9 of the FOA that DOE is not interested in "Programs that include government assets other than buildings and facilities, such as fleets;” by answering the following: (a) Is DOE seeking to exclude ANY proposals addressing transportation energy use? Or only proposals that seek to change government fleet management? (b) Is DOE willing to consider proposals that address transportation energy used by vehicles NOT in government fleets (e.g. Utility fleets, private fleets, individual cars, etc.) (c) Is DOE willing to consider proposals that help local governments reduce energy consumption in transportation, if these proposals do NOT involve changes to government fleets?
Answer 10:

DOE is not seeking proposals that address fleets or the transportation sector.

Question 11: Can a state seek guidance from DOE on which transformative category their proposal fits under?
Answer 11: States should select the Transformative Category that best fits their proposal.
Question 12: We intend to submit 2 applications (Areas 1 and 2). On the EERE Exchange website, "My Submissions", I have one application open, but cannot figure out how to open a second application.
Answer 12:

Please contact the EERE Exchange website referenced in the FOA for system help with Exchange.       

Question 13: On the EERE Exchange website, "My Submissions", I completed the cost match. The match is supposed to be 20% of federal funds requested. We are requesting $300,000. Am I incorrect that 20% of $300,000 is $60,000? The form below calculates the $60,000 match as only 16.66%. Please advise.
Answer 13: Yes, you are correct, 20% of $300,000 is $60,000 cost match.  The Exchange system uses “Cost Sharing” calculation of a percentage of the Total Project Cost. 


The terms “cost sharing” and “cost matching” are often used synonymously.  EERE almost always uses the term “cost sharing,” as it conveys the concept that non-federal share is calculated as a percentage of the Total Project Cost. An exception is the State Energy Program Regulation (SEP), 10 CFR 420.34, State Matching Contribution. Here “cost matching” for the non-federal share is calculated as a percentage of the Federal funds only, rather than the Total Project Cost.

As Stated above, cost match is calculated as a percentage of the Federal dollars requested. The following is an example of how to calculate cost match amounts for a project with $1,000,000 in federal funds with a minimum 20% non-federal cost match requirement:


Formula:  Federal share requested ($) multiplied by cost match (%) = Non Federal Share ($)

Example:  $1,000,000 multiplied by 20% (.2) = $200,000 or Amount of Cost Match Required


Please see Appendix B in the FOA – “Cost Match Information”, for further explanation.


Question 14: On page 7, Section - Transformative Category 3, Topic #4, what is the definition of “…Non-Utility Programs.”?
Answer 14: "Non-Utility" programs refer to those programs that are NON-ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs. An example of this would programs related to energy savings performance contracting. 
Question 15: FOA p. 70, Travel: "All projects should include travel for 1-2 travelers to a DOE project review during each year of the project. Each review will take approximately 2-3 days." What is the destination for the reviews – Denver, Washington DC?
Answer 15:

DOE project review site visits are not required for projects below $1M DOE share; however, they may occur for any EERE-funded project, regardless of the applicability of this requirement, based upon EERE Project Lead determination.  In this case, Project Review visits would occur at the Recipient’s project site.

Question 16: In their applications, can states propose including employees of federal agencies as team members and consequently propose incorporating their salaries/benefits (or a part thereof) and/or travel related expenses as a direct cost?
Answer 16:

While employees of Federal agencies can be considered team members of the project, Direct Personnel costs refer to employees of the Applicant only. See page 75 Appendix C of the FOA for guidance on these costs. All costs incurred by the Applicant’s Sub-recipients , vendors, contractors, and consultants should be entered only as Contractual. All other sections are for the costs of the Applicant only.

Question 17: For areas of interest that require a State Energy Assessment, when submitting a multi-state application – do all partnering states submit assessments or does only the Lead state applicant submit an assessment?
Answer 17:

Each application package must include a completed State Energy Assessment where a separate award is being requested. For multi-state applications, the preferred method for submitting multi-State or regional applications is for a single State to serve as the lead (Prime Recipient) with partner States listed as Sub-recipients. Under this scenario,  the Prime Recipient state is required to complete the assessment and each sub-recipient state is strongly encouraged to complete one, but not required to. States that submit separate applications that clearly identify which other States they will be working with as part of a group, will be considered a Prime Recipient and will be expected to submit a separate State Energy Assessment in their application package.

