Interested in learning about other DOE Funding Opportunities?

EERE Program Information Center Pilot

The Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) intends to issue a FOA entitled “Oceans of Opportunity: U.S. Wave Energy Open Water Testing,” on or about September 2024, via the EERE Program Information Center website. Interested applicants must register in the EERE Program Information Center.

Uniform Guidance – 2 CFR 200 Updates

Awards issued under these Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO, previously Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)) will adopt the 2024 Revisions to 2 CFR 200. Applicants may review a summary of changes at | Uniform Guidance: Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Flexibilities provided by the 2024 Revisions are not available on existing Federal awards issued prior to October 1, 2024.

EERE Funding Opportunity Announcements

Collapse Jump to a FOA:
FOA Number 
FOA Title 
LOI Deadline 
CP Deadline 
FA Deadline 
  TPL-0000058 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003438: Advanced Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies to Drive National Decarbonization Notice of Intent Teaming Partner List
  DE-FOA-0003438 Notice of Intent (NOI) to Issue Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Advanced Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies to Drive National Decarbonization DE-FOA-0003439 Notice of Intent to Publish FOA (NOI) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) TBD TBD
  DE-FOA-0003463 Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Roadmap Draft Request for Information (RFI) Solar Energy Technologies (SETO) 10/7/2024 11:59 PM ET
  TPL-0000052 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003136 Connected Communities 2.0 FOA Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000054 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003289: Fiscal Year 2024 Solar Energy Supply Chain Incubator FOA Teaming Partner List
  DE-FOA-0003346 Geothermal Technologies Office Geothermal Resources’ Value in Implementing Decarbonization (GTO GRID) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Geothermal Technologies (GTO) 7/24/2024 05:00 PM ET 9/9/2024 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0003289 Fiscal Year 2024 Solar Energy Supply Chain Incubator FOA Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Solar Energy Technologies (SETO) 7/19/2024 05:00 PM ET 10/7/2024 05:00 PM ET
  TPL-0000053 Topic Information for Teaming Partners List Associated with Funding Opportunity DE-FOA-0003331 Teaming Partner List
  DE-FOA-0003072 WASTE: Waste Analysis and Strategies for Transportation End-uses Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Bioenergy Technologies (BETO) 6/20/2024 05:00 PM ET 9/9/2024 05:00 PM ET
  TPL-0000049 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003246 Solar and Wind Interconnection for Future Transmission (SWIFTR) Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000045 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003225 FY24 BIL CODES RECI2 FOA Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000038 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003178 Inflation Reduction Act Funding for Advanced Biofuels Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000042 Combined Wellbore Construction High Temperature Tools and Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage (RTES) Teaming Partner List
  DE-FOA-0003304 RFI on Supporting Success for Low-Income and Disadvantaged Community Solar Program Design, Implementation, and Adoption Request for Information (RFI) Solar Energy Technologies (SETO) 2/23/2024 05:00 PM ET
  TPL-0000039 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003097 Marine Energy University Foundational R&D Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000027 Teaming Partner List for the FY24 TCF Base CLIMR Lab Call Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000026 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003158 BENEFIT FY24 Teaming Partner List
  DE-FOA-0003220 Transmission System Interconnection Roadmap Draft Request for Information (RFI) Solar Energy Technologies (SETO) 12/1/2023 05:00 PM ET
  TPL-0000023 Teaming Partner List for Critical Materials Accelerator FOA Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000022 DE-FOA-0003141 Teaming Partner List for IDEAL HVDC FOA Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000020 Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003058: Advancing U.S. Thin-Film Solar Photovoltaics Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000018 Teaming Partners List for DE-FOA-0003034: (OPTIMA) Operations and Planning Tools for Inverter-Based Resource Management and Availability for Future Power Systems Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000012 Teaming Partner List for DE-LC-000L101 - FY23 TCF Bas Annual Appropriations FECM Program-Led Topics Lab Call Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000010 Teaming Partner List for the 2023 Conversion R&D FOA DE-FOA-0002946 Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000008 Teaming Partner List, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office FOA in Support of Hydrogen Shot Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000006 Teaming Partner List, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis, Manufacturing, and Recycling, Funding Opportunity Announcement No. DE-FOA-0002922 Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000001 Teaming Partner List for DE-LC-000L098 - FY23 TCF Base Annual Appropriations CLIMR Lab Call Teaming Partner List
  TPL-0000002 DE-FOA-0002828 Teaming Partner List Teaming Partner List
  DE-FOA-0002866 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Industrial Assessment Centers Program - Centers of Excellence Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) 1/20/2023 05:00 PM ET 2/17/2023 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0002800 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Section 41006(a)(1). Water Power Projects: Stakeholder Insight into Hydropower R&D Issues Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Water Power Technologies (WPTO) 11/18/2022 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0002802 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Section 40334: Pumped Storage Hydropower Wind and Solar Integration and System Reliability Initiative Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Water Power Technologies (WPTO) 11/17/2022 05:00 PM ET 12/15/2022 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0002847 Notice of Intent to Issue Funding Opportunity Announcement No. DE-FOA-0002845: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Section 41006(a)(2): U.S. Tidal Energy Advancement Notice of Intent to Publish FOA (NOI) Water Power Technologies (WPTO) TBD
  DE-FOA-0002769 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Advancing Equity through Workforce Partnerships Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Solar Energy Technologies (SETO) 9/13/2022 05:00 PM ET 9/20/2022 05:00 PM ET 12/16/2022 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0002520 WAP Enhancement & Innovation Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Weatherization & Intergovernmental (WIPO) 2/3/2022 05:00 PM ET 3/28/2022 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0002595 Research, Development, and Demonstration Opportunities for FY 2022 Solar Manufacturing Incubator Request for Information (RFI) Solar Energy Technologies (SETO) 11/7/2021 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0002336 Research and Development for Advanced Water Resource Recovery Systems Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) 8/4/2020 05:00 PM ET 10/6/2020 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0002324 Building Technologies Proving Ground – Public Sector Field Validation Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Building Technologies (BTO) 7/27/2020 05:00 PM ET 9/28/2020 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0001620 NOI_First Steps toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands – 2016 Notice of Intent to Publish FOA (NOI) Weatherization & Intergovernmental (WIPO) TBD
  DE-FOA-0001403 Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Office of Strategic Programs (OSP) 5/17/2016 05:00 PM ET 6/23/2016 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0001422 NOI: Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP) Notice of Intent to Publish FOA (NOI) Office of Strategic Programs (OSP) TBD
  DE-FOA-0001189 Climate Action Champions: Request for Applications Other Office of Strategic Programs (OSP) 10/27/2014 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0001071 Solar Market Pathways Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Solar Energy Technologies (SETO) 5/28/2014 05:00 PM ET 7/11/2014 05:00 PM ET
  DE-FOA-0000788 Rooftop Solar Challenge II Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Solar Energy Technologies (SETO) 1/25/2013 05:00 PM ET 1/25/2013 05:00 PM ET 3/22/2013 05:00 PM ET

TPL-0000058: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003438: Advanced Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies to Drive National Decarbonization Notice of Intent

EERE is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the widest possible national participation in the formation of applicant teams for this potential Notice of Funding Opportunity. The list allows organizations who may wish to participate in an application to express their interest to other potential applicants and to explore potential partners, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Other Minority Serving Institutions) and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Business, Woman Owned Business, Veteran Owned Business, and/or Tribal Nations.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Please access Teaming List - Topic and Background from the Documents section below.

DISCLAIMER: By submitting a request to be included on the Teaming Partner List, the requesting organization consents to the publication of the above-referenced information. By facilitating the Teaming Partner List, DOE is not endorsing, sponsoring, or otherwise evaluating the qualifications of the individuals and organizations that are identifying themselves for placement on this Teaming Partner List. DOE will not pay for the provision of any information, nor will it compensate any applicants or requesting organizations for the development of such information.


  • Teaming_List_-_Topic_and_Background (Last Updated: 9/4/2024 01:51 PM ET)

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0003438: Notice of Intent (NOI) to Issue Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Advanced Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies to Drive National Decarbonization DE-FOA-0003439

Modification 0001: The purpose of this modification is to:

• Update title for Topic 3

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue, on behalf of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO), a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) entitled “Advanced Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies to Drive National Decarbonization.”

Clean hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are important elements of a comprehensive energy portfolio, particularly for use in hard-to-decarbonize sectors of the economy (such as heavy-duty transportation and industrial applications) and to enable long duration energy storage for a clean electric grid. Advancing clean hydrogen and fuel cell technologies directly supports the Biden-Harris Administration’s goals of achieving carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and net-zero emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050, benefiting all Americans.

This NOFO supports the vision outlined in the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap: affordable clean hydrogen for a net-zero carbon future and a sustainable, resilient, and equitable economy. The NOFO will target research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) topics critical to scaling hydrogen infrastructure and enabling increased adoption of clean hydrogen across sectors, particularly in heavy-duty (HD) vehicles and other heavy-duty transportation applications, which supports the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization. Increased adoption of hydrogen technologies will help achieve economies of scale and drive down costs, directly supporting the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs) Program, an $8 billion federal investment to create networks of hydrogen producers, consumers, and local connective infrastructure to accelerate the use of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier and a carbon-free input to a number of chemical and industrial processes. Improvements in clean hydrogen technologies will also contribute to the long-term viability of the H2Hubs and other commercial-scale deployments. Activities funded under this NOFO will also align with the H2@Scale Initiative, which aims to advance affordable hydrogen production, transport, storage, and utilization to enable decarbonization and revenue opportunities across multiple sectors. The NOFO’s objectives support DOE’s Hydrogen Shot goal, which targets affordable clean hydrogen production at $1/kg within a decade.

Hydrogen and fuel cells can provide benefits and create opportunities for communities that have been historically underserved—such as improving air quality, providing resiliency, and creating jobs, including good-paying union jobs. Consistent with DOE’s commitment to benefit all Americans, this anticipated NOFO will encourage the participation of underserved communities and underrepresented groups. Applicants will be encouraged to form meaningful and substantial partnerships with Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Other Minority Institutions).

To support the goal of building a clean and equitable energy economy, projects funded under this NOFO will be expected to (1) advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); (2) contribute to the Justice40 Initiative7 and other considerations linked with energy and/or environmental justice; and (3) invest in America’s workforce. To ensure these objectives are met, applications must include an RDD&D Community Benefits Plan (CBP) that addresses the three objectives stated above.

Hydrogen and fuel cells can help create opportunities and benefits for communities that have been historically underserved, such as improving air quality, providing resiliency, and creating jobs, including good-paying union jobs. Consistent with DOE’s commitment to benefit all Americans, this anticipated NOFO will encourage the participation of underserved communities and underrepresented groups.