Question 18: In section C. Applications Specifically Not of Interest, item H notes “Programs targeted to making new construction energy-efficient”. Would this restriction apply to: 1. Utility sponsored code enhancement programs? 2. Programs targeted at major renovations? 3. Programs targeted at determining the peak demand impact of increased code compliance?
Answer 18: Yes, this restriction applies to all three programs mentioned in this question.
Question 19: Will the FOA for 2015 SEP Competitive Grants be posted in FedConnect? I tried looking for it, but it does not come up in search results. Perhaps I’m using the wrong search terms?
Answer 19:

To apply to this FOA, Applicants must register with and submit application materials through EERE Exchange at, EERE’s online application portal. Frequently asked questions for this FOA and the EERE Application process can be found at

Question 20: For cost match, can a subcontractor provide match through discounting their labor rates?
Answer 20:

No, a subcontractor should not discount their labor rates, but charge the regular rate of pay.  They may cost match a percentage of an employees salary at the regular rate of pay and pay the remaining salary with funds from the award.

Question 21: Would the development of a statewide Technical Reference Manual (TRM) for a particular state be an appropriate project to propose under this FOA? Specifically we were thinking under Area of Interest 2 - Transformative Category 1, Topic #4:  If not, does it fit into another category?  If not, can you clarify why this would not be an appropriate project?
Answer 21: Yes
Question 22: Although many states now have a state energy plan, few have any systematic means of tracking plan implementation.  Would the development and deployment of a comprehensive tool for monitoring and tracking the implementation of strategies in a state’s energy plan be an appropriate project to propose under Area of Interest 1?
Answer 22: .No. DOE is seeking applications that bolster state/regional energy planning by facilitating stakeholder and interagency discussions and related activities
Question 23: Would programs that seek to increase building energy efficiency through the design / establishment of programs that improve compliance with the energy code be eligible?
Answer 23: Yes, provided that the primary effort involved working with local governments (Transformative Category 2, Topic #1).
Question 24: Our State Energy Office sister agency, is applying under this opportunity.  While the SEO will be a partner in this award, all funding will go directly to the sister agency.  Are they the Prime Recipient or is the SEO?  Can the application be submitted under their contact?  Should the application be submitted with the sister agency as a sub awardee?
Answer 24: Applications must be submitted by the State Energy Office (SEO) or other agency responsible for administering the State Energy Program pursuant to 10 CFR 420, although States may work in collaboration with other State or non-State entities.
Question 25: I downloaded the State Energy Assessment document, and I don’t know how to check the boxes on this form.
Answer 25: Please place a X next to the correct answer instead of in the box.
Question 26: Regarding the cost match requirement under this year's SEP Competitive Grant FOA, I am curious if a portion of State Energy Program formula grant funds can be used for the cost match. Although SEP funds are provided to the states by DOE (and would thus be considered federal sources), does the nature of these funds change once they are used for a specific state purpose, such as state or regional work under the FOA? Or, would they still be considered federal source funds and thus ineligible for the cost match?
Answer 26: No SEP Formula grant funds may NOT be used for the cost match.
Question 27: DE-FOA-0001222 indicates on page 27 that Sub-award Budget justification worksheets are required for each sub awardee that is expected to perform work estimated to be more than $250,000 or 25 percent of the total work effort. In appendix C, the Sub award limit is noted (page 75 and 78) as $100,000 for both SF424 and EERE 159. Forms SF424 and EEERE159 that are available online also reference the $100,000 limit. Does the FOA citation on page 27 govern? (i.e. what limit do we use regardless of what the forms state?)
Answer 27:

A budget justification is needed for any sub recipient that is expected to perform work estimated to be more than $250,000 or 25% of the total work effort (Page 27 in the FOA is correct).  Unfortunately, the information in Appendix C, shown on the SF424 and EERE 159 forms was not updated with this new information at the time the FOA was published.

Question 28: Can collaborating non-State entities be considered as a Sub-recipient in terms of the budget, or are non-State entities considered “Vendors?”
Answer 28:

Non state entities can be considered a sub-recipient.  A Sub-recipient typically uses the Federal funds to carry out a program of the organization as compared to providing goods or services for a program as a vendor.  

Question 29: 1)      Would SEP Competitive grant help fund the actual program (funding undergraduate interns to do energy efficiency outreach and find energy efficiency projects on campus), or would it just fund staff hours that go into planning and administering the program (staff hours, utility staff hours, and program coordinator hours)?
Answer 29: It is not the primary intent of the FOA to fund a proposal that simply paid for personnel to conduct energy outreach and identify energy efficiency projects.  However, this activity could be part of setting up a sustainable program.
Question 30: Could the SEP grant help fund the Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification of the program, or would the SEP grant just fund the development of the EMV criteria?
Answer 30:  It is not the primary intent of the FOA to fund a proposal that simply paid for personnel to conduct evaluation, measurement and verification activities.  However, this activity could be part of implementing a sustainable program.