EERE plans to issue the NOFO before or in October 2024 via the EERE eXCHANGE website If Applicants wish to receive official notifications and information from EERE regarding this NOFO, they should register in EERE eXCHANGE. When the FOA is released, applications will be accepted only through EERE eXCHANGE.

Navigate to TPL-0000058 in EERE Exchange to access the Teaming Partner List for this solicitation.

This notice of intent (NOI) is issued so that interested parties are aware of EERE’s intention to issue this NOFO in the near term. All the information contained in this NOI is subject to change. EERE will not respond to questions concerning this NOI. Once the FOA has been released, EERE will provide an avenue for potential applicants to submit questions.


Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: TBD
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: TBD

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for this announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0003463: Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Roadmap Draft

This request for information (RFI) solicits public feedback on the draft Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Roadmap prepared by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) program. This roadmap covers interconnection solutions for distributed energy resources (DERs) that interconnect with the distribution and sub-transmission systems. Feedback from interconnection stakeholders regarding the Roadmap’s content (e.g., challenges, solution sets and key actions) will ensure the final version provides a comprehensive set of strategies to improve the interconnection process. Interconnection stakeholders include, but are not limited to, utilities, grid operators, grid reliability organizations, Tribal governments and utilities, Federal and state regulators, state and local governments, clean energy developers, energy justice groups, nonprofits, and trade associations.Read the draft i2X Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Roadmap:

Responses are due by 10/7/2024 by 5:00pm EST

This is a Request for Information (RFI) only. EERE will not pay for information provided under this RFI andno project will be supported as a result of this RFI. This RFI is not accepting applications for financialassistance or financial incentives. EERE may or may not issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)based on consideration of the input received from this RFI.


  • DE-FOA-0003463_Request_for_Information_Distributed_Energy_Resource_Interconnection_Roadmap_Draft (Last Updated: 9/5/2024 02:20 PM ET)
  • Draft DER Interconnection Roadmap (Last Updated: 9/5/2024 05:47 PM ET)

Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 10/7/2024 11:59 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 9/5/2024 1:00 PM ET – 9/5/2024 5:00 PM ET

TPL-0000052: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003136 Connected Communities 2.0 FOA

This Teaming Partner List is for the DE-FOA-0003136 Connected Communities 2.0 FOA.

A teaming partner list may be used to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the announcement/topic area. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000054: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003289: Fiscal Year 2024 Solar Energy Supply Chain Incubator FOA

DOE is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the formation of project teams for this FOA. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations that may wish to participate on a project to express their interest to other applicants and explore potential partnerships.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: View the Teaming Partner List by visiting the EERE eXCHANGE homepage and clicking on Teaming Partners within the left-hand navigation pane. This page allows users to view published Teaming Partner Lists. To join the Teaming Partner List, submit a request within eXCHANGE. Select the appropriate Teaming Partner List from the drop-down menu and fill in the following information: Investigator Name, Organization Name, Organization Type, Topic Area, Background and Capabilities, Website, Contact Address, Contact Email, and Contact Phone.

DISCLAIMER: By submitting a request to be included on the Teaming Partner List, the requesting organization consents to the publication of the above-referenced information. By facilitating the Teaming Partner List, DOE is not endorsing, sponsoring, or otherwise evaluating the qualifications of the individuals and organizations that are identifying themselves for placement on this Teaming Partner List. DOE will not pay for the provision of any information, nor will it compensate any applicants or requesting organizations for the development of such information.

Private, for-profit manufacturing entities—the target applicants for this FOA—would benefit greatly from developing strong partnerships within this ecosystem. As such, applicants are strongly encouraged to form teams for projects under this FOA. Applicants are encouraged to partner with academia, national laboratories, other industry members, supply chain partners, equipment developers, and institutions representing a diversity of individuals, such as, but not limited to, Tribal communities, minority serving institutions,[1] minority business enterprises, minority-owned businesses, woman-owned businesses, veteran-owned businesses, or entities located in underserved communities. Applicants are particularly encouraged to partner with a diverse set of organizations to advance demonstration and field-testing activities.

[1] Minority serving institutions (MSIs) include historically Black colleges and universities/other minority institutions as educational entities recognized by the Office of Civil Rights and U.S. Department of Education and identified on the Office of Civil Rights' Department of Education accredited postsecondary minorities’ institution list. See

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0003346: Geothermal Technologies Office Geothermal Resources’ Value in Implementing Decarbonization (GTO GRID)

The GTO GRID FOA seeks applications from teams focused on geographic regions defined within specific power pools, joint utilities groups, utility service territories, or Tribal jurisdictions in the conterminous U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, or U.S. territories to quantify the value of geothermal power in supporting an equitable transition to a future decarbonized grid and economy. Regional grid modeling studies should use one or more analysis approaches and tools such as capacity expansion modeling, production cost modeling, Loss-of-Load based analyses, machine learning applications, and/or alternate modeling or market design approaches.


GTO’s mission is to increase geothermal energy deployment through research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) of innovative technologies that enhance exploration and production. Its vision is a vibrant domestic geothermal sector that contributes to a carbon-pollution free electric sector by 2035 and a net-zero emission economy by 2050 while providing economic opportunities and environmental benefits for all Americans. GTO supports geothermal energy RD&D activities in six research areas aimed at increased access, reduced costs and improved economics, and improved education and outreach about geothermal resources. DOE’s 2023 Enhanced Geothermal ShotTM analysis concludes that with aggressive technology improvements in areas relevant to enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), geothermal electricity generation could provide 90 GWe of firm, flexible power to the US electric grid by 2050.


Building a clean and equitable energy economy and addressing the climate crisis is a top priority of the Biden-Harris Administration. This FOA will advance the Biden-Harris Administration’s goals to achieve carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and to “deliver an equitable, clean energy future, and put the United States on a path to achieve net-zero emissions, economy-wide, by no later than 2050“ to the benefit of all Americans. DOE is committed to pushing the frontiers of science and engineering, catalyzing clean energy jobs through research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D), and ensuring environmental justice and inclusion of underserved communities.


Geothermal power offers a unique value proposition to support the United States’ target of 100% carbon-pollution-free electricity by 2035 and a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. Traditionally, geothermal power is well understood as a clean, firm generation resource with a high capacity factor, 24/7 availability, and minimal land use footprint. Moreover, the advent of flexible geothermal operations and geothermal power coupled with storage technologies broadens the breadth of services that geothermal power could provide to a decarbonizing grid.


This FOA supports the administration goals laid out above by catalyzing regional grid modeling studies that quantify the potential contribution of geothermal power in supporting an equitable transition to a future decarbonized grid and economy. The research and development (R&D) activities to be funded under this FOA will support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving innovation that can lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection. Specifically, this FOA will quantify the value of geothermal power to a decarbonized grid.

General Topic Area:

Value of Geothermal Power Topic Area


Project teams are required to propose grid modeling and/or analysis approaches tailored to their specific grid region of interest examining one or more of the following geothermal power attributes:


a)      Firm capacity to support resource adequacy


b)      Flexible geothermal power and ancillary services to the grid and/or to a deferrable load


c)      Integrated value of geothermal power with storage technologies


d)      Total system impact of geothermal power to cost of grid decarbonization

In addition to choosing one or more of the above attributes for examination, project teams are required to incorporate elements of understanding geothermal power’s contribution to an equitable transition within the proposal.


  • DE-FOA-0003346_GTO_Geothermal_Resources'_Value_in_Implementing_Decarbonization (Last Updated: 6/11/2024 09:58 AM ET)
  • GTO_GRID_FOA_3346_QA_Spreadsheet (Last Updated: 9/6/2024 10:42 AM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • Statement of Project Objectives (SOPO) (Last Updated: 6/12/2024 10:17 AM ET)
  • Budget Justification (Last Updated: 6/12/2024 10:17 AM ET)
  • SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 6/12/2024 10:18 AM ET)
  • Locations of Work (Last Updated: 8/14/2024 12:56 PM ET)
  • Summary Slide (Last Updated: 6/12/2024 10:32 AM ET)

Webinar Details

Informational Webinar: June 26, 2024 1-2pm MT

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number

Meeting number (access code): 2825 527 7013

Meeting password: hFMMiwqC495

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)

+1-415-527-5035,,28255277013## United States Toll

+1-929-251-9612,,28255277013## United States Toll (New York City)

Join by phone

+1-415-527-5035 United States Toll

+1-929-251-9612 United States Toll (New York City)

Global call-in numbers

Join from a video system or application


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

EERE will conduct one informational webinar during the FOA process. It will be held after the initial FOA release but before the due date for Letters of Intent.

Attendance is not mandatory and will not positively or negatively impact the overall review of any applicant submissions. The webinar will be open to all applicants who wish to participate. Applicants should refrain from asking questions or communicating information that would reveal confidential and/or proprietary information specific to their project. The webinar date is listed on the cover page of the FOA.

  • FOA_Applicant_Webinar_GRID_3346 (Last Updated: 6/28/2024 10:58 AM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Letter of Intent Deadline: 7/24/2024 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 9/9/2024 5:00 PM ET

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for this announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0003289: Fiscal Year 2024 Solar Energy Supply Chain Incubator FOA

MOD000002: The purpose of FOA Modification 000002 is to revise anticipated federal funding amounts in Section I.B ii, Section I.B.iii, and Section II.A.i.

MOD000001: The purpose of FOA Modification 000001 is to revise Section I.B.iv Topic Area 3: Solar and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Permitting Software, Outreach, Education, and Development, Section I.C.iiTopic Area 3, Section I.E Authorizing Statues, and Section II.A.i Estimated Funding.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) announced the Fiscal Year 2024 Solar Energy Supply Chain Incubator funding opportunity (FOA), which will provide up to $50.5 million for research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects that de-risk solar hardware, manufacturing processes, and software products across a wide range of solar technology areas.

The research and development (R&D) and demonstration (RD&D) activities to be funded under this FOA will support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving the innovation that can lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection. Specifically, this FOA will support the DOE decarbonization goals by advancing innovative solar hardware, software, and manufacturing processes across a broad range of technology readiness levels, from laboratory-scale to pilot-scale testing and prototype demonstration.

Technologies of interest include photovoltaics (PV), systems integration, and concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) technologies, as well as those that connect solar with storage or electric vehicles and dual-use PV applications like agrivoltaics and vehicle-integrated PV. SETO encourages for-profit applicants to team with diverse institutions including academic institutions, non-profits, state and local governments, and Tribal governments.

The FOA also seeks projects that provide outreach, education, or technology development for software that delivers an automated permit review and approval process for rooftop solar PV with or without energy storage. Both for-profit and non-profit entities are eligible to apply under this topic.

SETO expects to make between 11 and 23 awards ranging from $1 million to $6 million under this FOA. Learn more about past Incubator funding program awardees.

Prior to submitting a full application for this opportunity, a mandatory concept paper is due July 19 at 5 p.m. ET.

Applicants can also access free Application Education Services through the American-Made Network and can engage with Power Connectors.


  • DE-FOA-0003289_Solar Incubator FOA_QandA_Spreadsheet_8.30.24 (Last Updated: 8/30/2024 01:42 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0003289_EERE_SETO_FY24 Supply Chain Incubator_FOA_MOD000002 (Last Updated: 8/23/2024 05:15 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • DE_FOA_0003289_Locations_of_Work_Template (Last Updated: 6/5/2024 01:32 PM ET)
  • DE_FOA_0003289_Summary_Slide_Template (Last Updated: 6/5/2024 01:32 PM ET)

Webinar Details

SETO hosted an informational webinar on June 13, 2024 at 4 p.m. ET to discuss the funding opportunity and the areas of focus. The webinar was not successfully recorded to due connection issues. Please review the presentation slides that were discussed for more information about this FOA.

Applicants can also access free Application Education Services through the American-Made Network and can engage with Power Connectors:

More information available at

More information available at

Participation is not mandatory and will have no impact on the evaluation of your application by the Department of Energy.

  • FOA_Applicant_Webinar_Presentation_Exchange_3289 Incubator FOA_RevA (Last Updated: 6/28/2024 03:53 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 7/19/2024 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 10/7/2024 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 12/1/2024 5:00 PM ET – 12/31/2024 5:00 PM ET

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for this announcement, click here.

TPL-0000053: Topic Information for Teaming Partners List Associated with Funding Opportunity DE-FOA-0003331

Topic Information for Teaming Partners List Associated with Funding Opportunity DE-FOA-0003331

Submittal Instructions

Any organization that would like to be included in the Teaming Partners List associated with the Funding Opportunity DE-FOA-0003331should submit the following information via the EERE Exchange website to the Teaming Partners List TPL-0000053:

This Teaming Partner List is being made available to facilitate the widest possible national participation in the formation of applicant teams for this potential FOA. The List allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to other applicants and explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); partnerships with Minority Business

Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, and tribal nations); and workforce education, training, and development or labor organizations.

SETO also requires cost share, so this teaming list may provide an opportunity to identify commercial cost-share partners.

Please include information about your organization type/characteristics in the “Background, Interest, Capabilities” field in Exchange to help other participants identify your capabilities.

Disclaimer: By submitting a request to be included on the Teaming Partner List, the requesting organization consents to the publication of the above-referenced information. By enabling and publishing the Teaming Partner List, EERE is not endorsing, sponsoring, or otherwise evaluating the qualifications of the individuals and organizations that are self-identifying themselves for placement on this Teaming Partner List. EERE will not pay for the provision of any information, nor will it compensate any applicants or requesting organizations for the development of such information.


  • Teaming_Partner_List_DE-DE-FOA-0003331 (Last Updated: 6/3/2024 07:56 PM ET)

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0003072: WASTE: Waste Analysis and Strategies for Transportation End-uses

Amendment 000001 - Remove the references to Letter of Intent. A Letter of Intent is not required for this FOA.

Amendment 000002 - Update Section I.D. Applications Specifically Not of Interest. "Applications that are not led by a State, municipal entity, transit authority, or non-profit (See Section III.A)" are specifically not of interest.

Amendment 000003 - Extend the Concept Paper Submission Deadline from June 19, 2024 at 5:00PM ET to June 20, 2024 at 5:00PM ET in observance of the Juneteenth National Independence Day Federal Holiday.

Amendment 000004 - Extend the following deadlines: Submission Deadline for Full Applications, Expected Submission Deadline for Replies to Reviewer Comments, Expected Date for EERE Selection Notifications, and Expected Timeframe for Award Negotiations. Section II.A.i. Update Anticipated Period of Performance for Topic Areas 1 and 2 (Phase 1). Section IV.D.xvi.

NOTE: in response to recent registration questions, see the clarification at the bottom of this description.

DE-FOA-0003072: WASTE: Waste Analysis and Strategies for Transportation End-uses

The research and development (R&D) activities to be funded under this FOA will support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving the innovation that can lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection. Specifically, this FOA will aid communities with resource and energy recovery strategies associated with their organic waste streams. Organic waste streams represent major sources of fugitive methane emissions, volatile organic compounds, and other pollutants. The White House set a goal of reducing methane emissions by 30% by 2030. By developing strategies that can prevent the landfilling of these wastes, one of the major sources of fugitive methane can be mitigated. Holistic waste management strategies can also benefit communities by reducing other impacts associated with waste collection and processing infrastructure including reducing truck traffic, odors, litter, and other air, water, and health impacts.

Topic Area 1 is focused specifically on helping communities beyond a conceptualization phase by supporting more in-depth feasibility or scoping analysis. Oftentimes, staff and organizational capacity in communities (particularly in rural, remote, Tribal, or smaller communities) is limited. While technical assistance programs can accomplish some of these objectives, direct financial assistance can close this capacity gap.

Topic Area 2 is targeted towards communities that have previously completed feasibility analysis and are seeking funding to further refine their project concept. Municipal and non-profit staff capacity and availability of funding often makes detailed design work out of reach for many communities and this topic aims to close that gap. Projects selected under Topic Area 2 will have an opportunity to construct and operate their designed pilot facility based on the down-select process described in the FOA.

Questions regarding the FOA must be submitted to

Note: DE-FOA-0003072 is a competitive solicitation and private discussions, while the announcement is open, are prohibited. All questions regarding this FOA must be submitted via email to no later than three business days prior to the application due date. All questions and answers related to this FOA will be posted in EERE eXCHANGE under DOCUMENTS for DE-FOA-0003072.

The eXCHANGE system is currently designed to enforce hard deadlines for Concept Paper and Full Application submissions. The APPLY and SUBMIT buttons automatically disable at the defined submission deadlines. The intention of this design is to consistently enforce a standard deadline for all applicants. Applicants that experience issues with submissions PRIOR to the FOA Deadline: In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance ( The eXCHANGE helpdesk and/or the EERE eXCHANGE System Administrators ( will assist the Applicant in resolving all issues.

Applicants that experience issues with submissions that result in a late submission: In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission that results in a late submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance ( The eXCHANGE helpdesk and/or the EERE eXCHANGE System Administrators ( will assist the Applicant in resolving all issues (including finalizing the submission on behalf of, and with the Applicant's concurrence). DOE will only accept late applications when the Applicant has a) encountered technical difficulties beyond their control; b) has contacted the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance; and c) has submitted the application through eXCHANGE within 24 hours of the FOA's posted deadline.

Please see the full FOA in the DOCUMENTS section below.

Clarification about requirements: The prime applicant may submit a concept paper prior to completion of the registration. This FOA does not require a UEI number to be included with the concept paper and may require a UEI registration at the time of full application submission. Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete the SAM registration prior to submitting a full application. If selected for an award, as stated in Section IV.G. of the FOA "DOE may not make a federal award to an applicant until the applicant has complied with all applicable UEI and SAM requirements. If an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time DOE is ready to make a federal award, DOE will determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive a federal award and use that determination as a basis for making a federal award to another applicant."


  • Amendment 000004 - DE-FOA-0003072 WASTE: Waste Analysis and Strategies for Transportation End-uses FOA (Last Updated: 7/18/2024 03:04 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0003072 Question and Answer Log (Last Updated: 9/5/2024 12:14 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance, prior template (Last Updated: 8/27/2024 12:09 PM ET)
  • SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance, current template (Last Updated: 8/27/2024 12:15 PM ET)
  • Statement of Project Objectives (Last Updated: 4/17/2024 01:37 PM ET)
  • Budget Justification (3 budget periods) (Last Updated: 4/17/2024 01:40 PM ET)
  • Budget Justification (5 budget periods) (Last Updated: 4/17/2024 01:41 PM ET)
  • Summary Slide (Last Updated: 4/17/2024 01:44 PM ET)
  • DOE Work Proposal for FFRDC, if applicable (see DOE O 412.1A, Attachment 3) (Last Updated: 4/17/2024 01:41 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 4/17/2024 01:46 PM ET)
  • Locations of Work (Last Updated: 4/19/2024 04:23 PM ET)

Webinar Details

An informational webinar was held on May 10, 2024. There weree no particular advantages or disadvantages to the application evaluation process with respect to participating in the webinar; participation was completely voluntary.

The slide presentation and transcript are available below; the video is available at
  • Informational Webinar: slide presentation (Last Updated: 5/15/2024 04:24 PM ET)
  • Informational Webinar: transcript (Last Updated: 5/15/2024 04:27 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 6/20/2024 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 9/9/2024 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 10/4/2024 5:00 PM ET – 10/8/2024 5:00 PM ET

TPL-0000049: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003246 Solar and Wind Interconnection for Future Transmission (SWIFTR)

This teaming partner list is for DE-FOA-0003246, Solar and Wind Interconnection for Future Transmission (SWIFTR).

A teaming partner list may be used to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the announcement/topic area. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.


  • 3246_-_i2X_-_SWIFTR_-_Topic_Information (Last Updated: 4/2/2024 01:40 PM ET)

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000045: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003225 FY24 BIL CODES RECI2 FOA

This Teaming Partner List is for DE-FOA-0003225 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation (RECI#2) FOA.

A teaming partner list may be used to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the announcement/topic area. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000038: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003178 Inflation Reduction Act Funding for Advanced Biofuels

This teaming partner list is for DE-FOA-0003178, Inflation Reduction Act Funding for Advanced Biofuels.

A teaming partner list may be used to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the announcement. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owened Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.

A teaming partner list could also be used to help users build partnerships that could be needed for the application eligibility requirements.

DISCLAIMER: By submitting a request to be included on the Teaming Partner List, the requesting organization consents to the publication of the above-referenced information. By facilitating the Teaming Partner List, DOE is not endorsing, sponsoring, or otherwise evaluating the qualifications of the individuals and organizations that are identifying themselves for placement on this Teaming Partner List. DOE will not pay for the provision of any information, nor will it compensate any applicants or requesting organizations for the development of such information.


Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000042: Combined Wellbore Construction High Temperature Tools and Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage (RTES)

This teaming partner list is for DE-FOA-0003296 Topic Area 2, Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage (RTES)

A teaming partner list may be used to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the announcement/topic area. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Select the appropriate Teaming Partner List from the drop-down menu and fill in the following information: Investigator Name, Organization Name, Organization Type, Topic Area, Background and Capabilities, Website, Contact Address, Contact Email, and Contact Phone.

DISCLAIMER: By submitting a request to be included on the Teaming Partner List, the requesting organization consents to the publication of the above-referenced information. By facilitating the Teaming Partner List, DOE is not endorsing, sponsoring, or otherwise evaluating the qualifications of the individuals and organizations that are identifying themselves for placement on this Teaming Partner List. DOE will not pay for the provision of any information, nor will it compensate any applicants or requesting organizations for the development of such information.

There is no Teaming List for Topic Area 1.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0003304: RFI on Supporting Success for Low-Income and Disadvantaged Community Solar Program Design, Implementation, and Adoption

The purpose of this RFI is to solicit feedback from industry; state, territory, Tribal, and local government agencies; utilities; nonprofit organizations; solar developers and installers; solar industry organizations; subscriber management organizations; community-based organizations; financial institutions; philanthropic organizations; academia; research laboratories; advocacy organizations; community action agencies; environmental justice organization; consumer protection agencies; community members; and other stakeholders on issues related to successfully deploying distributed solar and related technologies through industry, government, and utility-led programs designed to serve low-income and disadvantaged communities (LIDAC).

EERE is specifically interested in information as identified in the “Request for Information Categories and Questions” section of this document.This is solely a request for information and not a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). EERE is not accepting applications.

Please see the full RFI document in the Documents section below.

This is an RFI only. DOE will not pay for information provided under this RFI and no project will be supported as a result of this RFI. This RFI is not accepting applications for financial assistance or financial incentives. DOE may or may not issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) based on consideration of the input received from this RFI.

Responses to this RFI must be submitted electronically to no later than 5:00pm (ET) on February 23, 2024. Responses must be provided as attachments to an email.


Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 2/23/2024 5:00 PM ET

TPL-0000039: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003097 Marine Energy University Foundational R&D

This teaming partner list is for FOA DE-FOA-0003097, Marine Energy University Foundational R&D and associated NOI DE-FOA-0003129. A teaming partner list may be used to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the announcement/topic area. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.

  • Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available on the EERE eXCHANGE website. The Teaming Partner List will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who have provided their organization’s teaming partner information.
  • SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Any organization that would like to be included on this list should submit their information to Teaming Partner List via EERE eXCHANGE.
  • DISCLAIMER: By submitting a request to be included on the Teaming Partner List, the requesting organization consents to the publication of the above-referenced information. By facilitating the Teaming Partner List, DOE is not endorsing, sponsoring, or otherwise evaluating the qualifications of the individuals and organizations that are self-identifying themselves for placement on this Teaming Partner List #TPL-0000039. DOE will not pay for the provision of any information, nor will it compensate any applicants or requesting organizations for the development of such information.


  • Topic_Information_for_Teaming_Partner_List (Last Updated: 1/12/2024 01:55 PM ET)

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.


This teaming partner list is for DE-FOA-0003212/3213, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office FOA to Advance the National Clean Hydrogen Strategy.

This Teaming Partner List is being made available to facilitate the widest possible national participation in the formation of applicant teams for this potential FOA. The List allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to other applicants and explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges & Universities and Other Minority Serving Institutions), Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, Tribal Nations, workforce education/training/development groups or labor organizations.

DISCLAIMER: By submitting a request to be included on the Teaming Partner List, the requesting organization consents to the publication of the above-referenced information. By facilitating this Teaming Partner List, DOE is not endorsing, sponsoring, or otherwise evaluating the qualifications of the individuals and organizations that are self-identifying themselves for placement on this Teaming Partner List. DOE will not pay for the provision of any information, nor will it compensate any applicants or requesting organizations for the development of such information.


  • Teaming_List_-_Topic_and_Background (Last Updated: 11/15/2023 02:16 PM ET)

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000027: Teaming Partner List for the FY24 TCF Base CLIMR Lab Call

This Teaming Partner List is for the FY24 Technology Commercialization Fund Base Annual Appropriations CLIMR Lab Call (DE-LC-000L110).

DOE is compiling a “Teaming Partner List” to facilitate the formation of project teams for this Lab Call. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to other applicants and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations).

Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available on the Exchange website. The Teaming Partner List will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000026: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003158 BENEFIT FY24

This Teaming Partner List is for DE-FOA-0003158 Buildings Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) – 2024 FOA.

A teaming partner list may be used to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the announcement/topic area. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.


  • Topic_Information (Last Updated: 11/3/2023 04:25 PM ET)

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0003220: Transmission System Interconnection Roadmap Draft

Mod 00001 extends the submission date to 12/01/2023.

This request for information (RFI) solicits feedback on a draft Transmission System Interconnection Roadmap prepared by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) program. This roadmap covers interconnection solutions for the transmission system/bulk power system only. Feedback from interconnection stakeholders regarding the Roadmap’s content (e.g., challenges, solution sets and key actions) will ensure the final version provides a comprehensive set of strategies to improve the interconnection process. Interconnection stakeholders include, but are not limited to, utilities, grid operators, grid reliability organizations, Tribal governments and utilities, Federal and state regulators, state and local governments, clean energy developers, energy justice groups, nonprofits, and trade associations.Read the draft i2X Transmission System Interconnection Roadmap:


  • DE-FOA-0003220_Mod_00001_-_RFI_Transmission_System_Interconnection_Roadmap_Draft (Last Updated: 11/21/2023 06:17 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 12/1/2023 5:00 PM ET

TPL-0000023: Teaming Partner List for Critical Materials Accelerator FOA

This Teaming Partner List is for the Critical Materials Accelerator Notice of Intent issued by the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO).

DOE is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the FOA. All entities interested in participating as part of an applicant team can provide their contact information for the Teaming Partner List. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000022: DE-FOA-0003141 Teaming Partner List for IDEAL HVDC FOA

The U.S Department of Energy (DOE)’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue, on behalf of the Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) and the Office of Electricity (OE), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled “Innovative DEsigns for high-performAnce Low-cost HVDC Converters (IDEAL HVDC)”.

The activities under this anticipated FOA support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving the innovation that can lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection. Specifically, the planned FOA would invest in research and development to support continued innovation and cost reduction for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) voltage source converter (VSC) transmission systems.This investment is intended to enable future cost-effective grid upgrades required to integrate increasing renewable energy generation on to the grid, both onshore and offshore.

DOE is compling a "Teaming Partner List" to facilitate the formation of new project teams for this FOA. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.

Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available in the EERE Exchange website. The Teaming Partner List will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000020: Teaming Partner List for DE-FOA-0003058: Advancing U.S. Thin-Film Solar Photovoltaics

This Teaming Partner List is for the Advancing U.S. Thin-Film Solar Photovoltaics Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). This FOA will focus on accelerating the capabilities of two thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technologies: metal-halide perovskite PV and cadmium telluride (CdTe) PV technologies. It will fund innovative industrial research and development (R&D) projects that will enable future commercialization of hybrid tandem perovskite PV, defined as a perovskite PV in combination with another technology such as silicon or CdTe. It will also fund industrial research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects across the materials, equipment, installation, and performance monitoring sectors to improve the competitiveness of the domestic CdTe PV industry. This FOA promotes American leadership in thin-film PV technology by promoting the domestic manufacture of thin-film PV modules. With this goal in mind, only for-profit entities and teams led by for-profit entities may apply to this FOA and all work must be performed in the United States.

The United States has world-leading domestic research and development (R&D) capabilities in thin-film PV across a multitude of universities and national laboratories. The United States is also in the process of rebuilding PV manufacturing equipment capabilities. It is expected that private for-profit entities, who are the target prime recipients for this FOA, will benefit greatly from developing strong partnerships with this ecosystem. As such, teaming arrangements are strongly encouraged.

This Teaming Partner List is available to facilitate the widest possible national participation in the formation of applicant teams for the FOA. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations that may wish to participate on a project to express their interest to other applicants and explore potential partnerships.

This FOA will encourage potential applicants to form partnerships with academia, national laboratories, other industry members, supply chain partners, equipment developers, and with institutions representing diverse individuals such as, but not limited to, tribal communities; minority-serving institutions (MSI), including historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) and other minority institutions (OMI); minority business enterprises; minority-, woman-, and veteran-owned businesses; entities located in an underserved community or through linkages with Opportunity Zones. Applicants are particularly encouraged to partner with a diverse set of organizations to advance demonstration and field-testing activities.

Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available in the EERE Exchange website. The Teaming Partner List will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information. Please include information about your organization type/characteristics in the “Background, Interest, Capabilities” field in Exchange to help other participants identify your capabilities.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000018: Teaming Partners List for DE-FOA-0003034: (OPTIMA) Operations and Planning Tools for Inverter-Based Resource Management and Availability for Future Power Systems

This Teaming Partners List is for DE-FOA-0003034: Operations and Planning Tools for Inverter-Based Resource Management and Availability for Future Power Systems (OPTIMA).

A teaming partner list may be used to facilitate the formation of new project teams for the announcement/topic area. The list allows organizations to express their interest and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.


  • Topic_Information (Last Updated: 4/20/2023 12:16 PM ET)

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000012: Teaming Partner List for DE-LC-000L101 - FY23 TCF Bas Annual Appropriations FECM Program-Led Topics Lab Call

This Teaming Partner List is for the FY23 Technology Commercialization Fund Base Annual Appropriations FECM Program-Led Topics Lab Call (DE-LC-000L101).

DOE is compiling a “Teaming Partner List” to facilitate the formation of project teams for this Lab Call. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to other applicants and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations).

Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available on the Exchange website. The Teaming Partner List will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000010: Teaming Partner List for the 2023 Conversion R&D FOA DE-FOA-0002946

For the 2023 Conversion R&D FOA (DE-FOA-0002946) only, the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the formation of new project teams under the Notice of Intent NOI DE-FOA-0002909.

This Teaming Partner List is being made available to facilitate the widest possible national participation in the formation of applicant teams for the potential Conversion R&D FOA. The List allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to other applicants and explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, and tribal nations); and workforce education, training, and development or labor organizations. This list may also help support connections between researchers from non-profit organizations and potential industrial cost share partners.