Question 31: We are trying to think outside the box for SEP competitive and are interested in partnering with electric and natural gas utilities to start a program. Would this fall under the SEP Competitive Area of Interest II, Transformative Category 1, Topic 3: “Scope of Utility or Third party administered energy efficiency program"?
Answer 31: The intent of Transformative Category 1, Topic 3: “Scope of Utility or Third party administered energy efficiency program.” is to expand rate payer funded energy efficiency programs across all customer classes (residential, commercial, industrial).
Question 32: Could a proposal under Category 2/Topic 1 be appropriate if it focused on developing advanced policies and programs to help local governments incorporate electric vehicle charging infrastructure into buildings and facilities such as streetlights, parking, housing projects, or public rights of way, thus promoting energy efficiency?
Answer 32: Yes
Question 33: If a state is a partner/ sub-recipient on a multi state application under AOI 2, can it also submit a single state application in the same transformative category?
Answer 33:

Yes this would be allowed, but please note that as a Prime Applicant a State cannot submit more than one application per transformative category.

Question 34: In the Technical Volume requirements (page 23), it states that a “Technical Scope Summary” is required for applicants of Area of Interest 1. We are applying for Area of Interest 2. Do we have to complete that section that references Appendix D – Road mapping?
Answer 34:

No. Only Applicants awarded under Area of Interest 1 will be required to develop ‘Road Maps’ as a key post‐award deliverable.

Question 35: I have a question regarding the State Energy Program 2015 Competitive Awards, FOA Number: DE-FOA-0001222. If a state submits one or two applications, is there a limit to the number of multi-state applications that a state can join as a participant (e.g., offer a letter of support, provide a cost share).
Answer 35: According to the FOA, there are no limitations on the number of applications that a State joins as a participant offering a letter of support or providing cost share. Section III-E of the FOA details the number of full applications eligible for review, as a Prime Applicant, for Areas of Interest 1 and 2.
Question 36: Some of our stakeholders want to send letters of support directly to DOE. To whom should such support letters be addressed?
Answer 36:  Letters of Support should be addressed to Applicants. Applicants should then submit the letters through EERE Exchange at https://eere‐ in accordance with the instructions on pages 29-30 of the FOA. 
Question 37: As part of this grant, we will be conducting workshops and will use a professional facilitator for the workshops.We will also be conducting energy audits as part of the project using a professional auditor with wastewater experience. The grant application indicates that contractor names must be included in the application and budget. Does this mean that we can select who we want to work with us for workshop facilitation and for energy audits on this grant project without first going through a competitive procurement process?
Answer 37: According to 2 CRF 200.317- “When procuring property and services under a Federal award, a state must follow the same policies and procedures it uses for procurements from its non-Federal funds.” So while we ask that all sub-recipients, vendors, contractors and consultants and their estimated costs be identified in the state’s application, if the state has not finished their selection process, they should list the entity as To Be Determined (TBD). If the state is selected for negotiation of an award, further information will be required before funding is released.
Question 38: In looking over the Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 on item 10. It indicates Name of Federal Agency. On a prior submission we indicated Golden Field Office. Would that still be correct or should it be something else, like the “Department of Energy”?
Answer 38: Item 10 of the SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance Form should state "Department of Energy - Golden Field Office".
Question 39: For key participant resumes, is there a page limit on individual resumes?
Answer 39: According to the FOA, there are no limitations on the number of pages for resumes for each proposed key person. Section IV-C (10) of the FOA provides details regarding the type of information that should be included in the resumes.
Question 40: We may be submitting two separate proposals, each for $300K. As stated in the FOA, the cost match is at least 20% of the total federal funds, which in this case would be $60,000 for each proposal. However, when I try to save that amount in the funds tab of the application, I get an error message that indicates the $60K only equals a 16.6% match and it will not allow me to save that number. A previous question submitted to you confirmed that the match was 20% of the total federal funds only, so how should applicants proceed with submitting the application if the form will not accept the correct match number? Should we just put $75,000 as the match (or whatever amount will satisfy the 20% indicated on the form), and work with DOE later if awarded the agreement(s) to reduce the match to the correct amount?
Answer 40: We have made an adjustment in the “Funds and Costs” tab in EERE’s Exchange program, you now only have to enter the Federal Share you are requesting in the “Funds and Costs” tab, the other fields in the table can be ignored. Please be sure to input the actual amount you are proposing as cost match in the fillable SF424, SF424A and Budget Justification though. DOE will be reviewing these documents to verify the 20% cost match requirement is met.
Question 41: For Area of Interest 2 - Innovative Opportunities for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Practices - are projects that can be completed in less than 2 years eligible for consideration?
Answer 41: Yes
Question 42: It states in the FOA on Page 17 that “Page numbers must be included in the footer of every page” and then on the Technical Volume it states on Page 23 for example the ”Summary tables do not count towards the page limit”. My question is do we still number those pages consecutively in the Technical Volume to include those pages that don’t count towards the page limit.
Answer 42: Yes
Question 43: The budget justification format shows the personnel budgets broken out by task. All of our relevant personnel are working on all tasks. How do we address this?
Answer 43: Enter “All” in the Task column.
Question 44: We are experiencing technical difficulties with the downloaded versions of the Budget Justification EERE 159 and Subaward Budget Justification EERE 159 forms. Specifically, the indirect rate formulas are not automatically loaded when the applicable indirect rates for each budget period are keyed in. Would it be possible for DOE to upload a corrected version?
Answer 44: There is no universal formula for indirect rate application, thus it would be impossible for DOE to provide an auto-calculate spreadsheet. Applicants should fill out all the white boxes in the spreadsheet provided (insert rate(s) they are using, provide an explanation of their base, and fill out the dollar amounts for each applicable type of indirect cost). If additional space is needed for the explanation, there is a larger box at the bottom of the page for that.
Question 45: We will be drafting a couple of letters of support for other groups’ FY15 grant submissions and I wanted to check with DOE to confirm who it would be best for the letters to be addressed to. Just to the State Energy Program as a whole or to a specific person?
Answer 45: Letters of Support should be addressed to Applicants. Applicants should then submit the letters through EERE Exchange at https://eere‐ in accordance with the instructions on pages 29-30 of the FOA.
Question 46: Which of these should I be using? EERE 159 Budget Justification $100K or EERE 159 Budget Justification $250K
Answer 46:

Either EERE 159 budget justification form may be used (the information they ask for is identical).  Just a reminder that a budget justification is needed for any sub recipient that is expected to perform work estimated to be more than $250,000 or 25% of the total work effort (Page 27 in the FOA is correct). Unfortunately, the information in Appendix C, shown on the SF424 and EERE 159 forms was not updated with this new information at the time the FOA was published.

Question 47: There appears to be a discrepancy in the threshold for subawardees to complete the EERE 159 form. The instructions in the subawardee budget justification form includes this language, ”the award recipient and each sub-recipient with estimated costs of $100,000 or more must complete this form and ensure it matches the application.” However, on page 27 of the FOA, #7 states that “applicants must provide a separate Budget Justification Workbook for each subawardee that is expected to perform work estimated to be more than $250,000 or 25% of the total work effort (whichever is less.) Can you confirm that subawardee budget justification forms (EERE159) are only required as stated in the FOA? For anyone $100k or over, we understand that a separate SF424A is required.
Answer 47: Duplicate question.  Please see answer to question #27 and question #46 above.
Question 48: How do you upload more than one subawardee documents?  It only allows you to upload one under Subawardee Budget Justification File.
Answer 48:

Please send your problems with EERE Exchange to their website at:

Include FOA name and number in subject line.

Question 49: If we use the template for the State Energy Assessment provided, do we have to stick with the exact wording provided in the mulitiple choice answers, OR (preferably) can we tweak the language in the answers to better represent conditions within the state while remaining responsive to the spirit of the question?
Answer 49: Please provide responses using the language provided. Details on market conditions specific to your State may be provided following the answers to individual questions.
Question 50: If applying for Area of Interest 2, do we not have to complete the “Technical Scope Summary” as part of the “Workplan” in the Technical Volume?
Answer 50:

Applications submitted under Area of Interest 1 and Area of Interest 2 need to include a ‘Technical Scope Summary’ in the Workplan section of the Technical Volume.

Question 51: Regarding DE-FOA-0001222, if we combine all partners' documents into one PDF to upload into a category, how should the pages be numbered? For example, in the Resumes file, should page numbers apply to each Resume (starting the numbering over with each new resume), or should the entire document go from 1 to whatever number of total pages in the combined file?
Answer 51:

A Resume File is a required component of applications and should be separate from the Technical Volume.  It is not necessary to number pages in the Resume File.


Question 52: This organization does not lobby or participate in lobbying activities. Do we need to submit the Disclosure of Lobbying form? For the purpose of fulfilling the submission requirements, should we submit the form with “N/A” listed in all the fields – including the signature field?
Answer 52:

If you have no lobbying activities to disclose, you don’t need to submit the LLL form.

Question 53: Can I obtain the scoring criteria and comments on DE-FOA 0001222 (both Areas of Interest 1 & 2). Would you please send me the scoring criteria and comments on the above FOA for our state?
Answer 53:

The review criteria for DE-FOA-0001222 can be found in section V. "Application Review Information".  We are in the middle of the evaluation process at this time.  After selections are made additional information will be provided.

Question 54: Could you tell me when you expect to make the announcement regarding the award recipients for the 2015 SEP 2015 Competitive Awards?
Answer 54: DOE is in the middle of the evaluation process at this time.  No revised date for selections has been determined.  When selections are made applicants will be notified.