Please include information about your organization type/characteristics in the “Background, Interest, Capabilities” field in Exchange to help other participants identify your capabilities.


  • This document provides instructions and topic area information. (Last Updated: 2/10/2023 12:14 PM ET)

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000008: Teaming Partner List, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office FOA in Support of Hydrogen Shot

This teaming partner list is for DE-FOA-0002919/2920, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office FOA in Support of Hydrogen Shot.

EERE is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the widest possible national participation in the formation of applicant teams for this FOA. The list allows organizations who may wish to participate in an application to express their interest to other potential applicants and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minor Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Business, or tribal nations.


  • Topic and Background Information (Last Updated: 1/27/2023 07:32 AM ET)

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000006: Teaming Partner List, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis, Manufacturing, and Recycling, Funding Opportunity Announcement No. DE-FOA-0002922

EERE is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the widest possible national participation in the formation of applicant teams for this potential FOA. The list allows organizations who may wish to participate in an application to express their interest to other potential applicants and to explore potential partners, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations.


  • Teaming_partner_list_-_Topic_and_Background_Information (Last Updated: 12/17/2022 10:12 AM ET)

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000001: Teaming Partner List for DE-LC-000L098 - FY23 TCF Base Annual Appropriations CLIMR Lab Call

This Teaming Partner List is for the FY23 Technology Commercialization Fund Base Annual Appropriations CLIMR Lab Call (DE-LC-000L098).

DOE is compiling a “Teaming Partner List” to facilitate the formation of project teams for this Lab Call. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to other applicants and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations).

Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available on the Exchange website. The Teaming Partner List will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

TPL-0000002: DE-FOA-0002828 Teaming Partner List

The Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) is issuing this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) titled Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) FOA to Address Key Deployment Challenges for Offshore, Land-Based, and Distributed Wind.

The activities to be funded under this FOA support BIL section 41007(b)(1) and the broader government-wide approach to enable the innovations needed to advance U.S. wind systems, reduce the cost of electricity, and accelerate the deployment of wind power, maximize the benefits of the clean energy transition as the nation works to curb the climate crisis, empower workers, and advance environmental justice. The FOA consists of four Topic Areas, focusing on High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) for Offshore Wind, Advancing Deployment of Distributed (ADD) Wind, Offshore Wind Energy Social Science Research, and Bat Deterrent Technology Development.

DOE is compiling a “Teaming Partner List” to facilitate the formation of new project teams for this FOA. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to other applicants and to explore potential partnerships, including representation from Minority Serving Institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)/Other Minority Serving Institutions); and partnerships with Minority Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Businesses, Woman Owned Businesses, Veteran Owned Businesses, or tribal nations).

Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available in the EERE Exchange website. The Teaming Partner List will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information.

Contact Information

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for the announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0002866: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Industrial Assessment Centers Program - Centers of Excellence

The Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) is issuing this restricted eligibility Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to establish up to five regional Centers of Excellence at existing Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) to coordinate with and advise IACs located in the regions of the Centers of Excellence. DOE expects to make a total of up to $18,750,000 of federal funding available for three to five awards under this FOA, subject to the availability of appropriated funds. However, DOE may issue one, multiple, or no awards. Individual awards are anticipated to be for $2,500,000 to $3,750,000 each over a five-year performance period. Awards made under this FOA will be funded, in whole or in part, with funds appropriated by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

Awards will support up to five regional Centers of Excellence for activities including: (1) Identifying new technologies, tools, and practices of particular importance to regional IAC clients and supporting development of new or expansion of existing assessment tools to incorporate these new technologies, tools, and practices; (2) Coordinating with national and regional stakeholders, including, for example, DOE Offices; the National Laboratories; the Manufacturing USA Network; NIST MEPs; State, Tribal, regional, and local offices and entities; utilities and energy service providers; education, and economic development, workforce development stakeholders; and private industry; (3) Supporting the development of materials and resources for the National Clearinghouse, with a focus on developing materials and resources of regional importance; (4) Coordinating regional outreach to small- and medium-sized manufacturers, and particularly manufacturers in disadvantaged communities, to share information about IAC Program resources and opportunities; promote regional adoption of priority technologies, practices, and tools; and ensure that the IAC Program remains apprised of regional manufacturers’ changing needs and capabilities; (5) Mentoring IAC directors and staff regionally, including providing training to IAC directors, staff, and students regarding best practices for carrying out assessments and supporting unusually complex or lengthy IAC assessments within the region; (6) Supporting development of and training on new methods of delivering IAC assessments, including both traditional and virtual assessments that expand the reach of the IAC Program by reducing or eliminating the need for IAC staff and students to travel to work on-site with small- or medium-manufacturers; (7) Supporting student-focused activities, including facilitating connections between graduates and private industry, supporting student research competitions, hosting regional events, recognizing student and alumni achievements, supporting interaction among students and alumni; (8) Forging new relationships and articulation agreements with labor unions, registered apprenticeship programs, and other joint labor-management training partnerships; and (9) Supporting regional and national clean-energy workforce development activities, including but not limited to development and implementation of new degree programs, credentials, and certifications.

Upon the issuance of a FOA, DOE personnel are prohibited from communicating (in writing or otherwise) with applicants regarding the FOA except through the established question and answer process as described below. Specifically, questions regarding this FOA must be submitted to: Questions must be submitted not later than 3 business days prior to the application due date and time. Please note, feedback on individual concepts will not be provided through Q&A. All questions and answers related to this FOA will be posted on EERE Exchange at: You must first select this specific FOA Number to view the questions and answers specific to this FOA. MESC will attempt to respond to a question within 3 business days, unless a similar question and answer has already been posted on the website. Questions related to the registration process and use of the EERE Exchange website should be submitted to:


  • Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Industrial Assessment Centers - Centers of Excellence FOA (Last Updated: 12/5/2022 03:32 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0002866 IAC FAQs (Last Updated: 2/15/2023 05:27 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance (Last Updated: 12/2/2022 08:00 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 12/2/2022 08:01 PM ET)
  • Statement of Project Objectives (SOPO) (Last Updated: 12/2/2022 08:01 PM ET)
  • Budget Justification Workbook (Last Updated: 12/2/2022 08:02 PM ET)
  • Budget Justification Workbook (5 BPs) (Last Updated: 1/26/2023 01:44 PM ET)
  • Locations of Work (Last Updated: 12/5/2022 03:34 PM ET)

Webinar Details

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Letter of Intent Deadline: 1/20/2023 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 2/17/2023 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 3/4/2023 8:00 AM ET – 3/9/2023 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0002800: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Section 41006(a)(1). Water Power Projects: Stakeholder Insight into Hydropower R&D Issues

This FOA seeks to support the efforts of a diverse group of hydropower stakeholders to work together to discuss and address issues regarding the modernization of the U.S. hydropower fleet, the sustainability of hydropower systems, and the impact of hydropower facilities on the environment. These efforts will enhance and inform the current and future needs of R&D for hydropower technologies and environmental mitigation efforts at DOE and in industry.

The selected recipient will actively convene, engage, and facilitate discussions among a diverse group of hydropower stakeholders including but not limited to representatives from Tribal nations, hydropower developers, owners/operators of hydropower facilities, research institutions, hydropower industry representatives, NGOs, non-profit organizations, resource agencies, other interested parties, etc.

Please Note: In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the Applicant should contact the EERE eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance (


  • DE-FOA-0002800_Stakeholder_Insight_into_Hydropower_R&D_Issues (Last Updated: 10/17/2022 01:28 PM ET)
  • Q&A_Spreadsheet_DE-FOA-0002800 (Last Updated: 11/10/2022 12:12 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424 (Last Updated: 10/13/2022 02:46 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL_(Disclosure_of_Lobbying_Activities) (Last Updated: 10/13/2022 02:46 PM ET)
  • Statement_of_Project_Objectives (Last Updated: 10/13/2022 02:47 PM ET)
  • Budget_Justification_(3BPs) (Last Updated: 10/13/2022 02:47 PM ET)
  • Summary_Slide_Template (Last Updated: 10/13/2022 02:47 PM ET)
  • Locations_of_Work (Last Updated: 10/13/2022 02:51 PM ET)

Webinar Details

An informational webinar will be held on Thursday October 27, 2022 at 1 pm ET

Please use the link below to register in advance:

  • DE-FOA-0002800_Applicant_Webinar (Last Updated: 11/3/2022 04:43 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 11/18/2022 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 12/15/2022 5:00 PM ET – 12/22/2022 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0002802: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Section 40334: Pumped Storage Hydropower Wind and Solar Integration and System Reliability Initiative

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is issuing, on behalf of the Water Power Technlogies Office (WPTO), this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) titled “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Section 40334: Pumped Storage Hydropower Wind and Solar Integration and System Reliability Initiative.” Awards made under this FOA will be funded, in whole or in part, with funds appropriated by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, more commonly known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

Through this FOA, DOE will invest $10 million to carry out project design, transmission studies, power market assessments, and permitting for a pumped storage hydropower (PSH) project to facilitate the long-duration storage of intermittent renewable electricity. Eligibility for this FOA is limited to projects that have received a FERC preliminary permit, and are working toward licensing a PSH project with at least 1000 MW capacity that can participate in multiple markets and store intermittent renewable energy generated on tribal lands.


  • DE-FOA0002802_Pumped_Storage_Hydropower (Last Updated: 10/18/2022 02:10 PM ET)
  • Q&A Spreadsheet for DE-FOA-0002802 (updated 12/15/2022) (Last Updated: 12/15/2022 02:52 PM ET)
  • Teaming Partner List 11.23.22 (Last Updated: 11/23/2022 03:21 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • Statement of Project Objectives (Last Updated: 10/12/2022 02:17 PM ET)
  • Budget Justification (Last Updated: 10/12/2022 02:18 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL (Last Updated: 10/12/2022 02:19 PM ET)
  • SF-424 Application (Last Updated: 12/21/2022 10:33 AM ET)
  • Summary Slide (Last Updated: 10/12/2022 02:20 PM ET)

Submission Deadlines

  • Letter of Intent Deadline: 11/17/2022 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 12/15/2022 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 1/30/2023 5:00 AM ET – 2/3/2023 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0002847: Notice of Intent to Issue Funding Opportunity Announcement No. DE-FOA-0002845: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Section 41006(a)(2): U.S. Tidal Energy Advancement

Modification 0001:

The purpose of this modification is to announce the addition of a $10 million topic area to its proposed funding opportunity DE-EE0002845 BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE LAW (BIL), SECTION 41006(A)(2): U.S. TIDAL ENERGY ADVANCEMENT to advance tidal and current energy systems, bringing the total funding to $45 million. This new topic area will support at least one tidal or current energy planning and execution project in the United States, preferably led by a community-based organization or local/municipal government entity. With the addition of this topic area, WPTO’s funding opportunity will advance a comprehensive approach to tidal and current energy development in the United States, ranging from funding community-led planning and project execution to making the first large-scale investment in a tidal research, development, and demonstration site.


The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue, on behalf of the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Section 41006(a)(2): U.S. Tidal Energy Advancement.”

To support the development of tidal and current energy systems in the United States, and move the state of these technologies, DOE will provide the first large scale investment for the development of a tidal Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) site. This FOA will provide $35 million in total funding supporting Section 41006(a)(2) to fund a tidal or river current site development, preferably led by a project/site developer in the U.S., and fund in-water demonstration of at least one tidal energy system.

The overall goals of this FOA are to:

Build upon state clean energy strategies with local partners; Attract competitive tidal/current developers for technology site integration; Improve tidal/current Research and Development (R&D); Build site infrastructure and supply chains, with increased participation at the state level, including local agency, tribal and university research participation; andEstablish a working business model covering site development to commercial scale.

DOE is compiling a "teaming" partner list to facilitate widespread participation in this FOA. This list allows organizations with expertise in the topics to express their interest to potential applicants and to explore potential partnerships. Please see the Teaming List section of the NOI document for more information.

This Notice is issued so that interested parties are aware of the EERE’s intention to issue this FOA in the near term. All the information contained in this Notice is subject to change. EERE will not respond to questions concerning this Notice. Once the FOA has been released, EERE will provide an avenue for potential Applicants to submit questions.


  • Revised_Notice_of_Intent_No (Last Updated: 1/9/2023 11:24 AM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: TBD

Teaming Partners

To access the Teaming Partner List for this announcement, click here.

DE-FOA-0002769: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Advancing Equity through Workforce Partnerships

Modification 00001: Extended the Full Application Submission Deadline from 12/6/2022 to 12/16/2022 5:00pmET. Updated the FOA timeline on the FOA cover page to accommodate this change. Updated Section IV.E.v – Statement of Project Objectives (SOPO) to show maximum number of pages for SOPO (5 pages).

Background and Context

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is issuing, on behalf of the Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). Awards made under this FOA will be funded, in whole or in part, with funds appropriated by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also more commonly known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

Under Section 41007(c)(1), the BIL provides funding to carry out research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities relating to solar energy technologies, which includes conducting workforce development activities.

The activities to be funded under this FOA support the broader government-wide approach to addressing the climate crisis and maximize the benefits of the clean energy transition as the nation works to curb the climate crisis, empower workers, and advance environmental justice.

Program Purpose

This FOA supports the administration goals laid out above by supporting the development of workforce programs and partnerships that will facilitate the continued deployment of solar energy technologies, while supporting an inclusive workforce with opportunities for career advancement, including through union membership. As part of the whole-of-government approach to advance equity and encourage worker organizing and collective bargaining, this FOA and any related activities will seek to encourage meaningful engagement and participation of labor unions and underserved communities and underrepresented groups, including consultation with Tribal Nations.

Areas of Interest

SETO will consider and evaluate a variety of multi-stakeholder high-road training partnership proposals under this FOA. Projects should primarily relate to PV solar deployment and associated careers including in installation, system design, operations and maintenance (O&M), electrical work, project management, sales, and business operations. Proposals focused on manufacturing for solar PV modules and other equipment will be considered, but is not expected to be the primary area of focus for the funding program. Proposals related to CSP or other solar-thermal heating systems will not be considered.


  • Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Advancing Equity through Workforce Partnerships (Last Updated: 11/2/2022 04:13 PM ET)
  • Teaming Partner List Instructions (Last Updated: 8/2/2022 07:22 PM ET)
  • SETO - Teaming Partner List 2769 (Last Updated: 12/7/2022 04:53 PM ET)
  • QandA Log Workforce FOA 2769 (Last Updated: 2/3/2023 03:54 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • Budget Justification Template (Last Updated: 7/22/2022 12:34 PM ET)
  • Statement of Project Objectives Template (Last Updated: 7/22/2022 12:35 PM ET)
  • Summary Slide Template (Last Updated: 7/22/2022 12:37 PM ET)
  • SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance (Last Updated: 12/13/2022 03:53 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 12/13/2022 03:54 PM ET)

Webinar Details

Informational Webinar: SETO Advancing Equity Through Workforce Partnerships Funding Opportunity

Thursday, Aug 4 2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM(UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


Link to Webinar Recording (password below):

Password: WyJAxBq5

  • Webinar Slides (Last Updated: 8/9/2022 10:22 AM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Letter of Intent Deadline: 9/13/2022 5:00 PM ET
  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 9/20/2022 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 12/16/2022 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 2/2/2023 5:00 PM ET – 2/9/2023 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0002520: WAP Enhancement & Innovation

Modification 0001:

The purposes of this modification are to extend the Concept Paper deadline to Feb. 3, 2022 and the Full Application deadline to March 28, 2022.


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) was created in 1976 with the primary purpose to increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low-income persons, reduce their total residential energy expenditures, and improve their health and safety, especially low-income persons who are particularly vulnerable such as the elderly, the disabled, families with children, high residential energy users and households with a high energy burden.[1] A network of 57 Grantees and 700 local organizations (Subgrantees) working with private contractors delivers WAP services to eligible residents in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Indian lands of the Federally recognized tribes, and five U.S. Territories.

Within Public Law 116-260, signed December 27, 2020, Congress directed the DOE to establish a competitive program for “WAP Enhancement and Innovation” (E&I). Financial assistance is available to state, local, tribal and non-profit organizations[2]. A total of $18.6 million is available from the FY 2021 appropriation with a maximum award amount of $2 million. Through partnerships and leveraging of the DOE WAP and other funding sources, these awards will enable deep energy retrofits of low-income housing[3] in four topic areas: 1) place-based initiatives; 2) multifamily housing; 3) single family and manufactured housing; 4) workforce development. Applicants are encouraged to use awarded E&I funds in conjunction with DOE WAP formula awards and other funding sources to deploy demonstration projects that have potential to be scaled nationally, enhance the benefits realized by underserved communities, and ensure an equitable transition to a clean-energy economy.[4]

Building a clean-energy economy and addressing the climate crisis is a top priority of the Biden Administration. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will advance the Biden Administration’s goals to achieve carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and “deliver an equitable, clean energy future, and put the United States on a path to achieve net-zero emissions, economy-wide, by no later than 2050”1 to the benefit of all Americans. DOE is committed to pushing the frontiers of science and engineering, catalyzing clean energy jobs through research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D), and ensuring environmental justice and inclusion of disadvantaged communities.

The activities to be funded under this FOA will support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving the innovation that can lead to the deployment of energy efficiency retrofits and clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection. Specifically, this FOA will support the goals of carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and net zero GHG emissions by 2050 while also supporting quality jobs and economic growth by:

Developing new place-based methods for targeting and delivering deep energy retrofits to benefit communities disproportionally impacted by high energy burden;Increasing the number of homes eligible for energy efficiency retrofits by making homes weatherization and electrification ready, while also ensuring healthy indoor environments;Growing community partnerships and leveraging additional funds to maximize the installation of renewable and new technologies; and,Supporting workforce development and creating pathways to careers in the home performance, energy efficiency, and renewable energy sectors by hiring and retaining individuals underrepresented in these industries.


[1] Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” January 27, 2021.

[2] 42 U.S.C. 6864d(b)

[3] See 10 CFR 440.3 for the definition of low-income. Each Grantee defines low income for their service territory in the annual Weatherization Grant Application (Master File Section V.1 Eligibility).

[4] 42 USC 6864d.(e)(4)


Questions regarding the FOA must be submitted to

Answers to the questions will be posted to an excel spreadsheet found in the announcement "Documents" section of the FOA posting.

Please see the full text for the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) in the DOCUMENTS section below.


  • DE-FOA-0002520 WAP Enhancement & Innovation (Last Updated: 1/19/2022 06:22 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0002520 Questions & Answers (Last Updated: 4/20/2022 04:23 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance (Last Updated: 12/14/2021 03:10 PM ET)
  • Statement of Project Objectives (SOPO) (Last Updated: 12/14/2021 03:11 PM ET)
  • Budget Justification Template (Last Updated: 12/14/2021 03:12 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 12/14/2021 03:12 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 2/3/2022 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 3/28/2022 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 4/27/2022 8:00 AM ET – 4/29/2022 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0002595: Research, Development, and Demonstration Opportunities for FY 2022 Solar Manufacturing Incubator

This Request for Information (RFI) is intended to inform the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) on the overall technical research, development, and demonstration opportunities in solar manufacturing and hardware product commercialization. SETO is seeking specific feedback on:

  • Technical areas with opportunities to invest in innovative research and development (R&D) as well as research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects that enable solar to continue to drive down costs, while developing next-generation solar technologies, supporting the scalability of solar as deployment increases across the country, and boosting American solar manufacturing;
  • Removal of the Concept Paper stage from the funding opportunity process to better align it with the needs of a fast-moving industry and community and in an effort to streamline the application process and reduce the time from application deadline to selection notification; and
  • Ways to better engage and support partnerships between institutions representing diverse entities such as, but not limited to, Tribal communities; minority-serving institutions (MSI); minority business enterprises; minority-, woman-, and veteran-owned businesses[1]; entities located in an underserved community or through linkages with Opportunity Zones.


[1] Opportunity Zones were added to the Internal Revenue Code by section 13823 of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, codified at 26 U.S.C. 1400Z-1. The list of designated Qualified Opportunity Zones can be found in IRS Notices 2018-48 (PDF) and 2019-42 (PDF). Further, a visual map of the census tracts designated as Qualified Opportunity Zones may also be found at Opportunity Zones Resources. Also see, frequently asked questions about Qualified Opportunity Zones.  


  • FY22_Incubator_RFI (Last Updated: 10/15/2021 09:40 AM ET)

Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 11/7/2021 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0002336: Research and Development for Advanced Water Resource Recovery Systems

In recent years a growing number of utilities responsible for clean water have been moving from strict wastewater treatment to water resource management, some formally renaming themselves as water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs). Energy efficiency in equipment, processes, and operations is a fundamental part of this transition, and energy savings in facility retrofits can reach 50 percent. In addition to energy efficiency improvements, wastewater contains about five times more energy than is needed for its treatment, creating an opportunity for new, innovative technologies and approaches to recovering that energy content.

Looking even more broadly than municipal wastewater treatment facilities - across the entire energy-water nexus - water and wastewater contain a significant amount of recoverable chemical, thermal, and hydrodynamic energy content. Treatment efficiencies and energy recovery options across the energy-water nexus create the possibility for a growing percentage of treated water and wastewater systems in municipal, industrial, agriculture, utility, oil and gas and other sectors to achieve net-zero energy consumption, and even to become net producers of energy under favorable circumstances.

Energy is often the second-highest operating cost (behind labor costs) for water and wastewater treatment systems. Black & Veatch’s client surveys indicate that energy costs at water and wastewater utilities account for well over 10% of total operating costs for a large majority of utilities, with a significant number of utilities having energy costs that exceed 30 percent. Increasingly stringent regulations for contaminants are pushing water and wastewater treatment systems to use even more advanced – and energy intensive – treatment technologies. The energy use of these systems is expected to increase by up to 20 percent in the coming decades due to more stringent water quality standards and growing water demand based on population growth. Additionally, water and wastewater treatment facilities, pipes, and related infrastructure in cities around the country are approaching their end of expected service life. Therefore, a unique window of opportunity exists to replace the aging infrastructure with new, innovative approaches to water and wastewater treatment, resource recovery, and water reuse by looking more broadly at interconnected, cross-sector opportunities (i.e. municipal, industrial, agriculture, oil and gas, etc.) across the energy-water nexus to develop water and wastewater treatment systems of the future – advanced water resource recovery systems.
The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to conduct research, development, and deployment on technology innovations that enable advanced water resource recovery systems. Topic Area 1 of this FOA seeks to advance the development of transformative technologies beyond early stage research and development (R&D) to become pilot ready (TRL 4-6). Whereas, Topic Area 2 of this FOA seeks to test currently developed, pilot ready technologies (TRL 6-7) though design, build, and operations in industrially relevant conditions to enable commercialization.

This FOA is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) as part of the DOE’s Water Security Grand Challenge (WSGC). The WSGC is a White House initiated, U.S. DOE led framework to advance transformational technology and innovation to meet the global need for safe, secure, and affordable water. Using a coordinated suite of prizes, competitions, R&D, and other programs, the Water Security Grand Challenge has set the following goals for the United States to reach by 2030:

Launch desalination technologies that deliver cost-competitive clean water;Transform the energy sector’s produced water from a waste to a resource;Achieve near-zero water impact for new thermoelectric power plants, and significantly lower freshwater use intensity within the existing fleet;Double resource recovery from municipal wastewater; and, Develop small, modular energy-water systems for urban, rural, tribal, national security, and disaster response settings.

As part of the WSGC, DOE announced a $1 million Water Resource Recovery Prize to accelerate resource recovery from municipal wastewater across the United States. DOE also announced the selection of the National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) to lead DOE’s Energy-Water Desalination Hub, an early stage R&D consortia focused on desalination technologies. This FOA seeks to leverage these investments to further develop technologies for advanced water resource recovery systems.

Questions regarding the FOA must be submitted to

Answers to the questions will be posted to an excel spreadsheet found in the annoucement Documents section of the FOA posting.

EERE Exchange is designed to enforce the deadlines specified in this FOA. The “Apply” and “Submit” buttons will automatically disable at the defined submission deadlines. Should applicants experience problems with EERE Exchange, the following information may be helpful.

Applicants that experience issues with submission PRIOR to the FOA deadline: In the event that an applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the applicant should contact the EERE Exchange helpdesk for assistance ( The EERE Exchange helpdesk and/or the EERE Exchange system administrators will assist applicants in resolving issues.

Applicants that experience issues with submissions that result in late submissions: In the event that an applicant experiences technical difficulties so severe that they are unable to submit their application by the deadline, the applicant should contact the EERE Exchange helpdesk for assistance ( The EERE Exchange helpdesk and/or the EERE Exchange system administrators will assist the applicant in resolving all issues (including finalizing submission on behalf of and with the applicant’s concurrence). Please note, network traffic is at its heaviest during the final hours and minutes prior to submittal deadline. Applicants who experience this during the final hours or minutes and are unsuccessful in uploading documents will not be able to use this process.


  • DE-FOA-0002336: Research and Development for Advanced Water Resource Recovery Systems (Last Updated: 6/30/2020 01:44 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0002336: Question and Answer Log (Last Updated: 2/17/2021 04:45 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424 - Application for Federal Assistance (Last Updated: 6/29/2020 03:03 PM ET)
  • Statement of Project Objectives (Last Updated: 6/29/2020 03:04 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 6/29/2020 03:04 PM ET)
  • Budget Justification (Last Updated: 6/29/2020 03:05 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 8/4/2020 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 10/6/2020 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 11/5/2020 5:00 PM ET – 11/10/2020 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0002324: Building Technologies Proving Ground – Public Sector Field Validation

The Building Technologies Proving Ground – Public Sector Field Validation funding opportunity will invest up to $10 million to allow state, local, and tribal government entities to compete for funding designed to meet U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) goals via field validation of high impact commercial building technologies. Projects under this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will be funded by the EERE’s Building Technologies Office and administered in partnership with EERE’s Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office’s State Energy Program. The objective of this funding is to generate and disseminate data on the field performance of novel approaches to integrate advanced building technologies, that can inform commercial and multi-family building efficiency, demand flexibility, and building-to-grid programs. Projects funded through this FOA will have the potential to significantly reduce energy use in U.S. commercial buildings, develop new value streams for commercial building owners, and provide the end use flexibility required to dynamically balance the distribution grid.

An informational FOA webinar was held on June 30, 2020 at 12:00pm ET. The slides to the presentation are accessible in the Documents section of the FOA posting. 

Questions regarding the FOA must be submitted to

Answers to the questions will be posted to an excel spreadsheet found in the annoucement Documents section of the FOA posting.

EERE Exchange is designed to enforce the deadlines specified in this FOA. The “Apply” and “Submit” buttons will automatically disable at the defined submission deadlines. Should applicants experience problems with EERE Exchange, the following information may be helpful.

Applicants that experience issues with submission PRIOR to the FOA deadline: In the event that an applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the applicant should contact the EERE Exchange helpdesk for assistance ( The EERE Exchange helpdesk and/or the EERE Exchange system administrators will assist applicants in resolving issues.

Applicants that experience issues with submissions that result in late submissions: In the event that an applicant experiences technical difficulties so severe that they are unable to submit their application by the deadline, the applicant should contact the EERE Exchange helpdesk for assistance ( The EERE Exchange helpdesk and/or the EERE Exchange system administrators will assist the applicant in resolving all issues (including finalizing submission on behalf of and with the applicant’s concurrence). Please note, network traffic is at its heaviest during the final hours and minutes prior to submittal deadline. Applicants who experience this during the final hours or minutes and are unsuccessful in uploading documents will not be able to use this process.


  • DE-FOA-0002324_Funding_Opportunity_Announcement_(FOA) (Last Updated: 6/25/2020 05:32 PM ET)
  • Proving_Ground_Teaming_List_Responses (Last Updated: 8/3/2020 12:37 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0002324_FOA_Webinar_Presentation (Last Updated: 7/1/2020 05:31 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0002324_Proving_Ground_2020_FAQ_Log (Last Updated: 9/25/2020 01:40 PM ET)
  • bto-proving-ground-foa-webinar-transcript-063020 (Last Updated: 7/16/2020 02:23 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424_Application_for_Federal_Assistance (Last Updated: 6/25/2020 04:17 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL_Disclosure_of_Lobbying_Activities (Last Updated: 6/25/2020 04:17 PM ET)
  • Statement_of_Project_Objectives_(SOPO) (Last Updated: 6/25/2020 04:19 PM ET)
  • Budget_Justification_(3_BPs) (Last Updated: 6/25/2020 04:19 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 7/27/2020 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 9/28/2020 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 10/28/2020 5:00 PM ET – 11/2/2020 11:59 PM ET

DE-FOA-0001620: NOI_First Steps toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands – 2016


The purpose of this Notice of Intent (NOI) is to provide potential applicants advance notice that the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs (Office of Indian Energy) intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled “First Steps toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands – 2016.”

Under the planned FOA, the Office of Indian Energy intends to solicit applications from Indian Tribes (including Alaska Native regional corporations and village corporations) and Tribal Energy Resource Development Organizations under the following topic areas:

Conduct energy options analyses (Topic Area 1); Establish baseline energy use (Topic Area 2); Develop energy organizations (Topic Area 3); Conduct climate resiliency planning (Topic Area 4); Establish policy, regulations, and codes to reduce energy use or promote energy develop (Topic Area 5); and, Obtain skills and training related to energy use and development (Topic Area 6).

It is expected that proposed activities will result in specific measurable results or end-products that will lead to the development and deployment of energy solutions, and/or build knowledge or skills necessary to implement successful strategic energy solutions.

All of the information contained in this Notice is subject to change. The Office of Indian Energy may issue a FOA as described herein, may issue a FOA that is significantly different than the FOA described herein, or DOE may not issue a FOA at all. The Office of Indian Energy will not respond to questions concerning this Notice.

NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED THROUGH THIS NOTICE. Please do not submit questions or respond to this Notice of Intent. The Office of Indian Energy will not respond to questions concerning this Notice. It is anticipated that this FOA will be posted to EERE eXCHANGE in August or September, 2016

In order to submit an application if a FOA is issued, interested applicants must first register and create an account on the EERE eXCHANGE website. A User Guide for the EERE eXCHANGE can be found on the EERE website  after logging in to the system.


Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: TBD

DE-FOA-0001403: Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP)

* The purpose of Modification 0002 is to correct the page limit for the Technical Volume from 20 pages to 10 pages, as stated in Section IV.D.ii of the FOA.

*The purpose of Modification 0001 is to revise the following dates: Full Application submission deadline, expected submission deadline for replies to reviewer comments, expected date for EERE selection notifications, and expected timeframe for award negotiations.*

Q&A from the March 31st Webinar may be found in the FOA FAQ's Question & Answer Log under the Documents section.

The intent of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support the development and piloting of data-driven decision frameworks by local and tribal governments. These frameworks should advance model practices and processes that improve the ability of local and tribal governments to integrate, analyze, and understand varied datasets, in order to pursue opportunities across all clean energy sectors such as sustainable transportation, energy efficiency, and renewable power.

To develop and pilot such data-driven efforts, this FOA strongly encourages partnerships between local or tribal governments and entities such as academic institutions, technology companies, utilities, regional planning bodies, and non-governmental organizations.

An informational webinar was held March 31, 2016 at 2:30 pm ET. Below is the link to view the presentation:



  • Cities-LEAP FOA Modification 0002 (Last Updated: 5/26/2016 03:04 PM ET)
  • FOA FAQs 8-15-16 Question and Answer Log (Last Updated: 8/15/2016 11:45 AM ET)
  • Summary Slide Sample (Last Updated: 6/22/2016 07:50 AM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • Statement of Project Objectives (Last Updated: 3/2/2016 10:34 AM ET)
  • SF-424 (Last Updated: 3/2/2016 09:19 AM ET)
  • Budget Justification (EERE 335) (Last Updated: 3/2/2016 09:20 AM ET)
  • Subaward Budget Justification (EERE 335) (Last Updated: 3/2/2016 09:21 AM ET)
  • SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 3/2/2016 09:21 AM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 5/17/2016 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 6/23/2016 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 7/7/2016 1:00 PM ET – 8/31/2016 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0001422: NOI: Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP)

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue, on behalf of the Strategic Programs Office, a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled “Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP)”. As part of the Cities-LEAP project, EERE’s Office of Strategic Programs, through its Policy and Analysis and Technology-to-Market Teams, intends to solicit applications to advance data-driven decision-making by local governments in support of their climate and energy goals. This anticipated funding opportunity is intended for local and tribal governments as prime applicants and strongly encourages partnerships between local and tribal governments and entities such as academic institutions, technology companies, utilities, regional planning bodies, and non-governmental organizations to develop and pilot data-driven decision frameworks that strengthen the analytical underpinning of energy-impacting actions by local governments across the United States.

The purpose of this Notice is to provide potential applicants advance notice that the Office of Strategic Programs, on behalf of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), intends to issue a FOA titled, “Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP)”. NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED THROUGH THIS NOTICE. Please do not submit questions or respond to this Notice of Intent. Prospective applicants to the FOA should begin developing partnerships, formulating ideas, and gathering data in anticipation of the issuance of this FOA. It is anticipated that this FOA will be posted to EERE Exchange in March 2016.


  • NOI_DE-FOA-0001422 (Last Updated: 2/22/2016 02:26 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: TBD

DE-FOA-0001189: Climate Action Champions: Request for Applications

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to advancing the Administration’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change, and lead international efforts to address global climate change.


In recognition of the importance of the dual policy goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing climate resilience[1], the DOE­ – in close collaboration with other Federal agencies – is launching an initiative to identify and showcase U.S. local and tribal governments that have proven to be climate leaders through pursuing opportunities to advance both of these goals in their communities. In particular, the initiative will select 10-15 U.S. local governments and tribal governments  – or regional collaborations or consortia thereof – that demonstrate a strong and ongoing commitment to implementing strategies that both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance climate resilience, with a particular emphasis on strategies that further both goals. The DOE-led effort will provide a platform for other Federal agencies to participate in, and give leverage to, the activities of communities that are selected for this initiative.


The DOE initiative is being led as a combined effort through the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, the Office of Indian Energy, and the Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis.

Climate Action Champions Request for Applications Informational Webinar

This Webinar was held on October 9th 2014.  The presentation from the is available for viewing. This file is located in the documents below. 



[1] “Resilience” means the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions. (E.O. 13653)



  • Climate Action Communities Request For Applications (Last Updated: 9/30/2014 01:47 PM ET)
  • Webinar Presentation for Climate Action Champions 10-9-14 (Last Updated: 10/9/2014 04:54 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF_424_-_Application_for_Financial_Assistance (Last Updated: 9/29/2014 06:27 PM ET)
  • SF_LLL_-_Disclosure_of_Lobbying_Activities (Last Updated: 9/29/2014 06:33 PM ET)
  • Climate Action Champions Application Template (Last Updated: 10/9/2014 05:34 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 10/27/2014 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0001071: Solar Market Pathways

 This FOA was amended on July 8, 2014.   The purpose of this amendment is to add information regarding a waiver of cost share requirements for eligible applicants, and to update the FOA with the changes as described below.

1. In the Executive Summary on page 5, add a brief Cost Share Waiver description;

2. In Section III.B. Cost Sharing, add a detailed Cost Share Waiver description;

3. In Section IV.D.1. Content and Form of the Full Application – Full Application Content and Requirements, add the naming convention for the Technical Volume Workplan;

4. In Section IV.D.2. Content and Form of the Full Application – Technical Volume, add the Data Management Plan to the table; and

5. In Section IV.D.2. Content and Form of the Full Application – Technical Volume, add clarifying language that the Workplan counts toward the Technical Volume’s 25 page limit.

This FOA was amended on June 5, 2014.  The purpose of this amendment is to modify the following dates:

  1. Submission deadline for full applications;
  2. Reviewer comments to applicants;
  3. Submission Deadline for Replies to Reviewer Comments;
  4. Expected date for EERE selection notification.

This funding opportunity seeks to support regional, state, tribal, and locally-driven efforts to develop multi-year solar deployment plans that will help provide business certainty and establish a clear path for the next five to ten years of solar deployment. Specifically, this FOA is intended to enable replicable multi-year strategies that spur significant solar deployment, drive down solar soft costs, support local economic development efforts, and address the potential challenges arising from increased solar penetration on the electrical grid. Awardees are expected to convene stakeholder processes to develop their plan, and subgroups could address specific topics such as the net benefits and costs of solar electricity (to and from the grid), and/or develop solar deployment programs including, but not limited to, commercial property assessed clean energy financing, shared solar, and/or incorporating solar within their emergency response plans. 

The eXCHANGE system is currently designed to enforce hard deadlines for Concept Paper and Full Application submissions.  The APPLY and SUBMIT buttons automatically disable at the defined submission deadlines.  The intention of this design is to consistently enforce a standard deadline for all applicants.

Applicants that experience issues with submissions PRIOR to the FOA Deadline: 

In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance ( ). The eXCHANGE helpdesk &/or the EERE eXCHANGE System Administrators ( ) will assist the Applicant in resolving all issues.




  • Solar Market Pathways Funding Opportunity Announcement - Amendment 000002 (Last Updated: 6/5/2014 03:07 PM ET)
  • Pre-Concept Paper Webinar (Last Updated: 4/29/2014 04:09 PM ET)
  • Pre-Concept Paper Webinar Transcript (Last Updated: 4/22/2014 07:30 PM ET)
  • Full Application Webinar (Last Updated: 6/18/2014 04:38 PM ET)
  • Full Application Webinar Transcript (Last Updated: 6/18/2014 04:42 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424 Application for Financial Assistance (Last Updated: 4/17/2014 10:52 AM ET)
  • EERE 159 - Budget Justification (Last Updated: 4/16/2014 05:03 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Last Updated: 4/17/2014 10:53 AM ET)
  • Summary Slide Template (Last Updated: 6/18/2014 11:05 AM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 5/28/2014 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 7/11/2014 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 8/5/2014 5:00 PM ET – 8/8/2014 5:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0000788: Rooftop Solar Challenge II

The Rooftop Solar Challenge II (RSC II) is a program intended to deploy, at the regional and national scale innovative, local government-level solutions towards eliminating market barriers and lowering the non-hardware balance of system costs (“soft costs”) of grid-tied solar photovoltaics (PV).  Applicants will be expected to have already demonstrated exceptional progress towards achieving soft cost reductions in specific geographic areas, and must present a credible plan to build on these successes by rapidly deploying techniques and tools to achieve larger-scale impact on solar PV markets.  In addition to receiving a rigorous qualitative evaluation, Applicants will be quantitatively assessed and scored during and at the end of the project period according to the DOE Solar Market Maturity Model (SM3).  Applicants are expected to propose a means for achieving the widespread process standardization that is critical to achieving rapid scale-up of PV markets.

Applicants may apply for one of two Topic Areas of awards:

1.      Topic Area A: Wide-Impact Awards:   These awards are intended to fund unique and innovative approaches to local solar PV market transformation, with particular focus on approaches with wide geographic and large population impacts.

2.      Topic Area B: State and Regional-Impact Awards:  These awards are intended to fund efforts to streamline and standardize processes at the state and regional level. 


In accordance with 10 CFR 600.6(b), eligibility for award is restricted to Applicants:

·         Located in the United States; and

·         State or territorial governments; or

·         Local governments; or

·         Consortia, made up of regional or statewide teams of local, governments, large single jurisdictions, or Tribal governments; or

·         Non-profit or for-profit entities authorized to act on behalf of a consortia of state and/or local governments, and 

·         The total population represented or impacted by an Applicant for this FOA must be 1,000,000 or greater as defined by the 2010 report of the U.S. Census Bureau.


Applications must be submitted through the EERE eXCHANGE website to be considered for award. The applicant must first register and create an account on the EERE eXCHANGE website. A User Guide for the EERE eXCHANGE can be found on the EERE website after logging in to the system.


Information on where to submit questions regarding the content of the announcement and where to submit questions regarding submission of applications is found in the full FOA posted on the EERE Exchange website.


  • FULL TEXT: DE-FOA-0000788 - Rooftop Solar Challenge II Amendment 002 (Last Updated: 12/10/2012 03:11 PM ET)
  • Solar Market Maturity Sample Scorecard (Last Updated: 12/20/2012 03:10 PM ET)

Previous Versions

  • SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance (Last Updated: 12/18/2012 06:07 PM ET)
  • SF-424a Budget Information (Last Updated: 12/18/2012 06:09 PM ET)
  • PMC 123.1 Budget Justification (Last Updated: 12/18/2012 06:10 PM ET)
  • NEPA Environmental Checklist (Last Updated: 12/18/2012 06:11 PM ET)
  • SF-LLL Lobbying Form (Last Updated: 12/18/2012 06:12 PM ET)
  • Statement of Project Objectives (Last Updated: 12/18/2012 06:13 PM ET)
  • Statement of Project Objectives Instructions (Last Updated: 12/18/2012 06:14 PM ET)
  • Summary Slide (Last Updated: 12/18/2012 06:15 PM ET)

Contact Information

    For questions regarding the content of the FOA. All questions must be received at least 3 business days prior to each submission deadline.
    For questions regarding the submission of applications through EERE Exchange. All questons must be submitted at least 3 days prior to each submission deadline.

Submission Deadlines

  • Letter of Intent Deadline: 1/25/2013 5:00 PM ET
  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 1/25/2013 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 3/22/2013 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 4/22/2013 8:00 PM ET – 4/24/2013 11:59 PM ET